The Quranic principle of "honoring Man", where the recital is knowledge

OK, I will endeavor to understand your statement in context. God creates us without knowledge, gives us knowledge over the objections of the angels, and we consider this an honor.

What is the value this is supposed to represent?
either you are kidding, and just spending your leisure time here (so i ask you kindly to save your comments), or really do not understand any thing. so i ask you kindly to save your comments.
Excuse me? That was not the answer I expected. Did I summarize the situation correctly or not?

I interpret the story differently.

There are great barriers to gaining knowledge. But due to circumstances, we gain knowledge anyway, beating the odds. So, we value that. The mythology of the fruit of the tree of knowledge must be a metaphor.
Beauty doesn't convince me of anything. The only thing that matters here is truth. If there is no God, then there is no honor in granting knowledge to human beings. We got it ourselves. Even if there is a God that gave us knowledge, I still don't respect him or worship him because he also created evil. In your texts, he is lording over everyone and judging them, and he has no right to do that. I don't want or need a dictator watching over me, playing with me, making me suffer for his own amusement. The common name for such a person is a psychopath.
when i asked you to save your comments, i asked you that because you are not following the logic at all.
extracting a piece of the picture through which you explain the whole picture does not look logic to me at all. this article was just a comparison between the quranic and the biblical view of Man, the vision of his existence in this universe, and the basis of his existence that is established - in Quran only - upon knowledge. a scene where religion & science peacefully meet each other - or rather - integrate to each other .
you will never be able to judge a whole religion from one simple scene. so again, you have to study the whole picture before screaming loudly denying what you do not know about.

second, you do not recognize Beauty in judging the truth? you must be kidding. if you are a physicist or chemist, you would know the extreme importance of the beauty of this premise or that, in choosing the road through which you go first to reach the truth in your researches. according to sir james jeans the author of "physics & philosophy" that in general, the beautiful premise is the correct one.

third : with due respect to you sir, what a silly saying that you repeated without thinking "because he created Evil". what did you mean by saying "he created"? is Evil a creature?. if you stopped for one second and thought of it, Evil gives you the freedom of choice and many other Good aspects of existence. you may ask, why not we have the choice between what is good and what is better?. yes you are correct. be that way you are having the narrowest margin of freedom of choice. when you are prepared to be able to do Good and Evil,when you have the ability to do the best and the worst, then you have the widest margin of freedom of choice.
oh, one more thing in this point. you should stop fooling your self, and start to understand that you have a very wide margin of freedom. even with the existence of Evil..... do you have to do it? ........ silly !

use your mind for one second. what if you manufactured a machine, a marvelous machine? are not you the best one to give the manual of its best use? do not you have the right on the machine to obey you ? specially if you gave it a great margin of freedom, and only asked it not to do this form of Evil or that? do not you have the right on your car when you steer its driving wheel to follow your will?

lastly, again, do not copy and paste your believes (religious or philosophical) here. they might be wrong. study the new paradigm from A to Z first. then after acquiring the whole picture, judge. if you are not able to do so, i recommend you to stop running between forums, claiming you are a faithful thinker and burden others with empty comments.
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do not you have the right on the machine to obey you ?

A machine isnt sentient. A conscious agent affects both the causality and the morality of a situation and as such, the comparision is flawed. You own your car but you dont own your child.
if you understand English, example means example. it might be extracted from a reality (an event or accident) or could be taken from a tale of Hans christian Anderson.
of course it is not an exact example the way you required it to be. because you are not a machine, and Creator is not you.
the main point is, wherever there is a product, the product is pretty urged to follow the manual provided by the manufacturer.
think .....!

best regards
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