The Purpose of Existence in 3 sentences!!!


Registered Member
Flowing on from the Existence of God thread, I would like to propose the question to everyone, whatever you're religious, or not-so-religious inclinations:

"What is the purpose of Existence in three sentences"
Just out of interest, I wanted to know if people thought they were in this world to eat, drink, and catch the game every other sunday, or they believe they have a higher purpose.....:p :D
From the pearls of wisdom site:

1-Life is the miraculous reality which makes the tiniest creature like a universe
2- Life is a transformation-machine in the vast workshop of the universe, which continuously cleanses everywhere, purifies, allows progress, and illuminates.
3- Life is the greatest result of the universe, and its greatest aim and most valuable fruit
Life is about experiences; learning everything you can about anything you can

Life is for having great times when you're young, and talking about the great times when you're old.

Life is too beautiful, short, and precious to waste on serving anything, let alone an invisible, ficticious creator.
to find out

1. what is purpose.
2. what is existence.
3. what is purpose of existence...
People look for the purpose in life mostly to satisfy their own ego. Everybody wants to believe that there's something meaningful to our existence. Nobody wants to find out that whoever, whatever created us did so out of boredom - what a cold shower that would be!

When we believe that life has a purpose, this at least makes our pain and suffering bearable.

The truth is that nobody knows. Some say, however, that looking for the meaning of life, is missing it.
1. Why must existence have a purpose?

2. Does it even make sense to ask the question?

3. Isn't existence itself enough of a purpose?
1) Sexual encounters with asthetically pleasing emebers of the opposite sex...or the same...your choice...or loved one(admit's the best ability god or nature gave us)

2) To love a person...sounds chessy but it gave some men a purpose to live.

3) To have a has turned many lost individuals to the right force or by choice and made them realize the meaning of their own lives through making them realize that their life isn't the most important thing to them anymore.:eek:
Re: chris

Originally posted by firingseeds
that could be serving god- i dunno.
hey, God does not need anyone's service. whatever you do is for your own good or bad..

hey, God does not need anyone's service. whatever you do is for your own good or bad..
OK. So what is the purpose of God?
Cris your question makes no sense...Are you suggesting that computers created by man should tell us the purpose of man....? Or plastic start gaining insight all of a sudden and start revealing to us the secrets of our creation. How can a created matter that is struggling to understand the purpose of it's creation even try to understand the purpose of it's creator, something completely other than it that is in a much higher dimention.