The real "code," but was it Da Vinci's?

Well the Dossiers Secrètes were basically the impetus for the entire thing. Lincoln and his group started right from there and all their interpretations follow from that presumption, as they admit themselves, more or less. Everything they write in Holy Blood Holy Grail is contigent on the Dossiers - read it and you'll see how they push that point. So you could say the entire thing springs from bollocks.

Is there some secret buried in the past about all this? Quite possibly. But Lincoln et al., and Brown, who rides on their coattails, are horribly off on their assumptions.

charles cure said:
the modern priory probably was a hoax. but i still don't think the issue is as cut and dry as you present it.
you know what else is funny, I've always heard that the Priory was a hoax, but I've never seen how it was demonstrated that it was a hoax, other than proving what everybody already takes as fact - that plantard wrote and placed the Dossiers Secretes.

I've heard that the stories about King Arthur were just stories, but I haven't seen any proof that he didn't actually exist. There is of course a distint lack of proof that he did, but it's suuuuuuch a nice story. :bugeye:

Hmmm, you really want to believe in these mythical beings don't you CC? I wonder what it is that drives this need to believe despite any 'evidence'? You have the theist gene, but you are misusing it!

Meanwhile, I would like green as my wedding 'colour' theme.
Whoops now I'm flipping sides.

I think Arthur may really have existed, after a fashion. Geoffrey of Monmouth was pretty certain he did, but of course the guy hyped up the legends. Arthur was probably Arturius or Artur, a British warlord that fought the Saxons. And there apparently was a burst of naming of people "Arthur" around the period he was supposed to have lived. Apparently the church didn't like him either and I've read that one bishop called him "the enemy of God", possibly since he levied taxes on the church. Anyway, that's all from Bernard Cornwell.

(not of Monmouth)
GeoffP said:
Whoops now I'm flipping sides.

I think Arthur may really have existed, after a fashion. Geoffrey of Monmouth was pretty certain he did, but of course the guy hyped up the legends. Arthur was probably Arturius or Artur, a British warlord that fought the Saxons. Geoff
(not of Monmouth)

Nooooooooooo, this was most likely whre some of the inspiration for the book idea came from.

It would appear that people (oops SOME people) have their weak spots when it comes to belief. For some its religion, for CC it's non-existant codes and the mythical Priory, for you its a fictional story called King Arthur.

Interesting...........May I have your brains please, it appears they are not of much use to you ;) I would like to study this 'belief' gene first hand.
Theoryofrelativity said:
I've heard that the stories about King Arthur were just stories, but I haven't seen any proof that he didn't actually exist. There is of course a distint lack of proof that he did, but it's suuuuuuch a nice story. :bugeye:

Hmmm, you really want to believe in these mythical beings don't you CC? I wonder what it is that drives this need to believe despite any 'evidence'? You have the theist gene, but you are misusing it!

Meanwhile, I would like green as my wedding 'colour' theme.

my my. i seriously can't believe you sometimes future wife. what i was trying to say was that everybody keeps saying that the Priory of Sion has been conclusively proven to be a hoax, but I haven't seen that evidence. it doesn't mean its not out there, it just means everyone who has said it here hasn't provided a link or a reference to how that was done. plus, you have to make a differentiation between the society that was started long ago, and the one that pierre plantard de st. clair supposedly was in charge of before he died. i think that they are two distinctly different things, and there is historical evidence to support that little theory.

green sounds good to me though, it really brings out my eyes.
GeoffP said:
Well the Dossiers Secrètes were basically the impetus for the entire thing. Lincoln and his group started right from there and all their interpretations follow from that presumption, as they admit themselves, more or less. Everything they write in Holy Blood Holy Grail is contigent on the Dossiers - read it and you'll see how they push that point. So you could say the entire thing springs from bollocks.

Is there some secret buried in the past about all this? Quite possibly. But Lincoln et al., and Brown, who rides on their coattails, are horribly off on their assumptions.


i've actually read HBHG more than once, and i agree that that is mostly the case, but they do come up with what i think is a convincing thesis that the society that pierre plantard claimed to be the leader of and the historical priory of sion are two completely different things. i think it entirely possible that plantard grabbed ahold of the idea of the priory and decided to revive it and create a little false history for himself. that's a lot more plausible than him having created it out of thin air. especially since i think the HBHG guys and some other authors have found some third party mentions of the old priory in other historical documents. i mean, for all intents and purposes, Dan Brown's idea is ridiculous for many more reasons other than the fact that the modern priory of sion is a bad joke.
Theoryofrelativity said:
Indeed it does, red and green go beautifully together ;)

festive colors too, maybe we should set the date around xmas.
Theoryofrelativity said:
Nooooooooooo, this was most likely whre some of the inspiration for the book idea came from.

Meh? Not following you. Geoffrey of Monmouth is an historical commentator, and a respect one (though I've seen at least one guy take the piss out of him a bit). If Geoffy reports it...and some guy writes a book based on it...hmm? Howzat fiction?

Interesting...........May I have your brains please, it appears they are not of much use to you ;) I would like to study this 'belief' gene first hand.

? Thou darest engage in a slogging match with me, thou who hast an avatar of women fucking sheep? Verily I tell you, a goat and a man will not butt their heads together about your imminent e-destruction.

Besides, you couldn't afford my brains. Hell, my thinking alone is valued at over $100/hr. now owe me $1.67. :bugeye:

Geoffrey of Monmouth is an historical commentator, and a respect one
In which countries? I bought my copy of Historia Regum Britanniae at age 11 and knew it was drivel then. Try"&meta=&btnG=Google+Search
Here's one of the nicest things said about him one of those links
Next was Historia Regum Britanniae (History of the Kings of Britain), the work best known to modern readers. It claims to relate the history of Britain down to the 7th century, but was in fact a work of fiction. (John Morris in The Age of Arthur calls it a deliberate spoof.)
GeoffP said:
? Thou darest engage in a slogging match with me, thou who hast an avatar of women fucking sheep? Verily I tell you, a goat and a man will not butt their heads together about your imminent e-destruction.

Besides, you couldn't afford my brains. Hell, my thinking alone is valued at over $100/hr. now owe me $1.67. :bugeye:


charles cure said:
festive colors too, maybe we should set the date around xmas.

Xmas is not good for me , I suffer from seasonal affective disorder (S.A.D) also I am now thinking I must create new religion so that my new beau who has come to court me (evidence see here above) can be included in the ceremony. Lets see, CC Mondays, Tuesdays,Wednesdays, Geoff Thursdays,Fridays and Saturday, that leaves Sunday free, so as special treat Roman. He doesn't know yet...but I think 3 is a good round figure.

Now back to matters at rephrase........back to topic of thread...note King Arthur Not subject of thread, if you would like to start thread Geoff I will happily invade and make merry in it!

I think that the existance of a priory is far too entertaining an idea to be real. Life just is not that interesting. Also, people are just not that trustworthy, their covers would have been blown, soneone would have betrayed them and so on and so forth. Not much stays secret for long.
Theoryofrelativity said:
Xmas is not good for me , I suffer from seasonal affective disorder (S.A.D) also I am now thinking I must create new religion so that my new beau who has come to court me (evidence see here above) can be included in the ceremony. Lets see, CC Mondays, Tuesdays,Wednesdays, Geoff Thursdays,Fridays and Saturday, that leaves Sunday free, so as special treat Roman. He doesn't know yet...but I think 3 is a good round figure.

Now back to matters at rephrase........back to topic of thread...note King Arthur Not subject of thread, if you would like to start thread Geoff I will happily invade and make merry in it!

I think that the existance of a priory is far too entertaining an idea to be real. Life just is not that interesting. Also, people are just not that trustworthy, their covers would have been blown, soneone would have betrayed them and so on and so forth. Not much stays secret for long.

two things:

1. i don't share women. maybe if you were more...i don't know...atheist, i would be able to entertain the notion. but as you laid it out, i'll allow the army of turbo-nerds slobbering at your feet because you're the hottest girl to set "foot" on their message board to have you free and clear. too bad though, i'm sure we would have fought to the death on our honeymoon.

2. i don't think the priory had anything to do with the bloodline of jesus other than perpetuating that myth in order to help get a member of the Merovingian dynasty back on the throne of france. i think its existence would have had political ends that didn't ultimately have much to do with religion.
charles cure said:
two things:

1. i don't share women. maybe if you were more...i don't know...atheist, i would be able to entertain the notion. but as you laid it out, i'll allow the army of turbo-nerds slobbering at your feet because you're the hottest girl to set "foot" on their message board to have you free and clear. too bad though, i'm sure we would have fought to the death on our honeymoon.


Now technically, (as you know I hate to argue!) if we were fighting to the death on honeymoon, that could mean no sharing, after your death, I would then be free to consumate with my other beau's. If in the unlikely event I lost, you would then be free to 'go forth and multiply'. Joyous in the knowledge you'd had the best night of your life, but sad it was so brief, but happy it was not shared, but sad it could not be repeated, but happy .......

Yeh maybe not a good plan. Marriage is off. :mad:
Theoryofrelativity said:
Now technically, (as you know I hate to argue!) if we were fighting to the death on honeymoon, that could mean no sharing, after your death, I would then be free to consumate with my other beau's. If in the unlikely event I lost, you would then be free to 'go forth and multiply'. Joyous in the knowledge you'd had the best night of your life, but sad it was so brief, but happy it was not shared, but sad it could not be repeated, but happy .......

Yeh maybe not a good plan. Marriage is off. :mad:

yeah, rough stuff. it's killing me inside.