The prophecies of Jesus...

You asked for a reason...........I could have spent more time, gave more references why He hides from some and is revealed to others, but why?
To be the source of your amusement....?
Someday you'll realize...........and about that earthquake in L.A., it's not a 5.6. Try something off the scale.
The one in Alaska in 1964, was a 9.2, and the same person God spoke that through, said in 1965 standing in L.A. that the sharks would be swiming right where he was in His sons lifetime. That son is almost 70.
It has been prophecied by God in this generation to happen, the "City of the Angels" days are numbered.
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TheVisitor said:
That prophecy did come true.
He did "rise" on the third day..

Christians claim he died on the eve of good friday and rose sunday morning. Even if you count the partial days, he alledgedly rose after two nights, not three.

TheVisitor said:
Every prophecy shall come true or has already...

Oh really? What like this one?:

Matthew 24
30"At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. 31And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.
32"Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. 33Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it[4] is near, right at the door. 34I tell you the truth, this generation[5] will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.
Obviously that generation has passed, you can twist the words whichever way you want but its obvious what it means.

TheVisitor said:
You sound as if you believe some have come true
No I said I heard some had come true, and was asking questions pertaining to them and their legitimacy.

TheVisitor said:
but don't rely on the "atheist" crowd to point you in the right direction.
If you seek Him with all your heart, He will come to you.
But God is not mocked, He knows the secrets of your heart..Heb.4:12
You have to read the scriptures for yourself and let God speak to your heart, also He has sent men to earth with "gifts" to minister "the truth".
I rely on facts, observations, and anything demonstratable like any logical person. Seeking God in your heart is accepting him with blind obedience, to commit yourself to ignorance.

Obviously that generation has passed, you can twist the words whichever way you want but its obvious what it means.
Thats not very nice.
Yes, you noticed something...............but it did happen, just like He said.
The false "Babylon" churches missed it. Just like He said in Rev 18
The son of man is here being revealed on earth now, from heaven, with His holy angels.
Look up the word "theophany", thats how He comes to call His elect.
They become one in a marriage, then the tribulation, then they come back and the world sees Him, at the second coming.
This happening now is the "appearing" of the Son of man....before the rapture to call them and get them ready.
To restore all things. Elijah had to come first in this day to restore all things.
John the baptist didn't restore anything.
Have you seen the coming of "this" Elijah, or the Coming of Jesus as the Son of Man today, .....?
Why not, He's been here for 40 years, haven't you been looking?
It's a proccess that's been going on since 1963, at the revealing of the son of man. The ministry of the one who comes with the spirit of Elijah started in 1933.
The truth has always been available for those why realy look for it and "love His appearing".

The bible says the dead could be raised before your very eyes, and one who will not receive Moses and the prophets, would call it the devil, still denying God, so don't think "seeing is believing", just seek God with all your heart and He will reveal truth to you. He is known by His Word, not miracles.

I noticed your little pot emblem.
While your at it.......look up the meaning of the word "sorcery".
You might be surprised.
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How do you argue/explain the prophecies of Jesus? I understand that some he did predict didnt come true, (the time span of his resurection and seeing the kingdom of god come with power during his generation) but Ive also heard of prophecies that did come true.
The timespan of Jesus' resurrection is correct with respect to "three days" and the "third day" due to the way hebrews tell time. The most reasonable explanation, which I've heard, of the "three days and three nights," which only occurs in Matthew, is that there is an aramaic phrase for "three days and three nights" that means "three days".

I understand that some he did predict didnt come true, (the time span of his ressurection and seeing the kingdom of god come with power during his generation) but Ive also heard of prophecies that did come true.
If you are speaking of the verse that I'm speaking of, the gospel follows immediately with the transfiguration. On the other hand, the fig tree in Jerusalem is a bit more difficult to explain, though it cannot be as difficult as the gnostic gospel of Thomas which begins with "He who shall find the interpretation of these words shall not taste death." I find this <a href="">explanation</a> convincing.

"The fourth angel poured his bowl on the sun, and it was allowed to scorch people with fire" (Revelation 16:8)

"The sixth angel poured his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up in order to prepare the way for the kings from the east." (Revelation 16:12)

These talk of the drought in Africa, which to my knowledge has come true. But do these prophecies require one to twist words and such much like people do with nostradomus's prophecies? Are they otherwise explanable? Thanks.
I don't believe these parts are prophesy, but are rather interprations over the other prophetic sections of the bible.
TheVisitor said:
Thats not very nice..
Well I try my best to not be a nice person :p.

TheVisitor said:
Yes, you noticed something...............but it did happen, just like He said.
The son of man is here being revealed on earth now, from heaven, with His holy angels.
Look up the word "theophany", thats how He comes to call His elect.
They become one in a marriage, then the tribulation, then they come back and the world sees Him, at the second coming.
This happening now is the "appearing" of the Son of man....before the rapture to call them and get them ready.
To restore all things.
It's a proccess that's been going on since 1963.

proof..........the bible says the dead could be raised before youer very eyes, and a fool would call it the devil, still denying God, so don't think "seeing is believing",.

All of what you just said requires belief in text, so you arent proving anything saying this.

TheVisitor said:
just seek God with all your heart and He will reveal truth to you.

Again your asking me to blindly accept your religion. You wouldnt believe that I had a invisible elf on my head just cause I said so would you?
All of what you just said requires belief in text,
God said He was "The Word" I John 1:1-14
If you really want to know if He's real, you've got to look at that "text"
Miracles can be impersonated, Jumping ,screaming....witch docters can cut themselves, drink blood from a human skull and make a pen stand up and write, calling on the devil.
Signs and wonders are no indication of truth.
IT can only be found in the mind of God, His thoughts which He spoke and were writen down by prophets supernaturaly.
He is those Word's He spoke.
But don't take my word for it...or anyone elses.
See for yourself.
TheVisitor said:
God said He was "The Word" I John 1:1-14
If you really want to know if He's real, you've got to look at that "text"
Miracles can be impersonated, Jumping ,screaming....witch docters can cut themselves, drink blood from a human skull and make a pen stand up and write, calling on the devil.
Signs and wonders are no indication of truth
IT can only be found in the mind of God, His thoughts which He spoke and were writen down by prophets supernaturaly.
He is those Word's He spoke.
But don't take my word for it...or anyone elses.
See for yourself.

**shoots self**
The Word in John's gospel refers to the Logos, not the bible :)
There are number of <a href="">apparitions</a> that have made prophesies. The prophesies of fatima are fairly direct and have been fullfilled. However, the one that we are waiting to see happens with the papal prophesy of Our Lady of Nations and the secrets of Medjugorje that have not been released. The secrets of Medjugorje have not been released, nor has the supernatural claim to the vision site been aproved by the Church.
Oh! Revelations..

Let's see, contradiction, absurdities, cruelty, injustice. And that's just the first chapter. Man this god sounds more evil than benevolent, a being with no morals, and little respect of human lives. And BTW. The Visitor does not proclaim any religion, but he sure likes to quote their literature, howeve he's not catholic, nor is he christian, not a jew, nor even a muslim, not a grishna, and defenetly not a budahist, and not any form of organized religion. His zeal, is that god exists, and his proofs are all the literatures of all past religious rhetorical bullshiet written throught the ages. He is an enlighten man, however his enlightenment is warped by so much contradictory dogma, he will quote the veda's and the bible though proclaim his not of either faith, his only faith is that god exists. He searches for evidence of this existence through the literature of all inspired religious mythological writings.

My friend, if you truly want to be respected such as a diest, then don't quote man's religious dogma or mythological believes, most deist I know of were more humanists than anything else, they don't go quoting every mythological bullsheit they have read, however they "deist" are only proclaiming that god created heaven and earth, and then just left us to our own wills, not to interfere with man's affairs.

Ok! now revelations:

John believes "the time is at hand," and that the things that he writes about in Revelation will "shortly come to pass." 1:1, 3
Jesus has white hair, eyes of fire, feet of brass, and has a sword sticking out of his mouth. 1:13-16
False Jews are members of "the synagogue of Satan." 2:9, 3:9
God has seven spirits. 3:1, 5:6
John has Jesus lie by saying: "Behold, I come quickly." 3:11
God gave power to someone sitting on a red horse "to take from the earth ... that they should kill one another." 6:4
God makes some horse-like locusts with human heads, women's hair, lion's teeth, and scorpion's tails. They sting people and hurt them for five months. 9:7-10
Four angels, with an army of 200 million, killed a third of the earth's population. 9:15-19
An angel tells John to eat a book. He does, and it tastes good, but it makes his belly bitter. 10:10
God will send an earthquake that will kill 7000 people. 11:13
" And there was a war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon." So even in heaven, one can't be safe from war or dragons. 12:7
Only 144,00 celibate men will be saved. (Those who were not "defiled with women.") 14:3-4
Those who receive the mark of the beast will "drink of the wine of the wrath of God ... and shall be tormented with fire and brimstone ... and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever." 14:10-11
"The great winepress of the wrath of God ... was trodden ... and the blood cam out of the winepress, even unto the horses bridles." 14:19
The seven vials of wrath: 1) sores, 2) sea turned to blood, 3) rivers turned to blood, 4) people scorched with fire, 5) people gnaw their tongues in pain, 6) Euphrates dries up, 7) thunder, lightening, earthquake, and hail. 16:1-21
The great harlot is described as being "full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication." She has a rather large and prominent sign on her forehead, will be made "desolate and naked," and her flesh will be eaten and burned with fire. 17:1-16
Jesus, whose clothes are dipped in blood, has a sharp sword sticking out of his mouth. Thus attired, he treads the winepress of the wrath of God. 19:13-15
An angel calls all the fowls to feast upon dead human bodies, or as the angel calls it "the supper of the great God." (Angel food?) 19:17-18
The beast and the false prophet are cast alive into a lake of fire. The rest were killed with the sword of Jesus. "And all the fowls were filled with their flesh." 19:20-21
When the thousand years are over, God will send Satan to deceive us all. 20:7-8
God will send fire from heaven to devour people. 20:9-10
Whoever isn't found listed in the book of life will be cast into the lake of fire. 20:15
Those who are fearful or unbelieving will be cast into "the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone." 21:8
John quotes Jesus (1900 years ago) as saying he will come "quickly." 22:7, 12, 20
Anyone who adds to the words in Revelation (or to the rest of the Bible) will be struck with plagues, and anyone that tries to remove anything from it will have his name removed from the book of life. 22:18-19

That's just a little part you can get the rest from here:

Jesus has white hair, eyes of fire, feet of brass, and has a sword sticking out of his mouth. 1:13-16
The ancient of white as wool seen in daniel, ezekiel, Isaiah, by John ect....
Is the Son of Man......Jesus Christ coming back the second time, not as a Lamb, but this time as the Lion....The judge of the whole earth.
He comes in Judgement, eyes of fire....WITH A WHITE WIG.
A Man thirty years old......immortal with white hair?
The white hair symbolises the white wig of a Judge.
The old english judges used to come out to the courtroom with the white wig on.
Where do you think they got the idea.

There's one answered for you, God reveals these things to His elect for thier instuction, they are not for the multitudes to know so they can scoff and mock.
Besides where much is known, much is required.
You need't know more than you have need of at the time.
God reveals His plan of salvation to us precept upon precept, line upon line ,here a little there a little......
This has already happened, and is happening.......
See this................
The cloud of the coming of the Son of Man, revealing the Seven Seals - 1963
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Yea I think I saw that movie. THE SEVEN SEALS or seven signs, hell i forget. Good for entertainment however I dont take stuff like that literally.

God has not morals, he kills babies, and lets mothers abort babies before they are born.
God can't be omnipotent and omnipresent, because if he were omnipontent he would change my will, and make me believe upon him, if he were omnipresent he would be in my heart, however I don't feel that bastered baby killer.

God has not morals, he kills babies, and lets mothers abort babies before they are born
And if He did stop mothers from doing so somehow.....?
Would you then believe...?, or just accuse Him of robbing our free-will.
I think the later.