The psychology of atheists and theists

I think it is fair to generalise in saying theists make the unsupported claim that there is a God and I think that general claim is unsupported.

If you're a professed atheist.

You are a theist and it would not occur to you that folk like me expect a claim to be backed up with some sort of evidence.

I would expect you to reject, and or, deny evidence.

My point is simply that God has so few places left to be relevant in terms of explaining the world.

Your point is based on rejection and denial.

You reject and deny God.

Like evolution?

What do you mean by ''evolution''?

I stuffed up.

On so many levels.

Not your usual well thought out reply Jan.
Would it not be easier just to answer my question.

It's a hard pill to swallow, eh!

An objective reality.
Or simply the facts.

IOW, anything that you think helps your delusion.

Yes but I dont see how your valid observation is relevant.

You see what you want.

Yes very nice but you failed to address my post...try again.

In time, hopefully you'll come to see that your post is based on denial and rejection.

Well that is what we do.

So Josef Stalin was correct in his actions, because he believed he was, by that logic.
Can't you see the nonsense of your delusion?

You could not adopt the morality in the bible and stay out of gaol.

The bible is written according to time, place, and circumstance.
I'm surprised you haven't realized that.
Then again you believe Stalin was morally correct because he believed he was.

Morals are built up from a selection process and you can not deny such...

Just-so stories, are filled with holes.
Be careful you don't fall into one.

Sure and that is why some folk can use their religion as justification to kill others...

That is correct.

Your morals may depend somewhat on the good book but you cant reject the proposition you indeed selected and rejected ... you cant get away from the fact that ones morality is a construct.

A construct of what, exactly?

You think what you like Jan I dont care if you fail to listen.

By the mercy of God, we can think what we like.

With your help I can.

Fraid not mate.
Talking about God helps you to remember God, so you're theism is in operation, even though you reject and deny God.

In many places not long ago, a scientist - a good one, one that modern science would respect - was normally a clergyman or priest of the local religion of an agricultural and military power, which was likely theistic. Just saying.

Without God, there is no science.

Why don't you take the collar if you're so damned sure?

Wait, I know. You're as unsure of yourself as you imagine most people to be, so you preach from your keyboard instead of molesting boys.
Without God, there is no science.
What hubris. Theist have discouraged science wherever it conflicted with scripture, even when that scripture is proven false by science.
That's why....:confused:
In 415 CE, on her way home from delivering her daily lectures at the university, Hypatia was attacked by a mob of Christian monks, dragged from her chariot down the street into a church, and was there stripped naked, beaten to death, and burned. In the aftermath of Hypatia's death the University of Alexandria was sacked and burned on orders from Cyril, pagan temples were torn down, and there was a mass exodus of intellectuals and artists from the newly-Christianized city of Alexandria. Cyril was later declared a saint by the church for his efforts in suppressing paganism and fighting for the true faith. Hypatia's death has long been recognized as a watershed mark in history delineating the classical age of paganism from the age of Christianity.
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Why don't you take the collar if you're so damned sure?

Wait, I know. You're as unsure of yourself as you imagine most people to be, so you preach from your keyboard instead of molesting boys.

Dr. Toad. Do you think you could withdraw that remark.

Thanks in advance.

What is the claim of a God?

That's like saying I could probably fit a green sofa into my decor, but green sofas aren't as popular as they used to be. I'll go with the current trend.

Notice Jan is forced to fabricate the response in order to suit his agenda of fabrications. He said nothing about being popular, Jan. Your words, not his. That's the only way you can ever make your point is to use your own words in other peoples responses.

What would be classed as evidence for God, in your mind?

God, Jan, God is evidence of God. Not your holy books, not your claims, nothing you can say or do other than to produce God. Simple really.

Yes they like facts, especially if they conform to their world. Theists accept facts, whether they conform to their world, or not.

I'm not sure if that could be classified as your biggest whopper, but it's certainly right up there. If theists were interested in facts, they wouldn't be theists.
Just maybe the search for a god drove some of the people whose shoulders we stand on today.

But they're probably crazy too. It's turtles all the way down.
Just maybe the search for a god drove some of the people whose shoulders we stand on today.

But they're probably crazy too. It's turtles all the way down.
Actually, only science does any kind of search and research. As soon as the church engages in scientific research, they find that science is the superior knowledge.

Hence, the Pontifical Academy of Sciences has found that Darwinian Evolution is fact.
Consider the implications of that acknowledgement. Science has come a long way since the "monkey trials".
Why don't you take the collar if you're so damned sure?

Wait, I know. You're as unsure of yourself as you imagine most people to be, so you preach from your keyboard instead of molesting boys.

I think you overstood the mark there. This is the sort of stuff foolish people with no self-control level at a personal level to others online that awards them an instantaneous lifetime ban.
I'm surprised you haven't realized that.
Oh I figured that out thats why I dont understand why it should carry weight today.
Stalin was morally correct because he believed he was.
Are you talking about Starlin the green grocer?
Talking about God helps you to remember God, so you're theism is in operation, even though you reject and deny God.
I have often said your game is "lets talk about god to make him real" so your comment is expected.

Unfortunately the more I think about it the more I conclude theisism etc is rubbish and each time I visit here and see the same old same old I realise the universe could never have been created so even the fuzzy idea of God becomes fact I cant even visualise the old man with a beard these days so thanks.

I am now neither an atheist or a theist as each term in an eternal universe is meaningless.

An eternal universe needs no creator so there is nothing to reject, nothing to deny ... it has always been and therefore even that last place you could squeeze in God before the big bang no longer is available.

Are you going to withdraw your accusation?


I dont want to be involved Jan but so you at least feel better I did not see it as a suggestion about your behavioir but that you do the right thing and work from your keyboard whereas some priests are using their position of trust to cater to their supressed sex drives.

I took it as a dig against priests not your good self and I would like to think that was the way of it...

Anyways I understand if you took it that the claim was directed at you it must be very upsetting.

Stay calm turn the other cheek and I am sure all will be sortted.

Have a great day and dont remain upset.

I dont want to be involved Jan but so you at least feel better I did not see it as a suggestion about your behavioir but that you do the right thing and work from your keyboard whereas some priests are using their position of trust to cater to their supressed sex drives.

I took it as a dig against priests not your good self and I would like to think that was the way of it...

Anyways I understand if you took it that the claim was directed at you it must be very upsetting.

Stay calm turn the other cheek and I am sure all will be sortted.

Have a great day and dont remain upset.

Seems like a pretty clear cut accusation. If I say "You do X instead of Y", I am leveling a claim on a very personal level. All that remains to be determined is if X or Y go beyond what admins want to entertain as permissible.
Seems like a pretty clear cut accusation. If I say "You do X instead of Y", I am leveling a claim on a very personal level. All that remains to be determined is if X or Y go beyond what admins want to entertain as permissible.

I wrote in an effort to make Jan feel better and I suppose to encourage an approach to not to take it personally.

I doubt if DrT meant it to come over the way it could be taken.

Anyways I think we can remain calm ... in any event insults often harm those making them more than the victim.

We can only wait.

I wrote in an effort to make Jan feel better and I suppose to encourage an approach to not to take it personally.

I doubt if DrT meant it to come over the way it could be taken.

Anyways I think we can remain calm ... in any event insults often harm those making them more than the victim.

We can only wait.

The best way to diminish feelings of personal insult is for persons not to level them. When a person attributes a retrograde act to a specific creed and summing it all up as being illustrated by a specific individual before them, they have left themselves no space to maneuver to dodge the responsibility of having leveled a personal insult. Of course as an online forum, such things are par for the course. The only thing that requires attention is whether allegations of pedophilia, in such affairs, is permissible.
The only thing that requires attention is whether allegations of pedophilia, in such affairs, is permissible.

You were not here when "the god" took a dislike to me ... he said something similar about me...I cant recall how I responded specifically but he never got banned for his crime against me.

So thats all I can add.
