The Quran speaks of an 18.25 billion years old universe started by a Big Bang

re: Flores:

There is no benefit of arguing with you Anymore, I posted you numerous verses from the Noble Quran CLEARLY 'ORDERING' you to follow the prophet (pbuh) but you chose to ignore all of them...

I have nothing to do with you anymore...


''And whatsoever the Messenger(Muhammad) gives you, take it, and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain (from it), and fear Allah. Verily, Allah is Severe in punishment." (59:7)
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
''And whatsoever the Messenger(Muhammad) gives you, take it, and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain (from it), and fear Allah. Verily, Allah is Severe in punishment." (59:7)

I like your quote, actually I like it a lot, too bad you're not following it. It specifically say, what the prophet gives let's examine

Look at the Hadith one more time and see if the Prophet really gave us anything beside the Quran.

Note the beginning of every Hadith. narrated by another person who said that the prophet have said.

Look at this example,
(39) It has been narrated on the authority of the authority of 'Abdullah ibn 'Amr ibn al-'As ra that Rasulullah saw said : "The world is but a provision and the best provision of the world is a pious and virtous woman ". (Muslim)

Who is the authority of the authority...Who is abdullah ibn Amr bin al Asra....God never told me to listen to that guy.


(74) From Amr b. Shu'aib, from his father, from his grandfather, who said : Rasulullah s.a.w said :"Prescribe prayers to your children when they are seven years of age, and punish them (if they do not say them) when they are ten years old of age, and separate their beds (at that age)". ( Abu Dawud )

Who is Amr Shuaib, and why is he reporting from his father, who reported from the grandfather...WHy didn't the father report directly, why didn't the grandfather report directly? And does the Quran tells me to listen to Amr Shuaib?

So you are pretty much relying on Abu Lahab and Ibn Kazab to tell you what the prophet might have said. If the prophet wanted to tell us something, he would have said it straight without the middle man of Abu Homar Ya Ibn el Gahsh.:D
Allah is sever in punishment ....oooooh I am afraid .....


Sounds like some advertisement for a 1-900-Dominatrix ...:p

Why do religions have to scare people in to believing them or give rosy after life pictures to entice people.

Coming back to the topic of discussion ....What if an Alien comes from a planet which has 50000 earthly years equal to one of his years ...will you start believing in him as Allah's messenger....
There is no logic to religious teachings which have been corrupted by preachers to fit every age .... I am sure once they come up with the exact age of the universe you guys will hit Koran to come up with a new equation ....and I am sure it will somehow fit the 1000 years ...50000 years ...and divided by Number of Mohammed's wives ...etc....

Gosh !! Man Wake up and Smell the 21st Century ....

No Disrespect to your religion ..but I am surely questioning your sanity...