the real collusion investigation.

Funny how simple physical reality looks like a slavering, vicious dog to some folks.

It does make a certain amount of sense - it is going to bite them in the ass, for one thing - but one would expect a pause for thought, somewhere in there. How did they get into a position where simple and observably true aspects of physical reality read as rabid threats?

Look: Nobody actually thinks Trump's "reasons" for sending soldiers to the border

- to cheers from the Republican voting base (yesteryear's obsession with the Posse Comitatus act they carried in their pockets being consigned to the Republican Amnesia Closet, where it will remain until a Democrat sits in the White House - )

had anything to do with Trump's reasoned and informed strategical assessment of his legal and Constitutional powers in the performance of his official duties. Trump hasn't read any of that stuff, knows nothing about his duties of office, doesn't care about them, and everybody knows that. Everybody. Sculptor knows that.

Why this silly tiptoe, this PC intolerance of direct description of what's right there in front of us all?
10 usc 2808 allows for the use of any $ earmarked for military construction(including that for housing) to build a wall to protect the troops
-------------a decision to be made at the discretion of the secretary of defense
ok the use of that law for trump's purpose is a bit of a stretch
the Posse Comitatus act forbids the use of the military to quell civil unrest-------(protecting the borders is outside that law)
while allowing the old common law provision that authorized the sheriff to call up any and all able bodied citizens to maintain law and order.
ice you are consistently and radically one sided when it comes to politics
ergo the rabid yellow dog
ok the use of that law for trump's purpose is a bit of a stretch
The idea that Trump knows anything about any such law, or bases anything he does on such laws, has no basis in evidence or reason.
ice you are consistently and radically one sided when it comes to politics
There is no such "side", for me to be on.
You are in general taking physical reality for a "side". That should sit you up a bit - is labeling physical fact and circumstance a "side" something you are comfortable doing?

In this specific case there is the political faction that has moved into and coopted the Republican Party, together with its media wing and political reps and demagogue President and voting base and so forth, and there is everybody else.
Everybody else is not a "side".

What I am in this case is consistently and "radically" opposed to the American fascist movement that has taken over the Republican Party. I oppose it on leftwing and rightwing grounds, from liberal, libertarian, and conservative viewpoints, on pragmatic and theoretical grounds, on the forum relevant grounds that it is corrupting American science, and so forth. All of the above, and other.

If you call that fascist movement a "side", you can draw the valid conclusion that I am consistently and radically opposed to that "one side". That is all.

To claim that puts me on some one and singular other "side" is to deny the existence of all the sides that oppose fascism in American politics and therefore the Republican Party in aggregate - that is a Republican Party line rhetorical tactic, it is central to the "bothsides" propaganda repetition, and it is bullshit.

Bothsides is bullshit.
Flynn fired his lawyers and is pleading innocent.
He has nothing to lose by dragging things out, putting obstacles in the way of the ongoing investigation he had agreed to cooperate with, and adopting the Big Lie strategy.
As long as Trump has not been brought under articles of impeachment, Flynn might even get a pardon. He can certainly benefit from Trump's continuing obstruction of justice - it interferes with Flynn's prosecution as well as the rest.
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Biden helped his son make millions off a Ukranian oil business. He withheld aid unless they stopped the investigation against the company his son was on the board of.
Biden helped his son make millions off a Ukranian oil business. He withheld aid unless they stopped the investigation against the company his son was on the board of.

'Corruption in Plain Sight': Jared Kushner Firm Took in $90 Million From Unnamed Foreign Entities Since 2017
"It will cause people to wonder whether he is being improperly influenced."

Eoin Higgins, staff writer

The latest scandal from the President Donald Trump administration involves secretive foreign investments in a company in which the president's son-in-law and advisor Jared Kushner has a stake.

As The Guardian reported Monday, real estate speculation corporation Cadre, which was co-founded by Kushner, has received at least $90 million in overseas capital since 2017.

"Corruption in plain sight!" tweeted journalist Rula Jebreal.

But that's OK because it's Trump's son.
Biden helped his son make millions off a Ukranian oil business. He withheld aid unless they stopped the investigation against the company his son was on the board of.
I think Biden is a compromised rightwing authoritarian far too closely allied to financial and other corporate interests, especially including international ones. He was Senator from Delaware, for chrissake - US home of the PO Box corporate headquarters.
That said, given your track record, that's bullshit sight unseen. Without checking, just on the source and the language, my money says what you have posted there is at least partly a material falsehood and totally a suggested one - not true as written.
Want to take my money? I'll do the netsearch (your stuff blows up in five minutes, on average).
'Corruption in Plain Sight': Jared Kushner Firm Took in $90 Million From Unnamed Foreign Entities Since 2017
"It will cause people to wonder whether he is being improperly influenced."

Eoin Higgins, staff writer

The latest scandal from the President Donald Trump administration involves secretive foreign investments in a company in which the president's son-in-law and advisor Jared Kushner has a stake.

As The Guardian reported Monday, real estate speculation corporation Cadre, which was co-founded by Kushner, has received at least $90 million in overseas capital since 2017.

"Corruption in plain sight!" tweeted journalist Rula Jebreal.

But that's OK because it's Trump's son.
No blackmail required.
Right. Just corruption and nepotism in plain sight.
There are other assumptions one could make.

You know what. You were right all along. I'm voting for Biden now because he will cure cancer. I'm sorry I never should have challenged your supreme trust in... Whatever you believe in.
There are other assumptions one could make.
Like blackmail - which has been set up, on Jared.
That's probably why he couldn't get a security clearance without at Presidential override - he's too vulnerable. The people he's dealing with have kept records.
Say what you will about fox, but they did fund Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey by Neil deGrasse Tyson
Money talks. Say what you will about Fox, but they have money.

And in return for that money Tyson allowed them to use his respectability for their image - just as too many Dem politicians and freelance pundits have and will.

Legitimacy, respectability, a reputation for integrity - they need it to sell their message, and they can't get it for themselves. They have to find a willing donor.

Tyson is hard to blame - he's trying to reach an audience, not win an election - but there's no reason to avoid noticing what Fox gets from such deals.
Tyson is hard to blame - he's trying to reach an audience, not win an election - but there's no reason to avoid noticing what Fox gets from such deals.
Neil deGrasse Tyson chose fox over public television and/or national geography tv because fox offered him easier funding and more freedom for the project.
If fox got something in return------ok, they earned it.
If fox got something in return------ok, they earned it.
That's not possible.

They did not - cannot - "earn" legitimacy, respectability, and a good name, by such efforts.

They bribed Tyson to donate his good name to their image. That's a standard propaganda technique.