The Probability Of God Existing


Let me propose a question to everyone theists and athiests alike......

"What is the purpose of existence"

Keep the answer short and sweet....looking forward to hearing from you all :p

most of the people are not aware of existence of the purpose let alone purpose of existence.

pl start a new thread. me too want to know others ideas.
I've created a new thread!

I've created a new thread for that question, the answers should be interesting :eek: :bugeye:
In the latest readings on science you come against positions such as : there was really nothing (NOT EVEN THE TIME) and then at one moment all came into being spontaneously in Big Bang ... this is seriously meant and presented as a scientific theory. Well it looks to me more like a description of a miracle maybe the religion and the science are closing together the question only is will science become a religious sect(of PhD's) or will religion become a department of science.
No evidence does not mean it doesn't exist, I'm going to blind you with a screwdriver in both eyes and lock you in a large empty room which has "God Exists" written on the wall in small letters with invisible ink....prove to me that there is or isn't writing on the wall.

Ok, Einstien, let me blind YOU with some truth. Even if you HADN'T gouged my eyes out with a screwdriver, I couldn't SEE the phraze becuase it's in INVISIBLE INK! DUH! Ok, but let's say you did, and you wrote it in...sigh...invisible ink...making gouging my eyes out COMPLETELY NECCISSARY, OF COURSE :bugeye:...Now, if the room was really empty, and there was no outside influence, I could presumably smell the ink, or feel where the words were written becuase of the wetness of the ink, or just the ink rubbing off on my fingers.

That is more than I can say for your interpetation of God. If your God does exist, then why can't I smell the ink?

And how about this one? Because "God Exists" IS written on the wall, I could eventually go and get someone with a UV lamp to point it out to me! That is a possibility. Where is the guy who can hold the UV lamp up to your God?

1. Not all scientists mutually agree on this

Of course they don't. And 1 out 5 dentists don't agree that brushing with Crest Whitening significantly kills gingivitis.

1. What makes you think I base my belief of God on a book?

Ok, so tell me where exactly you got this belief? What solid evidence or observation did you use to get this amazing knowledge? Did God give you a wedgie in 8th grade?

2. The BELIEF in God(s) existence has been evident since the dawn of human existence....and thats a FACT.

Well....we don't know that for a fact. But I am happy to see that you've changed your wording a bit, becuase to say that the BELIEF in your God has been evident since the beginning of time is asinine (Like the spelling now?) But just for shits and giggles, show me the evidence that says man has believed in a god since the beginning of human existance.

And one last thing about that...belief in gods does not make the god a fact. Is it not obvious that man can CREATE a god when he wishes? How about the Heaven's Gate cult? Or the Branch Davidian cult? Belief does not make God exist, period.

And get your shit straight, man. You were NOT stating fact, simply becuase we don't know that man believed in a god since the dawn of time. We don't know that.

Re: RE:persol

Originally posted by ProCop
mututally exclusive wouldn't be willing to discard relativity and quantum theorie on the same basis would you?
Actually they are not mutually exclusive, as they are used at different times... and these limits are well known. Zues and God do not have these limits, which makes it impossible to honestly worship both of them... especially since you'd be breaking God's rules to worship Zues, and vice versa.
RE: Persol

Actually they are not mutually exclusive, as they are used at different times... and these limits are well known. Zues and God do not have these limits, which makes it impossible to honestly worship both of them... especially since you'd be breaking God's rules to worship Zues, and vice versa.

Meant different structure:
1/ god - the real one ( newton)
2/ quantum ( christianity, islam, Zeus,, ect. exclusive, one true reality only eg. Zeus)

Generaly 1 and 2 are not exclusive (the same as quantum and relativity) you only cannot combine them
The difference is that areas of physics have... well... 'areas' where they are applicable. Religions have an area, and that is called 'life'. Religions are mutually exclusive in that they can not be combined and by their own precepts can not 'share the spotlight'.
OK lets life be the domain

area is religion

Newtonian-like point of vieuw would be: there is one creator of all things (there is an (one universe))

Quatum-like point of view would be (there are different instances of creator available, christianity, islam, Zeus...) once you choose one it will be it (exclusive) (one reality(one universe in multiverse))

Hopefully now I succeded in arguing that religions are not paradoxing one another due to their claim at totality of explanations of everything. Each choses his god at quantum level and his newtonian-world religion is formed. (when you have chosen one of the possible worlds (religions) the other religions are not avalable any more.

Only a non believer (outside of the area of religion) can see the quatum in "state multiplicity of religions" on equal level. From the inside of the area of religion only one religion is true and all other ones are false.

Christian God and Zeus are exclusive in newton/relativity domain but inclusive at quantum level.
2. The BELIEF in God(s) existence has been evident since the dawn of human existence....and thats a FACT.

How is that a fact? Does anyone know anything about the 'dawn of human existence'?

"What is the purpose of existence"

Originally posted by edgar
Several old bones similar to ones found today doesnt mean that an animal evolved into another.

perhaps then edgar, you can tell us what it DOES mean? edgar, no one ever said that "old bones similar to ones found today" is PROOF of evolution. It's what you call "supporting evidence". Can you say "supporting evidence" edgar?

How about this: You provide me some empirical (as the bones are) evidence for the validity of christianity or the existence of god. I'll wait here!
RE: SnakeLord


It is one of the aspects where Darwin doesn't really work. How could the Americans who died in WW II give their lives for the freedom of other people? There are obviously more aspects to it. Quality of the survival for one. Ideals which you have. Ideals can include god.
WWII is perhaps one of the best examples of survival- soldiers fought for their freedom and their peoples freedom- they did not "give their lives" as you so crassly put it. ideals are just another form of human expression. they don't have to include god as i don't believe god made our ideals up.
RE: atheroy

WWII is perhaps one of the best examples of survival- soldiers fought for their freedom and their peoples freedom- they did not "give their lives" as you so crassly put it. ideals are just another form of human expression. they don't have to include god as i don't believe god made our ideals up.

OK. Lets say that we have two worlds: World of Things and World of Ideas.

World of things has a given composition, which we can partially rearange to our human needs.

Also the World of ideas has such composition (which we can rearange) God is (if you will it or not) a part of the composition of the world of ideas.

You may agree that the world of ideas is partially a description of the world of things. The world of things has had a major influence on the world of ideas.

To inoperate our partial knowledge of the world of things into the world of ideas we make a guess what the unknown areas of the world of things could be like and this guess is then a part of the world of ideas.

This guess is not (fully) a free one (God would do fit the pattern of what we are guessing about/for and Unicorn wouldn't). God is at this moment the most suitable puzzle piece into the pattern of the missing places in our understanding of our existence(and that of the universe).

Science (in the Big Bang theory) replaces God with only another form of "godly" miraculous upcoming of the universe out of nothing. Everybody is allowed to play with the puzzle of the universe but untill the puzzle is finished and complete it is not really corect from the science to say look how many puzzle pieces fit to what we we must be right. It is an open match an God may still be the suprise winner.