The pope is wrong?

Kernl Sandrs

Registered Senior Member
I'm not certain if this belongs here, free thoughts, or the cesspool, but I read that the Vatican said that the belief in extraterrestrial life (Including intelligent life) does not contradict a belief in god. I think that is wrong.

Funes said that there might even be other intelligent life out there, but believing in its existence doesn't pose a problem for those of the Catholic faith.

"As there is a multiplicity of creatures on earth, so there may be other beings, intelligent, created by God. This does not conflict with our faith, because we cannot put limits on the creative freedom of God."

Don't you catholics believe jesus died for your sins? Well if there's aliens out there, and god created everything, he must have knowingly created them, too. Did jesus die for their sins too, or just the folk here on earth? In fact the bible doesn't even mention other life on other planets. But if god created these aliens, then surely they must know of gods existence, too, right? If a saucer landed here on earth, would the little greys have rosaries around their necks and bibles in their hands? It just doesn't make sense to me...

What do you people think?
I mean, the bible was written here on earth, right? by "earthlings". Did the aliens have their own messiah and prophets to spread the word of god?

And did they go on crusades and slaughter thousands of people to reclaim their holy lands, too? hehe
Perhaps the aliens arrived here in a great ship called an 'Ark' and have been here teaching and guiding us ever since.

just an idea that popped into my head just now.
What are they teaching and guiding us about the bible that we don't already know? All we've been doing is reading it and interpreting it. Are you saying the Catholic church is wrong in their interpretations?

It certainly wouldn't be the first time they've been wrong...

Edit* Sorry, by "we've" I mean "they" I'm not religious in the sense that I don't acknowledge the Judaic-Christian god...
What do you people think?
I think the Pope is correct. Nothing about discovering extraterrestrials - who are hypothetical at this point - disproves the Catholic God - let alone any other versions of God. The Bible not mentioning them is not a problem. It doesn't mention cars or email either. How God and Jesus might or might not deal with aliens is an open question, but there is nothing in the Bible that makes some sort of dealing with them out of the question. I would think the Pope could get away with the Bible being written to include what is necessary for those who are going to read it.
I think the Pope is correct. Nothing about discovering extraterrestrials - who are hypothetical at this point - disproves the Catholic God - let alone any other versions of God.

That much of it I get.

The Bible not mentioning them is not a problem. It doesn't mention cars or email either.

That would be more of a prediction.

How God and Jesus might or might not deal with aliens is an open question, but there is nothing in the Bible that makes some sort of dealing with them out of the question. I would think the Pope could get away with the Bible being written to include what is necessary for those who are going to read it.

But if these aliens exist, they are (in the eyes of the church) our brothers and sisters are they not? If we're supposed to love them, shouldn't we know about them?

eh, I dunno. I just think if 'god' created more than just us, we would have gotten notice somewhere.

Also,I could be very wrong about this quote, the source is...less than verified. wiki answers ftw...

When Jesus was baptized in the River Jordan 2000 years ago, he became aware of God as his Father and felt the special presence and power of the Holy Spirit. This was a turning point in his life. You can find the story at the beginning of Mark's Gospel in the New Testament. Later, after his death and resurrection, Jesus told his followers to make new disciples and baptize them, too. This has been done ever since in Christian churches throughout the world.

So do aliens baptize their young? What do they do differently than the christians here on earth? And do they have their own 'branches' of the faith, too. Like baptists and lutherans and what have you..
That much of it I get.

That would be more of a prediction.
And? I meant that there are things the Bible could have told people they would or might one day experience. Is there a reason we know the Bible should have mentioned aliens if there are any? And how did we arrive at this certainty?

But if these aliens exist, they are (in the eyes of the church) our brothers and sisters are they not? If we're supposed to love them, shouldn't we know about them?
Could be many answers to this. We won't encounter them before judgment day. God will send an appendix before first contact. God will be watching us closely to see how we handle contact without explicit instructions.

I can't see any reason for us to know in advance of contact that there are entities to love, when we have so much trouble loving loving those who are very much like us. Perhaps God thought it would make people give up.;)

eh, I dunno. I just think if 'god' created more than just us, we would have gotten notice somewhere.
It's a hypothesis you have there.

Also,I could be very wrong about this quote, the source is...less than verified. wiki answers ftw...
It looks like a summation to me.

So do aliens baptize their young? What do they do differently than the christians here on earth? And do they have their own 'branches' of the faith, too. Like baptists and lutherans and what have you..
Maybe. Maybe Jesus incarnated there too. Maybe there is some other whole set up for them.

I mean there is nothing wrong with your questions. But nothing here contradicts the existence of God, even the Catholic God.
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Hmm. hadnt thought of that. lets see. that seems at first glance to imply that the aliens are divided into 2 groups. the 'sons of elohim' and the 'daughters of Adam'. These 2 groups interbreed and produce the nephilim (Noah??, Japhet??) who then get in ships (the Ark?) and travel to other worlds

i think the elohim are of the demonic variety actually. it says that noah was chosen because he was the most pure, and i think that scripture is referring to his bloodline. it says that evil was rampant in those days, and i think that was because of the influence of the nephilim.

i think that aliens will usher in the reign of the antichrist and false prophet. can you think of anything else that would unite the world under one rule and religion? and i think they will perpetuate the mark of the beast, which will be a genetic alteration.
i think that aliens will usher in the reign of the antichrist and false prophet. can you think of anything else that would unite the world under one rule and religion? and i think they will perpetuate the mark of the beast, which will be a genetic alteration.

Why would a flying saucer landing on the front lawn of the White House make the world want to stop fighting and unite as a planet and all adopt one universal system of beliefs? I doubt very much the mere presence of aliens on earth would convince every religion (and there's a lot of them out there) to all forget what they believe and come together and believe the same thing. You can't just simply throw away what you used to have faith in and say you believe in something else, you have to actually have faith in what you say you believe. I don't think the population of earth (what is it now, like 6.6billion?) would bend over that easily.
What if the aliens are animals other than humans? Justr because humans haven't learned their languages as yet couldn't mean it isn't possible, is it?
Why would a flying saucer landing on the front lawn of the White House make the world want to stop fighting and unite as a planet and all adopt one universal system of beliefs? I doubt very much the mere presence of aliens on earth would convince every religion (and there's a lot of them out there) to all forget what they believe and come together and believe the same thing. You can't just simply throw away what you used to have faith in and say you believe in something else, you have to actually have faith in what you say you believe. I don't think the population of earth (what is it now, like 6.6billion?) would bend over that easily.

i think they'll present themselves as our creators, and our saviors, when our world is most vulnerable...economic and environmental failure, and impending cataclysms. i think they will use deception, fear, and intimidation to coerce. the bible implies you will have to die in defense of your beliefs if they are worth dying for. imo, that's our only defense against them really. they have capabilities far beyond ours as humans.
What if the aliens are animals other than humans? Justr because humans haven't learned their languages as yet couldn't mean it isn't possible, is it?

that's a good question. what are the odds that these beings will be so enlightened, that they are able to provide all the answers to all our questions about the universe?

just keep that question in mind when they do.
What if the aliens are animals other than humans?

I never said, nor implied that they would be human, or humanoid in any way. Just that they're life forms that did not originate here on earth, and are sentient.

Justr because humans haven't learned their languages as yet couldn't mean it isn't possible, is it?

Re-word that question...I really didn't understand what you were trying to convey.
The existence of extraterrestrials does not contradict the Catholic faith at all. Even though Catholics don't follow the Bible as closely as other sects of Christianity, there is nothing in the Bible that forbids one from believing in peoples from other lands (regardless of where that land is located). As long as you don't worship them, practice their religion and worship false idols, take them as your spouse(s), or practice sodomy as they might it should all be cool under the watchful eyes of the Lord.
I think it may have been here first but what about the space ships in Christian art? Seems awfully strange to put a space ship in those paintings.
... there is nothing in the Bible that forbids one from believing in peoples from other lands (regardless of where that land is located). As long as you don't worship them, practice their religion and worship false idols, take them as your spouse(s), or practice sodomy as they might it should all be cool under the watchful eyes of the Lord.

I think you missed my point just by a hair, but you're very right.

What I'm saying is this:

Suppose some aliens did land on earth in a space ship. Would they know about the Judea-Christian god, have bibles and rosaries? Yes or no.