The Purpose of Existence in 3 sentences!!!

Originally posted by Flores
Cris your question makes no sense...Are you suggesting that computers created by man should tell us the purpose of man....? Or plastic start gaining insight all of a sudden and start revealing to us the secrets of our creation. How can a created matter that is struggling to understand the purpose of it's creation even try to understand the purpose of it's creator, something completely other than it that is in a much higher dimention.

True :cool:
Originally posted by Cris

OK. So what is the purpose of God?

Cris, try to find that out yourself.. congrats..:D

PS : Please don't forget to let me know that.
The Purpose of Existence in 3 sentences!!!

Life is like going on vacation by accident. Touring small parts of a vast strange country. While waiting for the last plane out.

Ohh! almost poetic:)
Dee Cee

Cris your question makes no sense...
The question makes perfect sense. What I think you mean is that you don’t know how to provide an answer.

Man has been creating gods with purpose for many millennia. A god that controls the sun, a god of the wind, a god of the sea, a god of war, etc. But as our knowledge and understanding of our environment grew we realized that all these gods were simply silly, but at least they all had purpose. What we are left with now is a god that apparently has no purpose, a testimony to our excellent scientific investigative abilities, but there are many still who want to insist on having a god, but since the purpose now eludes them they claim it must so complex as to be incomprehensible to man, a god that is essentially unknowable. The result of course, as you have so clearly demonstrated is a reduction of theism to dishonest agnosticism.

If you do not know the purpose of God then you will be unable to explain any of his alleged actions.

Are you suggesting that computers created by man should tell us the purpose of man....?
When they are capable of asking and understanding the question then why not?

Or plastic start gaining insight all of a sudden and start revealing to us the secrets of our creation.
Are you trying to imply that at some time plastic might gain the ability to be self-aware or that plastic might be capable of intelligent thought, if not then your analogy is somewhat foolish.
Cris your question makes no sense...Are you suggesting that computers created by man should tell us the purpose of man....?
Actually, Cris' question makes perfect sense. Please let me remind you that a computer is a machine, not a living being. Humans can think logically and reasonably (well, some can...)
You are making a very poor comparison. Comparing a computer to a human. PFFFTTT.

Cris, try to find that out yourself.. congrats..

PS : Please don't forget to let me know that.
Cris doesn't even believe in god. How can she/he do that?
When Cris asks what the purpose of God is, it is merely a sensible question asking theists what the purpose of THEIR god is. If they believe in a God, they should be able to explain his/her purpose. If they can't, then their god is rather, well, unnecessary.

The question makes perfect sense. What I think you mean is that you don’t know how to provide an answer.
HEAR HEAR!!! Well said. You hit the nail on the head, Cris.
the purpose of existence for everyone can not be described in 3 sentences, because the purpose of existence is different for each person, for me, its world domination of course ;-)
1)To make choices
2)To choose a purpose
3)To decide whether you are going to make the necessary choices to fulfil that purpose

Originally posted by Cris
The question makes perfect sense. What I think you mean is that you don’t know how to provide an answer.

And with your extended expertise here, have you ever gotten answers to your satisfaction.

Originally posted by Cris
Man has been creating gods with purpose for many millennia. A god that controls the sun, a god of the wind, a god of the sea, a god of war, etc. But as our knowledge and understanding of our environment grew we realized that all these gods were simply silly, but at least they all had purpose. What we are left with now is a god that apparently has no purpose, a testimony to our excellent scientific investigative abilities, but there are many still who want to insist on having a god, but since the purpose now eludes them they claim it must so complex as to be incomprehensible to man, a god that is essentially unknowable. The result of course, as you have so clearly demonstrated is a reduction of theism to dishonest agnosticism.

You really need to make the distinction between greek mythology and Theism. You can't deny the fact that universe acts in harmony, that our earth and us humans are pretty unique to our universe, ect, ect. Due to this, Theism believe that there is an order to this magnitude that we call god. God is the highest order of the universe equation. You believe in science, so you believe everything relates by series of equations. All you have to do is try to relate everything together like write an equation that relates the ant movement to the orbital movement, then even go higher, and call that highest order god. You must believe despite of all the manifestation that there is no order to this universe, so you believe in chaos or no god. it's that simple, nomatter how you much you mock such a simple idea, you are only mocking your own self, creation, and purpose.

Originally posted by Cris
If you do not know the purpose of God then you will be unable to explain any of his alleged actions.

I don't care to explain any of the universe highest order actions. Last time I checked, even Einstien had no clue and refused to study something as simple as sediment transport. I just be like the bumble bee. The bumble bee doesn't ask why she collects all this honey just to die tomorrow. So here is my offer to you, when you perfectly understand how sediment moves under the influence of wind and water, then maybe we'll talk.
Are you trying to imply that at some time plastic might gain the ability to be self-aware or that plastic might be capable of intelligent thought, if not then your analogy is somewhat foolish.
In one word: Survival.

If you spend some time looking at the world, you'll notice this. Why does it have to be anything more?
For me the purpose of existence is to simply to exist. As SnakeLord pointed out, it need not be anything more. Each individual should be free to find their own purpose(s) in this existence.
Originally posted by Flores
You really need to make the distinction between greek mythology and Theism.

When will people be referring to Christianty as "Christian Mythology"?
Well, many already do, but I mean when will be held as mythology as commonly as Greek Mythology is now?

You can't deny the fact that universe acts in harmony, that our earth and us humans are pretty unique to our universe, ect, ect. Due to this, Theism believe that there is an order to this magnitude that we call god. God is the highest order of the universe equation. You believe in science, so you believe everything relates by series of equations. All you have to do is try to relate everything together like write an equation that relates the ant movement to the orbital movement, then even go higher, and call that highest order god.

First of all, that is silly.
If and when someone finally comes up with a Grand Unified Theory, that would be God?

You must believe despite of all the manifestation that there is no order to this universe, so you believe in chaos or no god.
If I read this correctly you are saying that if you believe that the universe has order rather than being entirely random and chaotic then you MUST believe in God.
That is an absurd and closed minded statement.
Nature "seeks" balance.
Hot and cold interact until they are both at the same mean temperature.
This does not require any God.

As for your analogy:
Cris your question makes no sense...Are you suggesting that computers created by man should tell us the purpose of man....? Or plastic start gaining insight all of a sudden and start revealing to us the secrets of our creation. How can a created matter that is struggling to understand the purpose of it's creation even try to understand the purpose of it's creator, something completely other than it that is in a much higher dimention.

That is only applicable if you think that God created man, and not vice versa.

If, however, you believe that Man created God in HIS own image, rather than the reverse...
Which is what I beleive.
Which is what happened with teh Greeks and Romans.
Which, I believe, was Chris' point.
Then the question would be:
Should man be able to tell us what the purpose of the computer or plastic be?
Of course he should.
He invented it for a specific purpose.
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That was more than 3 sentences.:eek:

1.) Life has no purpose.
2.) Life CAN have goals.
3.) Determine your OWN goals.
Originally posted by one_raven
If and when someone finally comes up with a Grand Unified Theory, that would be God?

You are so so silly......Why wait for someone to come up with the unified theory, while us being here and the universe working in harmony points to the fact that it exists. The unified theory exists, waiting for someone to discover it is not our issue here.

You are acting like a dog locked up in a room. Someone pushes thru a slot to him food and water. The dog has never seen his owner so he doesn't believe he exists, although the food and water do not miss a day, and majically his room is cleaned up while he sleeps....
Second message in a row

If I read this correctly you are saying that if you believe that the universe has order rather than being entirely random and chaotic then you MUST believe in God.
That is an absurd and closed minded statement.
Nature "seeks" balance.
Hot and cold interact until they are both at the same mean temperature.
This does not require any God.

I think you are the simple minded one. Simplifying a complex thermo problem into just achieving balance. Well, hot and cold may not mix at all sometimes. Based on their densities, they will separate and layer up....In other environments away from earth, we don't even know how hot and cold will interact.

Don't simply science, unify deciplines and complicate the problem, that's the only way to make progress.

"What is the purpose of Existence in three sentences"

1. The purpose of existence is to act as a carrying case for your
2. Repeat 1.
3. Repeat 1.
"What is the purpose of Existence in three sentences"

1. The purpose of life is a decision to be made by the individual.
2. Do what you want, as long as it doesn't hurt others.
3. Try to be kind.

You can't deny the fact that universe acts in harmony,
Nope, the universe DOES NOT act in harmony. Apart from Earth, the rest of the universe it basically lumps of cold, lifeless, ugly rocks, or balls of gas. Why would God create such useless and needless objects?

You believe in science, so you believe everything relates by series of equations.
Equations? Sometimes, yeah. Science uses the scientific method. Ever heard of it? You look at facts and evidence, and make a theory to explain the evidence. Then you test the theory.
A theory is falsifible. That is what science is all about. Testing, logic, and explaination.

Science does not only use equations. It uses fact, theory, and logic.

Why wait for someone to come up with the unified theory, while us being here and the universe working in harmony points to the fact that it exists.
The universe does not act in harmony. 99.99999% of the universe is useless. One day, the universe will be pulled into a BIG CRUNCH by gravity, and will end. That's not harmony.

You are acting like a dog locked up in a room. Someone pushes thru a slot to him food and water. The dog has never seen his owner so he doesn't believe he exists, although the food and water do not miss a day, and majically his room is cleaned up while he sleeps....
UMMM. I work to put food on the table. I clean my house.
You say that God is all around us, yet he is strangely absent...

I just be like the bumble bee. The bumble bee doesn't ask why she collects all this honey just to die tomorrow.
We are humans, not bumble bees. We are capable of rational
thought. A bumble bee does not contemplate the meaning of life. We do.