The Pincho Paxton Universe generator

The colours are taken from location, so the colours come from Entanglement to an X/Y/Z origin of energy once the information has been passed to you.
The Dead Matter expansion is different when a lot of energy is thrown in there, so the Dead Matter changes size, the wave changes size.
Think of each hole as storing an origin, and X/Y/Z location through bumping into one another. When particles bump together they overlap, and the overlap causes a break in their shell. The shell from each particle drops into the other particle. This exchange of body parts, identifies the location of their owner, because that body part belongs to its owner. So when a photon carries the energy from this body part, they also carry the owner of that body part with them. This is Entanglement. So the photon brings that body part to you. As soon as that body part is transferred to you it is a signal of energy levels relating to an X/Y/Z coordinate. But not only is it an origin, it also contains the plasma from that original owner. In an atom there are 12 storage tanks, and a central Origin tank. Those 12 storage tanks can be passed as information. Some identify another body part, from another atom, and some are energy supplies. By combining all of these holes together, and their location, you can pass information pertaining to a location.

**** Moderator note: Time is up. Pincho Paxton has been banned for 3 days for trolling this subforum with a multitude of completely unsubstantiated claims.

For more information, see post #84 above.
Pseudo is for things which can't meet the standards of the main physics/maths forum but its still a discussion forum. Pincho doesn't want a discussion, he wants to monologue and post pictures. That's what a blog is for. Of course if he started a blog no one would read it, at least here he knows people will see it but that doesn't mean it should be allowed. If Pincho were to engage in discussion, answering questions people ask him, then I'd have much less of an issue with him.

Pseudo-science is nonsense which wants to be taken as scientifically valid. Proto-science is stuff which is on the road to developing into science. Neither of these apply to Pincho, he readily states he isn't doing science and doesn't want to do science. In that case why should he not be banned from sciforums?
"He readily states he isnt doing science and doesent want to do science" "Why should he not be banned from Sciforums?"

You bold sci as if its strictly a science forum. Do you define religion, free thoughts, etc. as science? Psuedoscience is very loosely based "science" obviously. Otherwise it would be in a specific category, couldent you do this to any topic in the psuedo science category hypothetically?

For example if I discuss alliens and keep asserting they could exist, backing up with what seems to be evidence to me, if this is not deemed so under the scope of emperical evidence am I going to suffer the same fate??
Pseudo is for things which can't meet the standards of the main physics/maths forum but its still a discussion forum. Pincho doesn't want a discussion, he wants to monologue and post pictures. That's what a blog is for.

That is also a fair point.
He does seem to avoid questions.
Perhaps he could rectify that when he comes back from his ban.

It doesn't seem fair, however, to ask him for mathematical proofs when he has said that his theory, if it can be given so grand a description, is non-scientific.

I think the reaction to him is a bit over the top.

I know you keep the physics section clear of woo-woos, which is fair enough,
but if you clear this kind of stuff out of the pseudoscience section, you might as well close it down.
This is far better than most.
"He readily states he isnt doing science and doesent want to do science" "Why should he not be banned from Sciforums?"

You bold sci as if its strictly a science forum. Do you define religion, free thoughts, etc. as science? Psuedoscience is very loosely based "science" obviously. Otherwise it would be in a specific category, couldent you do this to any topic in the psuedo science category hypothetically?
Which broad area, if not science, does an attempt to model the universe and produce a theory of everything fall under?

There's a difference between musing about philisophical questions or "What if...." or "Has anyone considered....." and "I know how the universe works, I have all the answers". Yes, religion makes such claims but I don't think anyone, including Pincho, would view his approach as an attempt at a religion.

If he can model something then we can compare the model to reality to test its validity. Regardless of whether you consider that science or not the fact is he says he has a model and I would like to see it. Whether or not I then choose to compare said model with reality is a secondary issue. Pincho has no model, since models model things. He has pictures which he interprets to mean certain things or reflect things in the real world but due to a lack of anything which models said things in the real world all he has is pictures. If he isn't interested in elaborating on his thoughts in a way which responds to people why come to a discussion forum? Why should the owners of this site, who pay for the discussion forum, provide Pincho, or anyone else, with basically a free blog and automatic footfall due to the popularity of the forum? If Pincho can't answer questions, he should get his own blog. If he doesn't want to because it'll mean less people look at his ideas then that's the fault of his work/ideas/posts, they aren't of interest to anyone.

If someone wants to put forth an idea outside of the mainstream then this subforum (pseudo) is the place, as the main forum is for mainstream material. That doesn't automatically mean they can just piss on the scientific method. Yes, they get a slightly easier ride but only if they wind their neck in. If someone posts "I can model anything, I understand it all" then me asking for just one example is hardly asking too much. Or did they think they'd be able to make such a claim and no one ask for them to back it up?

Anyone who wants their work to graduate from pseudo science to real science is going to have to answer questions from scientists, who'll want a reason to change from their current work to this new idea. Believe me, I might seem harsh in my questions but I'm nothing compared to some journal reviewers. I'm down right cuddly compared to some.

For example if I discuss alliens and keep asserting they could exist, backing up with what seems to be evidence to me, if this is not deemed so under the scope of emperical evidence am I going to suffer the same fate??
But at least you'd be attempting to provide evidence. You might still get laughed at (like common sense seeker) but you're at least showing you grasp the notion and requirement of evidence when trying to convince people of things. Pincho hasn't provided any evidence or even engaged in an honest discussion. Though I haven't noticed you post before this thread you at least seem, on first impressions, capable of discussion and your post shows you actually thought about things. I've not seen that from Pincho, he lives in his own little delusional world. On the scale of things I'd put him as less nutty than Terry Giblin but more than Farsight.

Hmmm.... maybe I should come up with a nut-o-meter....

t doesn't seem fair, however, to ask him for mathematical proofs when he has said that his theory, if it can be given so grand a description, is non-scientific.
Firstly, you can't prove a theory using mathematics. What I asked for was a derivation of the model he claims to have. Secondly he's made claims that he can do the entire universe, so asking for a specific thing in the universe isn't asking much. Thirdly I've said I'll accept a derivation of any model he has come up with, anything.

He's made a claim, I'm asking for him to show, in any amount, that its not just made up nonsense. That isn't unscientific, its something he should provide along with his claims. When a physicist comes up with a new model they don't write a paper which is 1 page and says "I've got a model for gravity which is better than everyone elses" and stop there. Even if they had such a model a paper like that would never get published. Instead they write a lengthy paper which says that in the abstract and then in the main body they lay out the step by step reasoning which led them to that conclusion.

How did Pincho reach the conclusion he can model anything in the universe? I asked him about planetary orbits and he says he's got to wait for the 'simulation' to develop planets and stars. So how does he know he can model planetary orbits correctly? :shrug: Jumping the gun a little isn't he? What grounds is he basing his claims on? He can't answer that question, which suggests he has no basis for said claims other than wishful thinking.
I noticed that word simulation myself.
He does say simulation, doesn't he.
Is the computer program a program, or is it a simulation?

If it is a simulation it is worthless.
It's a simulation of an atom, that builds everything due to its interior design. You put a few thousand on the screen, and watch a Sun or Planet develop without adding things like Gravity physics which I call a cheat. But nevermind anyway, I give up on here. This site is for the religion of science, and not the truth.