The origins of the Greys & the Nordics

hey gil
chears for the info
any hints on why hitler persicuted the jews as he did... in light of these facts?

groove on all
UFOS and the 3rd Reich-their objectives and origin PART B

This is the continue of the post which I've written above
(search the post with the same title-"UFOS and the 3rd...."-Part A).
Please notice to read PART A first.
Now we should leave the Background.
(Again-this info is from the Journal #30 of the Israeli Center for UFO Research)

The Continue: (PART B)

An Information by communication with aliens

Representatives from the Tuli organization & the Uril organization met in 1919. At the meeting were participated Maria Otish and another girl who have contacts with aliens- "Zigrom"- just 17 years old.
These 2 women received & wrote down messages in the Sumerian language & in the secret language of the Templers (by the aliens).

By the messages which were translated to German - transpired that the messages origin is from aliens and the messages contained an information about advanced technology which would enable the humans to come to far planets.
In this information were insructions how to build a time machine for meeting with the aliens that before many centuries the humans believed they are the gods.

The Origin of these messages was from The Ultra Veron Star system in the area of the Orion star.
(Orion-maybe the origin of the Greys species).

At the meeting of the Tuli organization in 1943, Maria Asingrod (Had contacts with aliens) delievered some information which included details & landscape descriptions of far planets from Alta Dora star system.
(This star system is far from the Earth about 65 light years).
Transpired that around that sun there are 2 planets.

The German people who had contacts with aliens have interested in creation & destruction , in light and dark.

The Germans have worked hard to create spaceships which would move by an alternative technology.

I will write PART C very soon.
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Re: UFOS and the 3rd Reich-their objectives and origin PART B

Deadwood has said to ne in a private message(not any more "private") :

This same experience has been recorded by others. You can find the website in my archives. Its got isuur in the name. The theory, is basically that these aliens are demons. The part of your part two that struck me was when the report said:

In this information were insructions how to build a time machine for meeting with the aliens that before many centuries the humans believed they are the gods.

This fits in with the bible. For nations outside of Israel worshipped other Gods, like Bhaal. These are demons. So if humans called them God's centuries ago this would be reffering to the demons in the old testament. (sorry if I offend you by calling it old testament, I am Christian)

Please send me your comments.

BTW How are things in Israel at the moment? With all of the tumoil and all, is it affecting where you live? Whats it like living there?


A reply:
What is the web site?
Re: Re: UFOS and the 3rd Reich-their objectives and origin PART B


I'm in a big problem right now, so I won't be here for a long time....

Bye Bye,

Wish me a good luck!
UFOS and the 3rd Reich-their objectives and origin PART B


I'm in a big problem right now, so I won't be here for a long time....

Bye Bye,

Wish me a good luck!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

This is hillarious, chatting it up about alien species as if there were any evidence at all out there that even sugested anything more than that there MAY be some short gray guys buzzing farmers with their UFOs and perhaps analy probing a few o' them, and even that is rather weak. You talk about all sorts of unfounded stuff that has absolutley no foundation in reality!

Let me tell you youngens a thing or two about the "star wars" program It does not deal at all with lazers (though at one point they had considerd that. It was a plan concocted by that dottering old fool regan , who stole the idea from one of the spy movies he once acted in. It was (and still is now that Bush has decided to put funding back into it) an "anti missle sheild" and in fact it is more commonly called the "anti missle sheild" only its sceptics call it the "star wars" program. They planed on seting up surface to air missiles that would be small and quick and extreemly acurate, these missiles would be used to intercept neuclear missiles before they hit their targets in the US. At one point they were considering having these missiles launched from orbital satilites, but that proved implausable, and currently they are having enough trouble just getting one missile to hit another.

As for the bible having "proof" of alien life, that is just absurd, you pritty much made all that stuff up to tailor it to your own needs. You can prove just about anything with something so loosely worded as the old testament or the bible, here, i'll demonstrate.
In genesiss it says that Cain and Able were brothers, God called on them for a sacrifice, Able sacrificed a lamb and Cain sacrificed some grain. God liked able's sacrifice much more than cains, this made cain jelous and so he ended up sacrificing his own brother, and because of this God placed a "mark" on cain. Most think that this "mark" was a bad thing, and that God was angry, But lets look at the previous events: God was pleased by Able's blood sacrifice, and didn't care for Cain's sacrifice of grain, and then when Cain made a blood sacrifice (his own brother) to God, God placed a "mark on him" Now since it is obvious that God prefered blood sacrifices maybe he was so pleased with Cain's latest sacrifice that he decided to place this "Mark" on Cain, and this "mark" was vampirism. So because he liked blood sacrifices so much, and cain gave such a good one, God bestowed upon him eternal life and, appropriately, a taste for human blood, just like God's. This would also mean that vampires are not Damned as many belive, but instead are God's favorites.

There, see how rediculous that was? But I assure you that it is no more rediculous than implying that the old testament implies that aliens were all over and God let them help out with the creation of man.
hey mystech
thanks for your opinion
what do you think about the comparrison of what people use-to believe in regarding travel above the speed of sound ?
and the flat earth society?
if mathmatics is a trueth by your standards and beliefs then it is seen as mathamaticaly probable that life on other planets exists....?
given our age in relation to the universe
we are young....?
yes i am bassing my beliefs on what other people (scientists) have said.
your thoughts?
groove on
Demons to my knowledge are spiritual beings. Therefore, they can change into any shape they wish. Even parade as an angel of light. This is why I believe that they are all demons. And if what Gil W has written is true it serves as a testimony to the fact. They have been trying to deceive humanity since we were created. Right back to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

Saying that they were worshipped as Gods centuries ago is very reminiscent of what Israels enemies did as I stated above.

Also, I beleive that life could exist on other planets. As a creationalist I think that God could create animals and plants on other planets. However, I do not think He would create anything to the calibar of man.
A Reply

Originally posted by Deadwood
I really agree with Deadwood.

He's probably right!!!


I won't write part C. Sorry.
If U really want the continue-write to my E-Mail, please.

Ha ha ha ha

Has anyone here ever heard of logic, reason, or, and this is a really good one, evidence? I'd verry much like to know where you are getting your data about what the names of the allien home worlds are, Gil_w. Or why one would assume that a deamon, by nature could change shapes at will (or even exist, for that matter, but that is another post all together), Deadwood or why not take these terms like deamon and spiritual and define them, rather than leav them open to anyone's interpratations (or whims in the case of deadwood... unless of course he is the personal freind of some sort of deamon who has told him all about it). ripleofdeath, it is compleetly unfair to compare such "revalations" as those presented by Gil_w to current scientific facts that were previously belived to be imposable. First off, his little theory is far more like the world prior to realizing that the earth is round, than after. He has no data or evidence to bace his argument on and it is meerly a fanceifull wim, shure its nice to thinks such things, but to acctualy belive them could be considerd a form of mental derangement. As for the probability of other life, that is practicaly a no brainer for any mathamatitian or anyone with any clear thought, really. If the univerce is in fact infinite (or just really freaking huge) then it is quite likely that there are other forms of life in the univerce, I won't denie that. However as I said earlier, no matter how much research you do (and trust me, I've done it) there is no concreet evidence out there that suggests (not proves) anything more than there MAY be other forms of life occasionaly buzzing their space craft over our skies and that MABEY a few people have been analy probed by them.
Dear mystech

3 questions

1. Is your name a subconseuse warning of your intent?

2. What is your fixation with anal probing?[i have read allot of ufo kidnap stories and have yet to find ONE involving anal probing]
The nature of your reference on such a topic suggests a huge degree of bigotry and miss-direction! :(
#Note- THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE INVOLVED IN ANAL INTERCOARSE ARE HETROSEXUAL (self acclaimed) PEOPLE- these are results expressed by sexual health/practice surveys in a variety of countries!!!

3.there is no direct evidence to prove the Darwin theory "of humans" there is a huge missing link in the evolution of the human species yet we keep finding dinosaurs....
"Who’s opinions" are you stating as facts?

groove on all :)

Nope, my name doesn't imply anything, why would you think that?

2nd, I assure you that a larger % of homosexuals dream about anal sex (taking it, rather than giving) than do heterosexuals. Think about that one for a moment. Also the hole anal probing thing is just sort of a comical way of saying that some people were abducted, cuz man oh man where did that steriotype come from and what do aliens have to gain by sticking equipment in peoples butts?

and 3rd my own data comes from common sence and personal research. I havn't quoted anyone so far so I can't give you any sources.
hi all
mystech-just my interpretation of the angel of your critercisSom of the subject matter and persons posting it
NOT that i know you from a 'cyber format' except to what you have posted in these the "ufo BELIEVERS" threads. hint :D
ok i get your point about the probing thing but how many ufo abductions are reported by what type of people is a question i would be keen to know the answer to! maybe in the too time consuming basket for any person... ?
i have read abduction reports that claim proceedures that are only just now becoming common practice like the naval insertion / biopsy type thingey for women.
i understand that the concept of the association to such an important .....????? "interface"...? with the mother
could spring forth alot of deep refference for the person claiming the abduction....hence a psycho emotional rational of the subconseuse providing options for the conseuse to select from.
the nature of the visual cortex usage by the conceuse mind jumps to mind!.... :)
i accept that most are motivated by need then fear then greed and a subsequent proces of this could lend doubt to the abduction phenomena.....howev-va...
common sense says alot of things that limit our own growth in a reflective doctrine of dayly function.
endophines.... THE ULTIMATE BUZZZ :D
new frontiers are discoverd by the risk takers and the non-disbelivers.
look at cancer cure / research THEY HAVNT GIVEN UP YET!
do you belive in personal growth????????????????????
>do you believe it is possible<?!
THE MALE STEREO TYPE EGO is anti community!
THE FEMALE STEREO TYPE EGO is anti developmentaly constructive.
both stereo types contradict each other!
this seems to devide people to two groups-
"the world is fucked"-people
"their is a chance for the world"-people
2 very basic and simplified groupings i admit but i have a limit to how much i percieve people will want to read!
and maybe not appropriate to continue on this thread even though the thread starter has declaired he will stop posting.
ill have a think about the name.......
groove on all :)
Hitler & The Reticulans

Beware the Dark Side...One might be better off not enquiring too deeply into the possibilities of a relationship between Hitler and the Reticulans.

Remember where most of Hitlers top scientists went to work when the war ended!
no reason to beware

Oh the ignorant ones have returned...... anyway, as far as anal probing it is not an abduction sign, in all my years of experiences and research there hasnt been any cases of probing like one said,that was a homosexuals fantasy. As for proof guess you havent heard of the disclosure project go to and listen to the 2 hour press conference that came out 9 May and they now have over 400 government and military witnesses of undisputing evidence of extraterrestrial evidence. As for myself, ive known for a fact theyve been here for many years through encounters and abductions. The day will come soon where all will be in the open. As for being called a young one lmao older then you think. More sites to check out
Mystech your 'research' doesnt count when your sleeping or with your eyes closed. You definitely havent been in the right places and living in the deserts of arizona you must be blind. Anyway, im still here just observe more then speak.
Take care and have a great day.
Love and Light,
Please Do Your Homework...

Actually guys there are reports of different types of probes being used during abductions, one of which is a probe that is thought to be used for the collection of fecal material. It is normally described as being remembered, but with no physical or emotional attachment. Mercifully it seems, these memories are usually blocked out, so that kind of negates the idea of the experience being sexual (pleasure or pain) in nature.

This type of probe is not a "common" theme in abduction accounts, but it isn't "uncommon" either. Considering the wealth of information that can be obtained relatively quickly by the collection of bodily fluids, wastes, and tissue samples it doesn't seem surprising that all of these would be used during an examination. This one particular facet of the abduction experience seems to be the one that people have seized upon, even though the scoop/biopsy marks and other anomalies are much more common, consistently reported and photographed often for documentation.

The abductees that I have contact with are all perfectly mentally sound, most have been through psychiatric testing and multiple medical tests because, when they first started realizing that they were abductees, they doubted their own sanity and mental/emotional stability. I can happily report that every single one of the abductees that I know, that has gone through psych testing is not fantasy prone and got a perfect bill of mental health, with the exceptions of PTSD or occasional situational depression (which under the circumstances is understandable).

The comments about abductee reports of such probes being homosexual in nature are outlandish! Most abductees that come forward to talk about the actual nuts and bolts of the abduction experience are women. The ratio of homosexual to heterosexual abductees has never been established, for good reason. It is truly nobody's business! The researchers that have had the poor taste to ask, have got the same ratio of homo to heterosexuals as would be found in the general "non-abductee" population.

There is a wealth of honest to goodness (or as close as anyone can get to honest to goodness) information out there about abductions. Before anyone spouts off and starts putting words in abductee's mouths (or probes up ALL their butts), it would be a good idea to hit the search key and do a little homework. Don't believe all of what you read, but if the same information keeps coming up from noncommercial sources and especially in support groups, you may want to take a close look at it.

hey all

it is clear that "mystech" has a problem with sexuality
but i was just trying to be polite about it (but the point was lost i guess so i state it now in no uncertain terms :D

what knowledge do you"mystech" have of homosexual dreams?

being a human comes naturally to those who know what they are more so than those who choose to think what they want is what the media may tell us to be.

we can only be what we choose to believe until we lose sight of
what is important.

maybe we can all be nothing at the same time?
so we can all be normal!

groove on all :)
Have you read.......?

Has anyone ever read the book "Children of the Matrix" by David Icke. WOW!! There's some eye opening stuff in there.

After reading his book, it's makes me kind of leary about being in this forum. But, I think my eyes are only kind of open and I'm not much of a threat.

I sound like a weirdo right now, don't I? Read the book and you'll see!

I have to go but I'll create a post later about the topic.
Niiiiice if you sound like an idiot, get no respect, and have the brain of a 10 year old, then pull crap out of your ass, good cover