The problem with magical thinking, poor education, and poor communication

People will catch onto any kind of pattern... even made up ones.
Sam has posted a link to suggest that your basis has no political basis
I have posted numerous suggestions that it is also bereft of a social basis.

Its no longer clear on what basis you assume your argument has a basis
Sam has posted a link to suggest that your basis has no political basis
I have posted numerous suggestions that it is also bereft of a social basis.

Its no longer clear on what basis you assume your argument has a basis

That's all fine and my argument was never concerning Bush. All I did was show groups of people whom are magical thinkers, poorly educated, and poor communicators encounter disasterous results. The link I provided was one point of evidence of a rather large pool.
That's all fine and my argument was never concerning Bush. All I did was show groups of people whom are magical thinkers, poorly educated, and poor communicators encounter disasterous results. The link I provided was one point of evidence of a rather large pool.
lol - what is the need for extensive research - I thought such notions would be self evident from sciforums
lol - what is the need for extensive research - I thought such notions would be self evident from sciforums

LG is been admiring himself in the mirror lately!:p
LG is been admiring himself in the mirror lately!:p
the master of interpersonal communication chalks up another ad hom on his hilt

- congratulations

actually i made the comment as a general impression of sci forums on practically any thread you care to mention
Yawwwssss!! your full of shit and everyone here knows it! Face it. we know you already. The master of illusion is the one who thinks has something different to say, when in fact in every theread he only talks the same rhetorical bull shit! You got no evidence of you god, or anyway to back up your stupid assertions, you not shown any wisdom in science, but the complete opposite, your full of shit, and perhaps I got the balls to call you on it, I may get banned, I'm still right! ;)
Im really not sure what (if anything) beneficial could come out of this thread, the title itself reads like an attack!
How does showing the results of magical thinking, poor education, and poor communication constitute as an attack?
Sam has posted a link to suggest that your basis has no political basis
I have posted numerous suggestions that it is also bereft of a social basis.

Its no longer clear on what basis you assume your argument has a basis
Ah, but the basis for the basis on which you base that he bases his basis based solely on the basis that the basis on which he bases it is based on the basis of all bases that are based on exactly the same basis.

Either that or it's Friday.

@crunchycat: Youre not going to challange or change anyones belief system for a second by calling them stupid or fantasists.
I think as an intelligent person you must know this, so this thread in reality serves as nothing other than an open attack to people who are religious.
Ah, but the basis for the basis on which you base that he bases his basis based solely on the basis that the basis on which he bases it is based on the basis of all bases that are based on exactly the same basis.

The point being that there's no basis of what he basis his faith on, thus delusional people usually base their idealogical basis on hearsay from some form of authoritative figure head, who basis his base on faith that he may be right, but has no basis whether what he basis his/her faith is actual fact, that's why it's called a leap of faith! ;) However, since no theist has evidence of what he/she basis their faith on it's purely delusional to call the argument truth, for truth is based on reality, and reason, the delusion of a non-basis leap of faith is therefore ludicrous. :D
@crunchycat: Youre not going to challange or change anyones belief system for a second by calling them stupid or fantasists.
I think as an intelligent person you must know this, so this thread in reality serves as nothing other than an open attack to people who are religious.

Who said my intention with this thread was to challenge or change someone's belief system? All I did was show an example result and what the commonality is between that and other near-identical results.

I do have a question... do you identify yourself as someone whom is a magical thinker, poorly educated, and a poor communicator?
Who said my intention with this thread was to challenge or change someone's belief system? All I did was show an example result and what the commonality is between that and other near-identical results.
But you also reasonably know the kind of reaction this is going to stir up by posting it in the religious section, especially using the wording you used. Im just interested in why youre trying to provoke that sort of reaction.

I do have a question... do you identify yourself as someone whom is a magical thinker, poorly educated, and a poor communicator?
If you mean...'am i religious/do i believe in god?', to both. ;)
What youre saying doesnt have to apply to me personally, for me to take issue with it.
But you also reasonably know the kind of reaction this is going to stir up by posting it in the religious section, especially using the wording you used. Im just interested in why youre trying to provoke that sort of reaction.

If you mean...'am i religious/do i believe in god?', to both. ;)
What youre saying doesnt have to apply to me personally, for me to take issue with it.

Seeing as you asked, one intention was to gain visibility into the progression of the meme right now floating around sciforums that equates religious belief to magical thinking, poor education, and poor communication. Apparently the meme has been very infectious to everyone (non-believer and believer alike). Another intention is to better understand why everyone is so susceptible to this particular meme while very resistent to others. But, now that my intention is stated, I can't really rely on any further results to be non-skewed :).
Interesting, in terms of why some people are resistant to religion (as a meme in itself) and others not ive always had a hard time being able to pin it down.
I have a hunch that it might be to do with creativity, people who tend to appropriate opinions/doctrines as their own (without modifying the content in line with their own experiences) i think tend to be less creative.
Religious doctrine doesnt really give much for the modern creative mind to play around with, i think thats why so many more people (on the internet at least) seem to be switched on by new-agism these days.
Theres no real rules with newage(ism) and paradigm is broad and loose enough for you to play around with the central beliefs and modify them as you wish.
My own approach is complete intellectual nihilism - keeps me on my toes and prevents me from believing things simply because ive gotten comfortable beliving them.

*edit - went abit off track there sorry, probably not entirely relevant to what you were talking about.