The real gay agenda?

<i><b>So what the hell does that tell you????? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! *hits head on desk*
Oink, you know... I have tried very hard to think that you aren't looking at this situation as a bigot..but every time you open your mouth.. I can't help but feel that you are.</b></i>
I read this from another source after posting the statistics. When I posted it with the reservation that it does occur in the heterosexual population, I thought that it was a medically accepted terminolgy. It does not really matter though because the diseases can be listed using their proper medical names.

<i><b>Why don't we break the groups down to those who are within 5 years one another's age..can that be beneficial opposed to those who are 10 plus years more of one another's age... How about those who come from middle class vs lower..and so on and so on... you keep at it okin, what will be left???? </b></i>
We managed do that with abortion haven't we?

I'm so sick and tired of hearing your, "until you can prove to me same sex marriage is beneficial to society then I don't see it being WORTHY to be equal to heterosexual marriage" AHHHHHHH this is soooooooooo fucking insane, okin!!!!! </b></i>
I believe you are misquoting me. To prove to me that gay marriages are equal, you would have to show me evidence. The worth of gay marriages should have no bearing on whether you can actually show me the evidence.

Well, Okin.. I think that was pretty uncaring to ask such questions of a homosexual. Maybe for once if you could break out of your religious dogmatic bubble and try to put yourself in another's shoes</b></i>
I'm being uncaring? Mystech has consistently labeled anyone who opposes him as a bigot. In fact, if someone was to say they would rather wait until more evidence comes from same-sex marriages in Canada that would still make them a bigot right?
Originally posted by okinrus

I read this from another source after posting the statistics. When I posted it with the reservation that it does occur in the heterosexual population, I thought that it was a medically accepted terminolgy. It does not really matter though because the diseases can be listed using their proper medical names.

It hadn’t once occurred to you that medical terms are not named in such blatantly derogatory manners? Or did you honestly believe that there was some illness which effected only homosexual men’s asses? Are you really that diluted? Is there any hope at all for you?

Originally posted by okinrus
I'm being uncaring? Mystech has consistently labeled anyone who opposes him as a bigot.

Not only uncaring but close minded and overly authoritative. I label those who oppose me bigots as their arguments and desire to oppose me are derived from a hatred of homosexuals, and not genuine rational conserns reguarding the reality of homosexual issues. It's always seemed like a good enough reason to me.

Originally posted by okinrus
In fact, if someone was to say they would rather wait until more evidence comes from same-sex marriages in Canada that would still make them a bigot right?

I wouldn't call you a bigot for suggesting we wait to observe Canada. I would, however say that you are acting like a self important ass who is overstepping his boundaries. I have a right to equal protection under the law, and I have it right now, as I had it from the time that I was born, and every minuet that I live in a world with such hypocrisy as to smile and promise that protection while denying it to me is a mockery of justice. Homosexual marriage is not a right to be granted at this point, it is already ours by way of moral justice, we just need those who disagree to finally step aside. To patronize me by trying to take some sort of fatherly role to my over exuberant child-role and suggest that we wait and see how things go before you LET me have my entitlements is infuriating to me. But then again I've shown myself to be a complete waco when it comes to this issue, and probably wouldn't be satisfied until those in my way move aside, get on their knees and issue a formal apology for all the trouble they've put me through. This is really a ridiculous issue and I guess that sinks in a little more each day.

Let my people go! (It's midnight, so I get to claim the right of moses complex, thank you. It's been a long day and I hope you don't mind if I feel like being a little silly).
<i><b>It hadn’t once occurred to you that medical terms are not named in such blatantly derogatory manners? Or did you honestly believe that there was some illness which effected only homosexual men’s asses? Are you really that diluted? Is there any hope at all for you?</b></i>
One of the authors that I read was a doctor in the AIDS crisis years. He must have used the term "gay bowel disease" only because that was the terminology that they used. Most medical listing of words will define "gay bowel disease".

<b><i>Not only uncaring but close minded and overly authoritative. I label those who oppose me bigots as their arguments and desire to oppose me are derived from a hatred of homosexuals, and not genuine rational conserns reguarding the reality of homosexual issues. It's always seemed like a good enough reason to me.</i></b>
This is untrue. I care for you but we have a different opionion on what is healthy.
Originally posted by okinrus
I care for you but we have a different opionion on what is healthy.

I submit that you do, in fact, not care for him. He has a constitutional right to fair and equal protection under the law, he is not getting it, you champion this deprivation. Youve got a funny way of sayin "I love ya."