The other option about God and Religions

duendy: "...hallucinogens, sexuality, dancing etc...".
M*W: Sounds like my kind of religion. Where shall we gather to worship the only true gods?
I wonder if I might add to this discussion. initially i would agree with the 2nd of your belief scenarios. I believe there is one God, and i believe that some religions come close to accurately describing the situation, but I also think many doctrines are simply not true, which jumps into the 3rd scenario.

I don't understand how the statement:

"By the term God, he/she/it may not have these attributes : ominpotency, omniscience, omnipresence, omnibenevolence, etc. He is just an intelligent being (not an automata) that created us."

sets up these belief scenarios. In deciding whether or not God exsists and in what capacity, are you not already limiting Him to your own ideas that He is "just an intelligent being" ? If God exsists, then God must have these attributes you list, and thusly those must be included in your decisions of belief. Please let me know if I'm misinterpretting the statement.
You know you've got a friend when they really read your posts!

Geee's thanks from all the bitching and griping and plain old arguing around here it makes one feel good that at least their posts are geting read. :cool:
Don't it?.

Sounds like my kind of religion. Where shall we gather to worship the only true gods?

Boooooohahahaha see

Well it's different. ;)

liquidsilver said:
I don't understand how the statement:

"By the term God, he/she/it may not have these attributes : ominpotency, omniscience, omnipresence, omnibenevolence, etc. He is just an intelligent being (not an automata) that created us."

sets up these belief scenarios. In deciding whether or not God exsists and in what capacity, are you not already limiting Him to your own ideas that He is "just an intelligent being" ? If God exsists, then God must have these attributes you list, and thusly those must be included in your decisions of belief. Please let me know if I'm misinterpretting the statement.

I said "may not have". I just try to minimize the attributes of "God". You can add some or all of these attributes as you wish. But having all these "omni" things leads to contradiction.

Also, I don't see why God *must* have these attributes.
The Creator God Chaos or Zeus in Greek myth are not omnibenevolent.
Or try Shiva in Hinduism.
The supreme "heaven/sky" in Taoism "treats everyting like dogs" (Tao De Ching). It just doesn't care.

Sorry but its seems that it is you who limit on the definition of God to that of the Jewish God.
The reason God "must" have these attributes is because that's what must set Him apart. The other gods you mentioned are all fashioned by human minds. fallable human minds cannot percieve or create a perfect God. the religions that you mentioned all have one thing in common, that man needs to strive for some perfection, for some absolute truth, and so creates an idea of a god and does what he thinks he must do to pursue this god. all advances to this god are based on works and rituals. The "Jewish God" is one who is seen as pursuing mankind, and still is doing that. i hear nothing about Chaos or Zeus still affecting life now, because the ideas that created these gods are dead. But a God who is not created, who is eternal, still can affect life today.