I also like to study history - including novelized history. Here's an interesting book on the unification of Japan you may like: Taiko.
As for Libertarianism, here's something interesting. I asked a Buddhist priest (I'm staying in a Temple in Japan right now) what he thought of Ron Paul and Libertarianism (I just clicked onto the wiki websites) and he said its good. But that most people can't think like that, although it would be good if they could. Ron Paul he thought sounded like a good person to be POTUS but because he's a Libertarian most people (who can't think like that) probably wouldn't vote for him. He also thought wealthy people shouldn't pay so much in tax and that welfare should be reduced. But, what to do with the really really poor he wasn't sure - maybe the state does need to step in and help. In the past we were talking about wealthy people and he told me they're usually the biggest cheapskates. They'll donate $10,000 which is pocket change to them but ONLY because it's socially expected of them to do so, not one cent more. So, he does agree with the nature of wealthy people being ass holes. He still seems to think they shouldn't have to pay so much tax. Regular people often donate more than is expected. I suppose it's the way of people, probably why really wealthy people are really wealthy to begin with.... anyway, this is a little of a side track.
As for most of history - for the most part people have lived under dictatorial rule and under a number of different illusions (religion being the main one, but the State being a pretty good rival). The USA was an exception, we were Libertarian minded. Freedom FROM the state and control OVER the government is what set our society apart and ushered in prosperity not seen since Rome. That to me seems to be coming to an end as the rise of the State erodes more and more of our individualism and personal rights.
What do you think about the Store owner BEING a bigot? I mean, should that be legal? Should he be fined, imprisoned? What about teaching his children to be bigots? Should that be legal? Should the State play a role there?
IMO the best way to create society is through volunteerism. I am 100% sure that a NON-bigoted store would open up in that town because at the end of the day Blacks need to buy things and someone (maybe a Black American) would have to supply them those things. It's really silly to think otherwise. That the ONLY way blacks could purchase goods is from a bigot forced to sell them. That to me needs a reality check.
Did you know that the US military can now more easily act INSIDE of the USA? You know, in case of Islamic Terrorism.... THAT doesn't bother you .... at all?
You study history, what usually happens to free people?
the Us has never nor hopefully will ever be a libertarian state.