The pain behind the pictures

hmm..educate them. Sure, that is their problem and that will fix it. Also, the belief that a person who destroys anothers life doesn't deserve capital punishment is very strange. Also, the fact those who have a clue(who are honest) know that rape or molestation can actually be worse than murder because you are destroying that person's mind, heart and psyche. The fact that many commit suicide or want to die is a good clue and many victims have admitted they wished they had been killed or beaten to death instead of that type of violation of person. When someone murders we don't say they need to be educated or make excuses. Whether you destroy a life physically or mentally, you destroyed a life with the decision you made. Good day and get a clue.

oh i have got a clue, perhaps more than you know, its a vicous circle if we stop the parents abusing then we will have less abuses in the future, i am not saying it will stop all together because there will always be a few people who are sick and cruel, but i dont think death is a suitable punishment for anyone, the death penalty is not a deterant, i knwo that many want to and even commit suicide, i know for fact what it is like.

good day and before you pass judgement on people perhaps you should think!!!
It is interesting to note that when it comes to deterrant, punishment and societal protection for and from the peodophile, castration or even penile resection are not considered as valuable options.
As said a child has to live for the rest of their lives with the burden of their violation, surely so to should the perpetrator by the removal of the offending glands and organs needed to perform such an act.

But this is some how not an alternative and I find this intriguing that society will protect the mans genitilia in preference to the safety of the child. Why is
this so do you think?

Is mandatory castration and penile resection some how more abhorant than the rape of a 2 month old child?
[I am under the impression that rehabilitation of peodophiles is almost impossible for most serious offenders as this is a serious psychiatric condition]
It is interesting to note that when it comes to deterrant, punishment and societal protection for and from the peodophile, castration or even penile resection are not considered as valuable options.
As said a child has to live for the rest of their lives with the burden of their violation, surely so to should the perpetrator by the removal of the offending glands and organs needed to perform such an act.

But this is some how not an alternative and I find this intriguing that society will protect the mans genitilia in preference to the safety of the child. Why is
this so do you think?

Is mandatory castration and penile resection some how more abhorant than the rape of a 2 month old child?
[I am under the impression that rehabilitation of peodophiles is almost impossible for most serious offenders as this is a serious psychiatric condition]

I am totally with you.
shouldnt we be keeping these people alive to learn from them and find out why they do waht they do?
Of course they are kept alive with out a problemo, just not able to have sex or enjoy their preoccupation with abusing children.
2 years rehabilitation after surgery in lock down psychiatric ward.
release in to public domain
monitoring until evidence suggests the perp is no longer a threat to children or others [ including himself]
I think they should be given HRT to reduce any sexual urges chemical castration sounds like a good option to me.
I think they should be given HRT to reduce any sexual urges chemical castration sounds like a good option to me.

Chemical castration don't work, Sam. And in fact, physical castration hasn't proven to be a workable option either.

But more to the point, why does anyone, any society, want to keep such people????

Baron Max
just needs to be permanent there fore can not be reversed.

The only problem that I can see possible is that this would push the issue to a point where by the perpetrator would be more inclined to terminate his victims life to obscure evidence but by the same token the number of child homicides may go up slightly but the number of children involved would be overall reduced damatically. Considering the sheer weight in numbers of victims that a peodophile generates in his life.
All life is precious and mistakes get made. I am in favor of life imprisonment. I believe that a society that practices torture and other human rights violations on a regular basis loses it's humanity. And much like freedom it is almost impossible to retrieve once lost.