The Quantum God

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HOw was this # arrived at?

Eh? :bugeye:

Qoute One is mine. Qoute Two is James.

My answer:

I did actualy learn at college doing physics that the laws of uncertainty needed to be preserved, or it would would disintegrate all matter. But this format was actually more put together after discussions with Dr. Fred A. Wolf, and he also knows that to know only a fraction or more particles out of all the particles in the universe would cause extreem violence; i only added a mored detailed description, and used this arguement against an all-knowing being... but i have also shown that it might be defied another way.

... hence...

''To know such knowledge would be disastrous for our universe; it would cause extreme violence. The uncertainty principle states that some of the particles in our universe are potentially volatile. This means that certain particles have explosive tendencies. Even an amount of 10^15 particles would be sufficient in ultimately annihilating our universe in one swift flash of energy, sending our universe back whence it came.
So, the question is, can an all-knowing God be correct? To know the location and path of 10^15 particles at any given time would destroy our universe - God would need to be ignorant of certain atomic behavior. ''

and i gave a solution:

''You can defy the uncertainty principle, have simultaneous knowledge of a particles path and position, whilst still remaining in the present....


Albert, Aharanov and D'Amato (ADD) point out a totally intelligent format of knowledge. If one makes a measurement of a particle in the past, they inform us, and another measurement of the momentum of the particle in the future, then one can have both records in the present with absolute certainty!!!

Is this what God does, and IF IT IS, then the paradox can be removable? ''

This is highly scientific stuff you know. I wouldn't pull such knowledge out my arse.
I understand your question better now.

Answer: God needs to be self-consistant... therefore, God cannot be outside His own rules. He must abide by quantum mechanics.

That assumes that God is limited by the rules he has set for His creation, The Universe.

God is not bound to the universe or the laws that govern its function.

If you like God is separate from time/space while interacting with the spirits that He has linked to time/space.

The rules of Quantum mechanics are rules limited to the universe system, Not what is outside the universe.

The second paradox arises when one takes into consideration when measuring an energy of a system. To measure the energy of any system, you need to be separate of it. In Relativity, it indicates that there is no outside to our universe. All that counts, exists inside of it. In just this case, how can anyone measure the energy of the universe, when one needs to be outside to measure it? To do so, God would need to be able to measure Himself/Herself simultaneously;

This shows the base thinking behind the theory, but the base thinking needs God to be a part of the universe He created and that is where the basic error has happened.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
If that is the case, then if God can be outside His own rules, then He must be able to sin?

My God needs to be within the boundaries of Quantum Mechanics, and so would any self-respected theory of God.
If that is the case, then if God can be outside His own rules, then He must be able to sin?

Sin is a transgression against the Will of God.

God will always do what He wills to Do.

My God needs to be within the boundaries of Quantum Mechanics, and so would any self-respected theory of God.

Your God does not exist. And what one respects or disrespects is irrelevant to what actually is.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
After all, no one of us is always right. Right? :)

here you were wrong
reiku has good intentions and is passionate about shit
it was very strange to watch this

reiku was good natured about it
i would have freaked out and bashed you very, very hard

essentially you are asking us to respond to every piece of garbage that is thrown our way

why? because you cannot tell the difference. we are made to suffer for your ignorance. it will be an untenable situation
if you are sci, you have just pushed the self destruct button

if you intend to keep on this...."trumpeting"...ja, you forced reiku to answer. go over to politics. plenty of action there. in pseudo you will be "imploring" your mods to respond.....its gonna get real wacky

i have an idea.
get another handle

"All conflicts between science and religion have all sprung from deadly errors."

sure. errors made by religion
see? nothing to it

If you are classing astrology and numerology as "sciences," then you've just revealed yourself as pseudoscientific. The preceding bunk written about quantum physics, wave functions, yada, yada are pure pseudoscientific nonsense. Holographic universes & string theory... great cocktail party conversations but not worth the pixels they're typed in with regard to discussions about whatever god you're seeking to appeal to.

do expand (with citations please)
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Yes... God is an imperfect being... and He cannot admit it... or he might, if we had ears to hear...
Sin is a transgression against the Will of God.

God will always do what He wills to Do.

Your God does not exist. And what one respects or disrespects is irrelevant to what actually is.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

My God, is your God. It's just that your vision of Him is impaired. Don't worry, i shall pray that he blesses you with sight.
here you were wrong
reiku has good intentions and is passionate about shit
it was very strange to watch this

reiku was good natured about it
i would have freaked out and bashed you very, very hard

essentially you are asking us to respond to every piece of garbage that is thrown our way

why? because you cannot tell the difference. we are made to suffer for your ignorance. it will be an untenable situation
if you are sci, you have just pushed the self destruct button

if you intend to keep on this...."trumpeting"...ja, you forced reiku to answer. go over to politics. plenty of action there. in pseudo you will be "imploring" your mods to respond.....its gonna get real wacky

i have an idea.
get another handle


It should be 'ever' not 'always'. None of us is ever right.
We're spending days spreading our word of truth on various miracles.
Day will come and in that day someone who will teach us what is truth... And that we're wrong. Unfortunately that someone will be wrong as well... And that other after him.

Can you tell the difference?

Truth is flexible... You can spread knowledge like a butter... Infinitely.
Knowledge and thought are evolving.

None of us is ever right.

I didn't give a nudge to our member Reiku, because I don't like him...
I animated him because he opened this thread:

And after his thread was reopened, he wanted to kill it by refusing to respond to the post where he was asked to provide arguments.

I know he had a good will and enthusiasm about the idea, but refusing criticism is not virtue of a real scientist.

Dear Gustav, are you selective reader?
I know I'm not native English speaker, but I'm trying to be readable as much as possible. Periods, commas, brackets and other stuff... Spellchecker always on... Hm?
You quoted only one sentence of mine and you skipped the rest of explanation.
In that explanation you will see that I mentioned when is ok to ignore and when is expected to respond.

He could ignore argument request above, in fact he could ignore every following post if he didn't post appeal for reopening of this thread.

In that case, he's responsible for it. If he cannot stand up for his idea provided in the OP, then what's the point of thread existence?
We cannot provide answer to everyone.
But, he has so much to say. Why withhold that to the others?

One question out of context:

Do I know you dear Gustav? You hold a decent amount of bitterness toward me, although we never met before.
Or we are... Watching each other through the sights... Spare each other for discussion that will ensue?

Or even better...

Do you know ME Gustav?
Truth is flexible... You can spread knowledge like a butter... Infinitely.
Knowledge and thought are evolving.

concepts that sci hammered into my brain. courtesy of skinwalker

He could ignore argument request above, in fact he could ignore every following post if he didn't post appeal for reopening of this thread.

that was an event i unfortunately light of that, your exortation makes sense and is quite justified. pardon once again

yet, there is a larger issue here. well i think there is. i touched on it. perhaps i shall expand

You hold a decent amount of bitterness toward me

while i allow for some emotion, bitterness is not one of them. there is nothing in your posts that could logically inculcate that emotion in me.

the bottom line is you guys keep sci online
i have nothing but gratitude for that
the rest is rhetoric

Spare each other for discussion that will ensue?

can you assure me it will remain a discusssion? ;)
just kidding
your posts have been fairly reasonable so...i see nothing further to discuss

ps: flute vs trumpet? dang, boy! i am hopelessly outgunned
I stand to my original claim... gustav... don't be so easily turned to the dark side.

I exlained to Plasma, that HE would not entertain someone HE thought was out to troll. I mearly was giving myself the same curtosy.. but obviously I AM not allowed to have that curtosy, because my thread was unwarrently moved into a place it did not deserve... now does that make sense to you plasma... are we missing something?


1. I was totally within right not to answer him

2. I was totally within right to retrieve my poor thread out the cesspool, as it did not belong there.

Me sloppy... spammy... i thought we were friends. I was explaining to you first not to be so easily led by plasma's arguement, because it didn't hold to very much.

As for the threads i start, they are all relevant. I don't spam.
looky here lil poofter

gustav said:
yet, there is a larger issue here. well i think there is. i touched on it. perhaps i shall expand

thats heads on platters via a choice of three end games
but no more
wallow in your own ineptitude
don't be too disheartened tho
sci will eventually make a man out of you ;)
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