The pope is wrong?

I think you missed my point just by a hair, but you're very right.

What I'm saying is this:

Suppose some aliens did land on earth in a space ship. Would they know about the Judea-Christian god, have bibles and rosaries? Yes or no.
How could someone answer this question? Does a 'no' mean the pope is wrong? I don't think so. These aliens could be godless or soulless creatures sent here to test us. They could have something incredibly different as their religion, nevertheless created by the Catholic God to suit them. Perhaps when Jesus incarnated on their homeworld - as a gelatinous fungus like them - they accepted him or her and did not kill him. Who knows?

Given the crosscultural issues, it would likely be very hard to even resolve the issue for a long time, I would guess, if it were ever resolved.

An interesting question is WHY NOW?

Why did the pope decide to take a position on the issue?

Are we about to hear something from one of our governments?
Lori_7 said:
granpa said:
Perhaps the aliens arrived here in a great ship called an 'Ark' and have been here teaching and guiding us ever since.

just an idea that popped into my head just now.
i think that aliens are the nephilim.
granpa said:
Hmm. hadnt thought of that. lets see. that seems at first glance to imply that the aliens are divided into 2 groups. the 'sons of elohim' and the 'daughters of Adam'. These 2 groups interbreed and produce the nephilim (Noah??, Japhet??) who then get in ships (the Ark?) and travel to other worlds
i think the elohim are of the demonic variety actually. it says that noah was chosen because he was the most pure, and i think that scripture is referring to his bloodline. it says that evil was rampant in those days, and i think that was because of the influence of the nephilim.

i think that aliens will usher in the reign of the antichrist and false prophet. can you think of anything else that would unite the world under one rule and religion? and i think they will perpetuate the mark of the beast, which will be a genetic alteration.

Hmm. The world is full of evil. The aliens return(?) to earth. There is a great flood and everyone dies.
Somehow that reminds me of the return of Jesus Christ at the time of the great tribulation.

I dont know what to make of that (if anything). Just sayin.
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Hmm. The world is full of evil. The aliens return(?) to earth. There is a great flood and everyone dies.
Somehow that reminds me of the return of Jesus Christ at the time of the great tribulation.

I dont know what to make of that (if anything). Just sayin.

actually there's scripture that matches what you're saying. it says that the end times will be like the days of noah...

Matt. 24:37-38: “But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. “For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark,”
maybe the bible.

I once sat next to a homeless man who had just lost his house in a fire and was not in a very good human condition, he read John 3:16 to me and stated that BIBLE stood for the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. Maybe it's the aliens way of saying these are instructions on how to communicate properly in the future. The morals are more stories that teach a good point than a set of strict rules or guidelines. That is the reason I dislike anyone who reads it completely for its litteral translation especially as it wasn't written in english originally at the Geneva convention and many works were discarded into the archives because people's morals of the time did not fall inline with those particular stories.
I think you missed my point just by a hair, but you're very right.

What I'm saying is this:

Suppose some aliens did land on earth in a space ship. Would they know about the Judea-Christian god, have bibles and rosaries? Yes or no.

If they did, that would definitely give me some food for thought about how I view Judea-Christian religions. But most likely no they wouldn't. They would probably have their own belief system whatever that may be.

But it wouldn't automatically put anyone's faith into question even if they did have different beliefs.
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