The Peter Paul Conspiracy

I understand the conflict here, you see something coming from something, and I ask my self, 'how can something come from nothing?'. Some say that the WORD dampens the thoughts of men, and many in the field of theology are afraid to take on one with a scientific mindset. But I wont, and besides the word 'theology' is an abomination to me it should be 'TRUEology' . And the reason many of my peers shy away from such a subject is because not only do they read God's Word, ...(which He calls His Son because it’s the only begotten of Him) ...and believe every thing in it, also because they believe every word that comes out of the mouth of there preachers, not only the preachers of today but also the preachers of the past. And because of the later, they are left confused. I take the warnings in the Word seriously that says; "...your shepherds lead you astray". I believe in a Creator and His creation is more than proof to me, a clever riddle describing the spiritual through the physical and if anything subject to examination were to speak it would scream 'There is a God'! Anyway I'll spare you from much reading and give you some examples, just a taste of what is exploding in scientific world of understanding found with those kwon as 'Creationist'. :
+Proof in Population:
-World population growth rate in recent times is about 2% per year. Practicable application of growth rate throughout human history would be about half that number. Wars, disease, famine, etc. have wiped out approximately one third of the population on average every 82 years. Starting with eight people, and applying these growth rates since the Flood of Noah's day (about 4500 years ago) would give a total human population at just under six billion people. However, application on an evolutionary time scale runs into major difficulties. Starting with one "couple" just 41,000 years ago would give us a total population of 2 x 1089. The universe does not have space to hold so many bodies.
+Geological Evidence:
-Physicist Robert Gentry has reported isolated radio halos of polonuim-214 in crystalline granite. The half-life of this element is 0.000164 seconds! To record the existence of this element in such short time span, the granite must be in crystalline state instantaneously. This runs counter to evolutionary estimates of 300 million years for granite to form. (in other words = The granite layer in the earth could not have appeared through many years of chance and develop slowly.)
A living cell is so awesomely complex that its interdependent components stagger the imagination and defy evolutionary explanations. A minimal cell contains over 60,000 proteins of 100 different configurations. The chance of this assemblage occurring by chance is 1 in 10 4,478,296 . I would also like to add that a simple protein is not just a simple protein, each individual protein contains its own DNA stain which is even far more complex then the protein was thought to be some years ago.
+Proof in scripture:(I would love to speak of the advance knowledge of hygiene, and protection from destructive microbiological organisms found in the books of Moses. But that is way, way too much info I tried typing it before and it took hours)
-Shape of the earth:
((Isaiah 40:22; Job 26:10; Psalm 103:12)), [I'll write what is in Isaiah 40:22 for you folk with out the Word] "It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers."
((Job 26:7)) "He stretches out the north over empty space and hangs the earth on nothing"
-Television (instant transmission of information):
(Rev 9:11-11) ------goto "" and read it.

-------I wanted to make this short but as you can see I could go on and on and when you get into statistics and odds of chance you would be able to see a lot of difficulties in what is taught today. Anyway my point is 'Are Christians narrow minded?', 'some are' but some have good arguments that stand there ground, as for the question as to why is fearing God the beginning of all wisdom, everyone needs to learn at some point in there life that they are dumb, and insignificant before they could begin to learn the most difficult things of study, and that is just scratching the surface. I apologize for making you read so much. -------------------------------------------bye for now. :D
everyone needs to learn at some point in there life that they are dumb

This is what I hate about religious folk - they're so bloody negative. My wife and child tell me I'm amazing, your god tells you you're an unworthy shithead.

You can keep your god, I'll just stick to my wife and children - thnx.

Oh and btw, it's "their".
Thank you for correcting me on my spelling, anyway if it was your point to point out the negativity of Christians, and to make others assume you are positive, I think you utterly failed through your response.
--------------Kiss, Kiss :D
Leo Volont said:
Okay, what you are saying is that it was okay for Peter to kill a couple of people whom he was extorting money from when they said they gave everything but were only suspected of holding back some money from somebody who they could reasonably suppose was a crazy cult leader who was threatening them.
stop skipping around to make your point, read Acts 4:32 to Acts 5:11. the point was they shared all, 2 pretended to do the same & were found out to be lying, to the Holy Spirit. Peter says, it was yours to do what you wanted in the first place, why lie? Because it was for 'show', they wanted to pretend they were giving their all

There would be a lot less chrisitans today, if we all suffered immediate consequences for our actions, instead of having to wait until our natural or accidental end
Particularly since the people then did not believe it either, but immediately clamored for new Leadership and got it in the person of Stephen, who was also soon murdered -- but murdered in public and so Peter could not use that Holy Spirit story again.
stop skipping around again, there's the parts about 'healing many', 'apostles persecuted' & 'choosing of the seven' prior to Stephen being seized by the anti-christian jews, who stone him after he is dragged out from the Sanhedrin (jewish religious court). so where's Peter in all this Leo?
dalahar said:
So, for instance, if I told you my name was Butch, you would automatically assume I am a stocky lesbian with a girlfriend named Candy.

Yes... and what is your point?

People really are not very secretive. they are very willing to show the world who they are, by how they talk, by what they wear, their tattoos, and by what they choose to call themselves.

For instance, if you look up Criminal Records for a.k.a.'s you will find hundreds of 'Rockies' and maybe even a few 'Butch's', though hasn't that name become somewhat ludicrous. But then if you look up in some Acedemic Directories the name of every Philosophy or Theology Professor in the Entire Universe, guess what... not a single 'Rocky'. It's a thugs name.
WildBlueYonder said:
stop skipping around to make your point, read Acts 4:32 to Acts 5:11. the point was they shared all, 2 pretended to do the same & were found out to be lying, to the Holy Spirit. Peter says, it was yours to do what you wanted in the first place, why lie? Because it was for 'show', they wanted to pretend they were giving their all

There would be a lot less chrisitans today, if we all suffered immediate consequences for our actions, instead of having to wait until our natural or accidental end
stop skipping around again, there's the parts about 'healing many', 'apostles persecuted' & 'choosing of the seven' prior to Stephen being seized by the anti-christian jews, who stone him after he is dragged out from the Sanhedrin (jewish religious court). so where's Peter in all this Leo?

yes, we all know that people who extort money from innocent people can offer up the most compelling propaganda. The Bible says that Peter was extracting money from the entire Community in order to share it. Fine. But look at the very next Chapter! The People were demanding a Change in Leadership. You really need to understand what the Bible is saying. If everything was on the up and up and Peter was really blameless, and the Holy Spirit really did do all of the killing, then WHY would the People riot in the Streets until and new Leader was appointed.

And then why would Peter subsequently reward the man who murdered his rival?

Protestant Theology only works because nobody bothers to think about anything. The triumph of intentional ignorance or hereditary stupidity.
stefan said:
atheist dont make assertion only the religious do.
your the one making an assertion, are you not.
your the one asserting a story about fictious people,
if you posted I iota of evidence, for their existence the you would not get the remarks you get.
both hapsberg and geeser have just stated fact, it's because you have your head in a fantasy world, that makes you blind to reality.
I would prefer to be a barking dog, than a mindless amoeba.

Yes, atheists hide behind the sophistry of Hume that there is no provable link between cause and effect and that there can be no certain knowledge. Atheists insist upon a nihilistic universe in which there must be no positive knowledge, no values, no morality. It is the intentional imposition of darkness to erradicate any hint of morality in what should be a World of Light. And then these ethical degenerates enjoy using the irony of supposing that it is Religion that is to blame for all the Evil in the World.
Leo Volont said:
Yes, atheists hide behind the sophistry of Hume
no wrong, the deception, delusion, and fallacy, is all religious. only the religous, believe that can have experiences from their hallucinations.
leo said:
that there is no provable link between cause and effect
this is the reason why, Confusing Cause and Effect is a fallacy that has the following general form:

1. A and B regularly occur together.
2. Therefore A is the cause of B.

This fallacy requires that there is not, in fact, a common cause that actually causes both A and B.
This fallacy is committed when a person assumes that one event must cause another just because the events occur together.
leo said:
and that there can be no certain knowledge.
no wrong again, I am certain about a lot of things, one being that you need a doctor.
leo said:
but there are Atheists insist upon a nihilistic universe in which there must be no positive knowledge,
wrong again, the universe is the most positive.
leo said:
no values, no morality. It is the intentional imposition of darkness to erradicate any hint of morality in what should be a World of Light.
wrong again, I am of a higher moral caliber, than you as a christian(or any religion) could ever possibly reach.
as I do good because I wish too, not because it put's me in favour with a god.
there is nothing you can say, to justify your position you are morally unclean.
leo said:
And then these ethical degenerates enjoy using the irony of supposing that it is Religion that is to blame for all the Evil in the World.
wrong again, well as religion has had hand in nearly every war, and the dark ages, inquisition, also that the bible and gods morals, are not a good example to follow, but I/we believe that man is the instigater of his own problem, but to follow a religion, has caused him to do evil deeds, in the name of a god, so can you wonder at it.