Quantum mechanics is based almost entirely Schrodinger’s wave equation and later the Schrodinger wave function. What is the difference? A wave function is a mathematical function of the state coordinates of some system that represents a “complete description” of that system in quantum mechanics. The Schrödinger equation is a differential equation that describes how the wave function evolves in time. At the time that Schrodinger got interested in quantum mechanics the big question of the day was how atoms could exist. According to calculations made by Larmor an Irish physicist, the electron which is a charged particle should radiate away all of its energy and fall into the nucleus in 10 pico seconds (Ten trillionths of a second) as a corollary to this: matter, you and I, the solar system, the Universe itself should not exist. It was a problem. Around this time a young physics graduate from France by the name of Louis De Broglie introduced the idea of wave-particle duality. Schrodinger was immediately smitten by this idea and began to formulate an equation that would depict the electron as a standing wave (i.e., a wave-packet).
The wave packet model of the electron suggested by Schrodinger enjoyed a runaway success when it was first introduced. However, it was soon realised that Schrodinger’s wave equation could only describe the hydrogen atom with its single electron. When attempts were made to expand the theory to the atoms of other elements, disaster struck. This was because, a multi-dimensional space was required for this 'standing wave' model of the electron. Helium with its two electrons required a 6-dimensional space, lithium with three electrons got 9 dimensions and uranium with 92 electrons needed 276 dimensions. These were real spatial dimensions not degrees of freedom. What is the difference? There can be an infinite number of degrees of freedom, for instance the distance between the base of the nose and the lip (philtrum) is used as a degree of freedom in face recognition software. Returning to the 3n dimensions required by the Schrodinger equation it is mind boggling to think that if Uranium with its 92 electrons needs 276 dimensions to describe, what would happen when the same Schrodinger wave function is used to describe the propagation of light (n.b: it is so used). The inescapable conclusion is that an infinite number of dimensions would be needed, if one is tempted to think in terms of degrees of freedom. Here is a quote from Max Born: The Father of quantum mechanics:
“We have two possibilities. Either we use waves in space of more than three dimensions…..or we remain in three dimensional space, but give up the simple picture of the wave amplitude as an ordinary physical magnitude , and replace it with a purely mathematical concept into which we cannot enter.” Yet one has to wonder how something that can be ethically unacceptable in the ‘real’ world can be perfectly justifiable in the abstract ‘mathematical’ world. …. " Max Born
Surely, such insanely difficult obstacles should convince any reasonable sane person to try other solutions? Also think about how acceptable the'abstract 'mathematical world' described by Max Born is to describe reality.
The point is no matter how many and how varied are the solutions suggested to solve this problem such as the Fock-Hartree theory or the DFT (Density Functional Theory) nothing lessens the immensity of infinite multiple dimensions. Surely other better solutions must exist. But physicists smug in their own invincibility do not wish to examine other possibilities.
The wave packet model of the electron suggested by Schrodinger enjoyed a runaway success when it was first introduced. However, it was soon realised that Schrodinger’s wave equation could only describe the hydrogen atom with its single electron. When attempts were made to expand the theory to the atoms of other elements, disaster struck. This was because, a multi-dimensional space was required for this 'standing wave' model of the electron. Helium with its two electrons required a 6-dimensional space, lithium with three electrons got 9 dimensions and uranium with 92 electrons needed 276 dimensions. These were real spatial dimensions not degrees of freedom. What is the difference? There can be an infinite number of degrees of freedom, for instance the distance between the base of the nose and the lip (philtrum) is used as a degree of freedom in face recognition software. Returning to the 3n dimensions required by the Schrodinger equation it is mind boggling to think that if Uranium with its 92 electrons needs 276 dimensions to describe, what would happen when the same Schrodinger wave function is used to describe the propagation of light (n.b: it is so used). The inescapable conclusion is that an infinite number of dimensions would be needed, if one is tempted to think in terms of degrees of freedom. Here is a quote from Max Born: The Father of quantum mechanics:
“We have two possibilities. Either we use waves in space of more than three dimensions…..or we remain in three dimensional space, but give up the simple picture of the wave amplitude as an ordinary physical magnitude , and replace it with a purely mathematical concept into which we cannot enter.” Yet one has to wonder how something that can be ethically unacceptable in the ‘real’ world can be perfectly justifiable in the abstract ‘mathematical’ world. …. " Max Born
Surely, such insanely difficult obstacles should convince any reasonable sane person to try other solutions? Also think about how acceptable the'abstract 'mathematical world' described by Max Born is to describe reality.
The point is no matter how many and how varied are the solutions suggested to solve this problem such as the Fock-Hartree theory or the DFT (Density Functional Theory) nothing lessens the immensity of infinite multiple dimensions. Surely other better solutions must exist. But physicists smug in their own invincibility do not wish to examine other possibilities.