The Reason I Don't Like Religion

The reason why I, personally, don't like religion is very simple. Religious people don't question what they are told. Why do religious people do that?

Having said that, I've known religious people who question their religion so that they can learn more about it. Those are the smarter ones. ;)
M*W: Yeah, I was one of those christians who not only wanted to learn everything I could about my religion, but I endeavored to gain a mature understanding of it in order to discuss it with clerics of varying denominations. I reached a point in my endeavor where the clerics refused to discuss christianity with me. Either they didn't know the answers, or they didn't want me to ask. I believe it probably was both. Anyway, I'm still trying to learn all I can, and I am finding most of my answers right here on sciforums, where I learned that atheism is right.

Welcome to the Religion forum! I'm sure you will find out 'intelligent community' an interesting place.
The reason why I, personally, don't like religion is very simple. Religious people don't question what they are told. Why do religious people do that?

Having said that, I've known religious people who question their religion so that they can learn more about it. Those are the smarter ones. ;)

Ummm first you state that you don't like religion because the religious people do not question what they are told.

Then you turn around and say in the same post that you have known religious people who do ask questions about what they have been told.

Now is it clear to me that the two statements are in conflict. Because if religious people do not ask questions about what they have been told and this is the reason why you do not like religion. How is it possible that you have come to know religious people who do ask questions about what they have been told????

Either your first statement is correct and religious people do not ask questions about the things they have been told. Or your second statement is correct and you have met religious people who ask questions about what they have been told.

If the second statement is true the first statement is false. And if the first statement is true then the second statement is false.

So what is true and what is false?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Ok, let me redefine.

Faith is the absolute conviction of something being true before it has been materilized.

Faith as it pertains to God is absolute trust in God.

Asking questions of God is not a sign of a lack of faith, It is a sign that one is seeking understanding.

One can trust that a engineering lecturer is telling one the truth about the structural strength of a particular building design. But it is not a show of a lack of faith from a student who has not fully understood the lecturers speech on the design when the student asks for clarification on what the lecturer has said.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Now is it clear to me that the two statements are in conflict. Because if religious people do not ask questions about what they have been told and this is the reason why you do not like religion. How is it possible that you have come to know religious people who do ask questions about what they have been told????
I'm not a one-dimensional being. I know that people are not all the same.
The reason why I, personally, don't like religion is very simple. Religious people don't question what they are told. Why do religious people do that?

Having said that, I've known religious people who question their religion so that they can learn more about it. Those are the smarter ones. ;)

Other than the contradiction in what you just said may i point out:

Questioning your religion is the best way to study it, and can help you to become more faithful. Furthermore, I know a lot of atheists that started questioning, probing and sometimes end up converting, its a journey of intellect and love. When it happens the other way round then that person is clearly easily influenced by society around them and probably was blindly following the faith. But that is not to say they are any less intellectual.

Moreover many intelligent people blindly follow faith as an act of love. Which in theory should allow that spare thinking power (arguing religion) to be used in a more pro-active manner. Love being for most people connected to god - putting oneself last for the benefit of others.
For those that believe no proof is necessary, for those that don't no proof is enough.
Nonsense, of course.
Is there any proof?
As in the scientific type of evidence?

Questioning your religion is the best way to study it, and can help you to become more faithful. Furthermore, I know a lot of atheists that started questioning, probing and sometimes end up converting, its a journey of intellect and love. When it happens the other way round then that person is clearly easily influenced by society around them and probably was blindly following the faith. But that is not to say they are any less intellectual.
So your assumption is that an atheist who questions and converts sees the light, but a believer who questions and becomes atheists is just "clearly easily influenced by society"?
A priori bias before you started typing, maybe?

Moreover many intelligent people blindly follow faith as an act of love.
Blindly following anything is not a good indicator of intelligence.

Love being for most people connected to god - putting oneself last for the benefit of others.
That is so much specious rubbish.
Ill just ignore you from now on.

Oli, its amazing when i come across people like you. So unwittingly relentless with retort. It makes me wonder why you are so cold. Your arguments further suggest you have no love in your life and hatred for anything good AND not proven . Always one to pick out any mistake, don't you realise it is all circumstantial there is an equal an opposite answer to every question.

Your arguments against my love are based on your hate. Your arguments against my fulfillment are fueled by your fear of an abyss. I'm less than half your age, what do you think you are trying achieve by be-littling me online in a petty and unproductive manner. Your ignorance, arrogance and relentless attempts at 'upstaging' are pitiful attempt by satan to spread hate. You just give me more and more reason to see that what i believe in is true.

Sunt mala quae libas; ipse venena bibas.
It makes me wonder why you are so cold.
Keep wondering, maybe one day you'll understand.

Your arguments further suggest you have no love in your life
Oops, another incorrect assumption.

and hatred for anything good AND not proven
Several there...

Always one to pick out any mistake, don't you realise it is all circumstantial there is an equal an opposite answer to every question.
So if it's all circumstantial why state it as FACT?

Your arguments against my love are based on your hate.
Woo, arguments against your love?
Nope against unsupported statements given as fact.
My hate?
How wrong can one guy be?

Your arguments against my fulfillment are fueled by your fear of an abyss.
Leave it out, I'm arguing against you stating (in your own words) circumstantial speculation and perceived experience as incontrovertible fact.
Fear of the abyss?
In fact not at all.

I'm less than half your age, what do you think you are trying achieve by be-littling me online in a petty and unproductive manner.
Hoping (against the available evidence) that you'll learn something.

Your ignorance, arrogance
Already been through this, but you're wrong.

and relentless attempts at 'upstaging'
Oh no, if I were at all interested in "upstaging" you you'd ceratinly know about it.

are pitiful attempt by satan to spread hate.
Now I'm Satan?
Nice try, but we're not even related.

You just give me more and more reason to see that what i believe in is true.
Keep that head buried in the sand, otherwise you might learn something, and that would be dangerous.

Sunt mala quae libas; ipse venena bibas.
Sounds like you've had enough to drink.
A person cannot be satan, but can be used like a ragdoll puppet by him.
You are satans whore.

Ooops, that's possibly an infractionable statement.
But seeing as you're somewhat defective in the reasoning department I'll just have a laugh.
You're good at that.
Again you're spouting speculation as fact.
Ever considered you might be on the wrong forum altogether?
You are satans whore.
Well, isn't THAT special?

Ooops, that's possibly an infractionable statement.
But seeing as you're somewhat defective in the reasoning department I'll just have a laugh.
You're good at that.
Again you're spouting speculation as fact.
Ever considered you might be on the wrong forum altogether?

To you speculation. To me fact. See although a man born blind cannot see the moon doesnt mean it isnt there.
That's the best you can come up with?
It's a fact to you?
Thanks makes it okay to state it as incontrovertibly true?


I do agree with the fact that i cant profess something to being true without proof .
Moreover, The only objective to me explaining my belief is in hope that people will love more and reject evil in the hope i may talk with them in the afterlife.

'Strawman' - what does this mean i have never come across it?
Moreover, The only objective to me explaining my belief is in hope that people will love more and reject evil in the hope i may talk with them in the afterlife.
Again you're assuming; "afterlife"? "Love more"? :shrug:

'Strawman' - what does this mean i have never come across it?
It means that you're introducing something into the argument for the specific purpose of knocking it down when in fact that line of reasoning has nothing whatsoever to do with the original question.

E.g. just because a blind man can't see the moon doesn't mean that he can't verify it by other means.
Your analogy is, presumably, that just because atheists can't "see god" doesn't mean he isn't there.
It's a strawman in that god isn't claimed to have a physically verifiable presence anyway... moon != god.