The Real Truth About Christianity

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: spider, you may be right about the grail. I think it was the womb of MM. The disciple whom Jesus loved has always been thought to be John. The truth is, his most beloved disciple was MM, his wife. Thomas is now thought to be Jesus' twin brother.

Again why should you be right and the christians wrong?

Another thing I hate so much is when people try to sell their hypothesis, guesses & conspiracy theories as "The Truth". damn.
DoctorNO said:
You cant change the past but you can change the future. Christianity has evolved so much since the dark ages. Catholicism has changed. Presently it is a very peaceful, productive, and caring religion. I know so many good religious christians.
M*W: The past must NOT be forgotten! Try telling Jews to forget the Holocaust! Yes, changing the future is possible, and I would like to see a future without the evils of Christianity. Christianity is more evil today than in the Dark Ages. I was a Catholic, and no, it has not changed. There's good Christians out there, just like there's good Pagans and good Atheists.
Why? Without christianity 2 billion people would have to choose between Islam, hinduism, buddhism & secularism. What if the majority of that 2 billion becomes muslims? They would turn this world into afghanistan & saudi arabia. That is not "wonderful". IT IS A NIGHTMARE!
M*W: Why would they have to choose another religion. They'd be better off without one. So, what if they all became Muslims? It's not the Muslim people who would turn the world into Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia, those people were oppressed by an evil government.

Christianity as we know it today is the Antichrist. True Christianity doesn't exist. This is the religion of Paul.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Why would they have to choose another religion. They'd be better off without one.
But most people need religion to have meaning in their lives.

Medicine Woman said:
So, what if they all became Muslims? It's not the Muslim people who would turn the world into Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia, those people were oppressed by an evil government.
Islam makes for an evil government. Just look at the abuses suggested in the Quran & Hadiths. The couple of "not so bad" muslim states today are actually in rebellion to islam.

Medicine Woman said:
Christianity as we know it today is the Antichrist. True Christianity doesn't exist. This is the religion of Paul.

Why? Why? And Why?
DoctorNO said:
But most people need religion to have meaning in their lives.

Islam makes for an evil government. Just look at the abuses suggested in the Quran & Hadiths. The couple of "not so bad" muslim states today are actually in rebellion to islam.

Why? Why? And Why?
M*W: I've stated why I believe Christianity is a false religion started by Paul so many times on this forum that you'll just have to wait for the book to come out.
Organized religion is bad period. It's like a darn self-help book. It's for those that don't feel adequate and NEED to feel as if there's "something more". So long as someone is part of an organized religion, they're going to be following the rules and thoughts of OTHER people, NOT theirs and NOT the almighty God. Reading the Bible, Qu'ran, Torah, or Vedas aren't going to bring you any closer to God. Only you can do that yourself.

The almighty is inside every one of us and that's all that matters. One doesn't need to read one of the various holy books or else they'll never enter the spiritual realm. That's all rubbish to force people to stay with that one religion. Those books are just that; books. It's what you think and feel inside about God that counts and following any of those organized religions is not keeping your thoughts and feelings pure but rather tainting them. Spirituality is an inner-quest -- NOT something someone else can dictate for you.

- N
Neildo said:
Organized religion is bad period. It's like a darn self-help book. It's for those that don't feel adequate and NEED to feel as if there's "something more". So long as someone is part of an organized religion, they're going to be following the rules and thoughts of OTHER people, NOT theirs and NOT the almighty God. Reading the Bible, Qu'ran, Torah, or Vedas aren't going to bring you any closer to God. Only you can do that yourself.

The almighty is inside every one of us and that's all that matters. One doesn't need to read one of the various holy books or else they'll never enter the spiritual realm. That's all rubbish to force people to stay with that one religion. Those books are just that; books. It's what you think and feel inside about God that counts and following any of those organized religions is not keeping your thoughts and feelings pure but rather tainting them. Spirituality is an inner-quest -- NOT something someone else can dictate for you.

- N
M*W: Neildo, I'm so glad to know that you are one of us. I know there are more like you out there who know the truth. Your post did my heart good. I'm so happy that people like you are expressing your spiritual feelings and making it known that there is ANOTHER WAY. You might wish to read Tablidarim and dadubose. We're all of a like mind. There is HOPE for the world. Thank you for being you!
Christianity and Islam, like essentially every other religion, certainly including Communism, serves little purpose beyond justifying the exploitation of the majority by the minority. While Christianity and Islam have motivated people to do good, they have also motivated atrocity after atrocity after atrocity.
M*W: Why does PM need to 'own' a Bible? Do you 'own' a copy of the Qur'an? You're being argumentative.
Yes, I do own what I would call a net copy. I've bookmarked the link to the translation and I'm prepared to lookup surah's if necessary, but I have as of yet rarely attacked the Qur'an. PM, on the other hand, needs to have a copy of the Bible because he is quoting more from his attacks on the Bible than from the Qur'an.
DoctorNO said:
You cant change the past but you can change the future. Christianity has evolved so much since the dark ages. Catholicism has changed. Presently it is a very peaceful, productive, and caring religion. I know so many good religious christians.

Why? Without christianity 2 billion people would have to choose between Islam, hinduism, buddhism & secularism. What if the majority of that 2 billion becomes muslims? They would turn this world into afghanistan & saudi arabia. That is not "wonderful". IT IS A NIGHTMARE!
M*W: Dr. No, Christianity is evil. I'm surprised that you don't know it. Why would humanity need any kind of religion? That defeats the purpose. Humanity is God. No religion is needed. Religion IS A NIGHTMARE!
Medicine Woman said:
§outh§tar said:
"Heresy" was a wonderful charge to level against captives, because only the Church could define it.
M*W: You mean "The Church" as in "Roman Catholic Church?"
The victims were tortured until they confessed, and having confessed they were executed. If they did not confess, then the torture continued until they died anyway. One recorded form of torture was to spread the victim, little by little, with fat (beginning with his feet), and then to roast him alive in sections, limb by limb, over an open fire.
M*W: Another Roman Catholic trickle down Inquisition to the later Protestant sects was to accuse every village midwife and healer, mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, cousins, and all babies at the breast of witchery and murdered 9 million of them--females all! (They didn't get me, I'm 9 million and one!)
The Bible is much more available is it not. Does the Bible preach the alleged torture methods described herein?
M*W: The Bible certainly promotes torture and murder of ALL kinds of people, including Muslims! It has been discussed readily on this forum. Maybe you missed it.
Therefore why pin it on "Christianity"?
M*W: Let's see, now. The twisted Catholic doctrine of the Inquisition had already been "pinned" on Christianity. The Protestant Reformation brought no change to the Inquisition when the Catholic Church published the MALLEUS MALEFICARUM, it was taken aboard Protestant churches as holy protocol. The whole of civilization knows about the horrors of the Inquisition. I wonder fail to see how you can call it an "inane generalization!"
M*W: I have given this a lot of thought, and I think you have some reading to do.

LOL. Are you refuting your own heresy? I copied and pasted it from the site YOU yourself posted just to comment on it.

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Why would they have to choose another religion. They'd be better off without one. So, what if they all became Muslims? It's not the Muslim people who would turn the world into Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia, those people were oppressed by an evil government.

Christianity as we know it today is the Antichrist. True Christianity doesn't exist. This is the religion of Paul.

Ok then, Christianity as "we" know it? What Christianity would that be? Your heresy?

"This is the religion of Paul."
Meaning Paul was a Christian. Gee, what a revelation.

"True Christianity doesn't exist."
Then how do you know what it is? :rolleyes:
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Dr. No, Christianity is evil. I'm surprised that you don't know it. Why would humanity need any kind of religion? That defeats the purpose. Humanity is God. No religion is needed. Religion IS A NIGHTMARE!

Humanity is God?

All we need is a clear head and a real heart.
You will find the answer.
If you love yourself truly, you love everybody and everything else.
If you walk the earth with this within, you will regain your power.
bigal said:
All we need is a clear head and a real heart.
You will find the answer.
If you love yourself truly, you love everybody and everything else.
If you walk the earth with this within, you will regain your power.
M*W: Welcome, bigal! You have the answer.
§outh§tar said:
Ok then, Christianity as "we" know it? What Christianity would that be? Your heresy?

"This is the religion of Paul."
Meaning Paul was a Christian. Gee, what a revelation.

"True Christianity doesn't exist."
Then how do you know what it is? :rolleyes:
M*W: :rolleyes: back at ya. Christianity today is the false religion of Paul, not the spiritual Judaism Jesus spoke of. Jesus was a Rabbi but not God anymore than we are all part of the One Spirit of God. True christianity was a philosophy more than a religion of the early church of James, the brother of Jesus. It was not meant to become a 'religion.' But that was part of the trouble Jesus got into. He was more enlightened than the Jews of the day. Enlightened, but not a dying demigod savior. His 'saviorhood' was attributed to his 'teachings,' which were enlightened that people who learned from his philosophy would realize they already had eternal life by their creation in the image of their creator. Jesus' sacrifice was unnecessary for Atonement. Jews already believed in Yom Kippur. No further sacrifice was needed.

The Christianity of today is a heresy. I cannot be credited with its creation.

Saul/Paul was a self-proclaimed Christian and Apostle. The key word here is 'self-proclaimed.' He never knew Jesus. Never met the man. Paul was a zealot and a rebel. He defied everything Jesus really taught in the Jerusalem church after Jesus was 'gone.' He was a thief, liar, murderer of the Jerusalem church, and like I said, never even knew Jesus. Paul claimed to be a 'self-proclaimed' Apostle, tentmaker, lawyer, Sadducee when it was convenient, Pharisee when it was convenient, a Roman citizen and a Rabbi. The list goes on. Paul created his own form of Christianity outside the Jerusalem church after he stole the church coffers and had James and Stephen killed. Nice guy, this Saul/Paul, who cashed in on the philosophy of the day, coined amulets of Jesus that he sold to people for his own profit by telling them that the amulets would cure illnesses and save their souls depending on what size amulet one bought.

True 'christianity' lived and died with the Jerusalem church. Jesus was more valulable to Paul after he made up the story that JC was the crucified messiah that people wanted to believe in. There's no way, according to scripture, that Jesus could have been the messiah.

The christian faith today evolved from Paul's travels and rantings all over Mesopotamia, to Constantine's 'conversion' from believing he was the "Sun of God" to creating the worship of "Son of God." And on to Rome when the philosophy was split once again. The church of Rome is based on pseudo-Christianity. It is not what Jesus wanted people to believe. It's not what he taught. By making its own rules and regulations, the Church of Rome controlled the masses by fear and became very wealthy. Other schisms of Henry VIII and Martin Luther watered christianity down further. Then came the Inquisition which Paul would have been mighty proud of since he was a well-known misogynist. I don't think his misogyny would have set well with Jesus.

So, here we are today with 25% of the world believing they've been saved by a dying demigod savior from Palestine, but their numbers are dwindling while the other 75% of the world's population don't believe Jesus was anybody's savior. Their numbers are growing. It looks like the Gates of Hell are prevaling quite well over today's christianity.

I hope I have answered your questions.
Unless God is a liar, Jesus is God and He Himself said so in the Bible. You are skipping over this historical information, something that Mohammed could make no claim to.

His 'saviorhood' was attributed to his 'teachings,' which were enlightened that people who learned from his philosophy would realize they already had eternal life by their creation in the image of their creator.

Where did you get that from in the Bible???

Paul experienced a TOTAL washing and became a different person after Jesus entered his life. Do you remember that he was there at Stephen's stoning? And then how do you explain that he left the comforts of his previous life to be beaten, improned and mistreated simply to spread the Gospel of Christ?

Nice "guy, this Saul/Paul, who cashed in on the philosophy of the day, coined amulets of Jesus that he sold to people for his own profit by telling them that the amulets would cure illnesses and save their souls depending on what size amulet one bought.

Is that comment verified by the Bible?

So, here we are today with 25% of the world believing they've been saved by a dying demigod savior from Palestine, but their numbers are dwindling while the other 75% of the world's population don't believe Jesus was anybody's savior. Their numbers are growing. It looks like the Gates of Hell are prevaling quite well over today's christianity.

where do those numbers come from?

The christian faith today evolved from Paul's travels and rantings all over Mesopotamia, to Constantine's 'conversion' from believing he was the "Sun of God" to creating the worship of "Son of God." And on to Rome when the philosophy was split once again. The church of Rome is based on pseudo-Christianity. It is not what Jesus wanted people to believe. It's not what he taught. By making its own rules and regulations, the Church of Rome controlled the masses by fear and became very wealthy. Other schisms of Henry VIII and Martin Luther watered christianity down further. Then came the Inquisition which Paul would have been mighty proud of since he was a well-known misogynist. I don't think his misogyny would have set well with Jesus.

How was Paul a misogynist? What are the discrepancies between the Church of Rome and "what Jesus wanted people to believe"?
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Dr. No, Christianity is evil. I'm surprised that you don't know it. Why would humanity need any kind of religion? That defeats the purpose. Humanity is God. No religion is needed. Religion IS A NIGHTMARE!

That's too bad, considering that the things you believe constitute religion.
MW - why do angrily reject the notion that Islam is evil, instead pinning the abuses of the Saudis and the Afghanis on an evil government, while loudly proclaiming that Christianity is evil, on the basis an ancient, overblown tragedy? Outside of the lunatic ravings of Jack Chick, I've seen 3,000 to 300,000 deaths attributed to the Inquisition. If those are enough to condemn Catholicism to evil, as you're arguing, then what's your opinion on the Hutus?