Farm subsidies keep food prices low, that's the purpose of them.
That doesn't make sense. You tax the public to give the money to the farms who then can sell the public food cheaper. Well, how about you let the public keep their tax money - then they can afford to buy their food.
See, the only difference when you tax and subsidize is you let the Government decide which foods the people are going to buy cheaper instead of letting the people keep their money and buy the food they want. Of course politicians then use this as leverage to get reelected. They call up the farmers union and say, hey buddy, we're really going to need a big push to keep those fructose subsidizes coming your way - we're really going to need your support on this again. We'll see you for our $10,000 a plate brunch on Thursday.
What ultimately happens is the farmer would have invested in creating products the public wanted to buy - we'll just say blueberries. INSTEAD in order to keep getting the subsidies they've invested in corn to make fructose. Now we have f*cking fructose in EVERYTHING and it's killing the public with obesity and diabetes.... which, get this, cost way more than we'd ever reap with those farm subsidies! This creates a distortions in the market (which would have had blueberries in this example). Which is why we need to spend so much money on advertising - you have to convince the Cattle they didn't really want blueberries at all. What they really wanted was blue colored artificial blueberry flavored fructose balls. This is made possible because of Federal Reserve.
This isn't turning a molehill into a mountain - it's actually happening right now as we speak.
As an aside, for Gods sake, don't drink Coke or Pepsi or any of those soda's that don't use sugarcane. I know Bunderburg (Australian made) uses cane sugar and their soda's are the same price. You MAY have the biochemistry to effectively process massively huge amounts of fructose, but, if you have the average biochemistry - you'll probably end up with type-II diabetes.
So, in your fantasy world, what would happen is that a corporation acting badly would just use up your state and go on to the next one. Additionally, many states don't have the money to clean up so-called superfund sites.
Ahhh, we don't have the money? Well, that's odd. Money is, afterall, something we can print any amount we need of. So, we actually DO have more than enough money. It was there when the Banks (and more importantly wealthy New York families) needed bailed out. There was $13 Trillion of it. There was more than enough when the military needs to buy a new plane with a 500 million dollar price tag.
Believe me, there's enough money. What we may want to think about is WHY there's not enough money under the current monetary system.
Don't be cattle. Don't live in a pen. Money is an illusion WE create. No different from The Gods. We've lost control over money. Just as we once lost control of our Gods. We need to regain that control again. If the environment needs cleaned, we should pay people to clean it. WE create money - it's really as simple as that.