The possibility of making consciousness!


Valued Senior Member
I think I speak for myself when I say you should already know my answer.

No conscious animal uses any element above iron to sustain their being.

above = periodic table ?
nuclear weight
proton count ?
etc etc
what does "above" mean ?

is the re any known life form that DOES NOT use iron ?

iron is compulsory in all earth based life forms ?

is that because iron is compulsory
or because iron is always present so all life MUST contain iron
as some type of connection process like lego(connector teeth/protein limbs etc etc)) etc

or something or something else and entirely including with or without

above = periodic table ?
nuclear weight
proton count ?
etc etc
what does "above" mean ?

is the re any known life form that DOES NOT use iron ?

iron is compulsory in all earth based life forms ?

is that because iron is compulsory
or because iron is always present so all life MUST contain iron
as some type of connection process like lego(connector teeth/protein limbs etc etc)) etc

or something or something else and entirely including with or without
Artificial consciousness is made from every element under lead.

particle beam welder astronaut suit
Should make it’s own...

How does the human body make electricity?

& how long does that take in complex brain animals ?
minimum 9 months to birth
but how long to basic formation ?
3 years ?
5 years ?

i don't think there is a simple 1 size fits all answer to suggest chemical creation of electrical current is going to create a complex brain wave etc

the illusion might be the concept of instantly creating a an advanced adult brain entity

that is probably not possible

who do you plan to give this technology to ?
all the rich greedy selfish psychopaths ?

or the frenzied religious mobs ?

or some intellectual and moral one of their ilk dressed in a business suit calling themself a corporation ?

the rich greedy psychopath leaders wont feed house and given medical care to the current existing population

why are trying to create more life ?
to create more suffering ?
Which reminds some human consciousness may require eating at some point.



what goes in must come out
physics laws
iron is compulsory in all earth based life forms ?
No, it isn't. AFAIK iron is primarily used as an oxygen carrier in the blood. That's why it is Red (hemoglobin).

However, octopuses and other deep ocean dwellers use copper for oxygen carrier in their blood . That's why it is Blue. (hemocyanin)

Several species of octopus have blue, rather than red, fluid running through their veins. The blue comes from a copper-rich protein called hemocyanin, which carries oxygen from the lungs to the bloodstream and then to the cells of the octopus's body.
Mar 12, 2015
........much more..!
octopus body's probably have iron atoms in them .... ?
or none ?
as a life form, are octopus devoid of the element iron ?
No, apparently not.
The octopus is a boneless sea creature that has fascinated people for centuries — both on and off their plate. It’s an important protein source in coastal communities around the world and is considered a delicacy by many cultures.
Octopus is a good source of:
It’s also an excellent source of potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Studies show that these minerals in combination can reduce the risk of stroke and promote a healthy heart.

Table 4; Iron content in Octopus hubbsorum Berry, 1953
(g/100g dry basis)............ Acapulco............. Cabos a*............ Cabos b**
Iron....................................... 0.008.................. 0.008................. 0.011
4. Conclusions
The iron provided by Octopus hubbsorum, B to human nutrition is vital, therefore is recommended to consume more of this resource to diminish iron deficiency, a world-wide problem, and to improve human health and well-being.
Beaconator said: No conscious animal uses any element above iron to sustain their being.
Copper? Zinc? Iodine? And more trace elements.....
Minerals: MedlinePlus
They include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride and sulfur. You only need small amounts of trace minerals. They include iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, fluoride and selenium. Most people get the amount of minerals they need by eating a wide variety of foods.Apr 6, 2021
Right. So, in other words, elements with an atomic mass larger than iron.
What is it you're trying to say?
- copper (used to make red blood cells) is element 29
:confused: Minor correction. Should read : copper (used to make blue blood cells) Haemocyanin. :cool:
These arthropods'
blood uses a different protein, called hemocyanin, to bind oxygen. Because that binding process involves an atom of copper, rather than iron, the blood has a blue appearance when it's oxygenated, and little or no color when it's not.Oct 31, 2014
I don't know their atomic weights but there are a total of 4 different known blood oxygen carriers! Clear proof of natural selection.

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:confused: Minor correction. Should read : copper (used to make blue blood cells) Haemocyanin.
Correction unjustified.

"Copper works with iron to help the [human] body form red blood cells. It also helps keep the blood vessels, nerves, immune system, and bones healthy."

"Copper is essential for the synthesis of [human] collagen. This is found in connective tissue, which is the main supporting and binding tissue of the body. Copper is also needed for healthy muscle tone and function and so plays a vital role in the heart. Copper deficiency can lead to heart failure."

- Google