The Opposite of Terrorism

Bells said:
Does anyone else see the hypocrisy of this statement? Proposing and advocating outright genocide to be rid of a people who use violence as political expression is VIOLENCE and is advocating violence Leo.

I am thinking of Russia. The Chechynan People are going into Russia and they are blowing up entire Apartment Complexes. What are the Russian People supposed to do? All the Ports and Economic infrastructures in Chechyna were not built by the Chechynans. They were built by the labor and sacrifices of the Soviet Peoples as a Collective Society. The Chechynan gangsters who are inciting violence to have all Russian influence removed from Chechyna are motivated simply by the barbarian inclination to pillage a Civilization. And it appears that the Chechynans simply will never stop. In this case Russia really needs to evaluate the situation. We know that the Human Species is by no means endangered. And we know that Russian Security and Safety would be secured if every Chechynan were to disappear off the Face of the Earth. Russia is being destabilized by the necessity of conscripting soldiers and paying to arm a Military that could otherwise be dispensed with. They need this Army in order to persistently deal in half measures with the Chechynans.

But yes, there are certain more humane practices known in History. The Babylonians would deal with belligerent populations by entirely moving them from their lands. People do not fight for their land after they are removed from it. They would actually trade entire peoples. They would take Alpha People and march them to Beta Land and visa versa. Both populations would go "Oh, well, such is Life", and move on to constructive things, where, if they had been left on their land, they would have fought for political supremousy. Such a solution is not magical. It was assumed that total pacification would take 3 generations.

But with the advent of High Explosives, can Modern Society wait for 3 generations to passify belligerent peoples?

What WILL happen, because it needs to happen, is that Governments will create designer diseases that are ethnically specific. Hostile Populations will simply get sick. We will send in the World Health Organization and appear to do all the Humane things so that our History Books will have nothing to appear guilty about. And the Problems will be Solved.
Leo Volont said:
I am thinking of Russia. The Chechynan People are going into Russia and they are blowing up entire Apartment Complexes. What are the Russian People supposed to do? All the Ports and Economic infrastructures in Chechyna were not built by the Chechynans. They were built by the labor and sacrifices of the Soviet Peoples as a Collective Society. The Chechynan gangsters who are inciting violence to have all Russian influence removed from Chechyna are motivated simply by the barbarian inclination to pillage a Civilization.
Ok, lets look at Russia. The Chechnyans are fighting for their independence. Is that so wrong? Do they not have a right for self-governance? Do they not have a right to their own culture and way of life? Have you considered what the Russians are doing to the Chechnyans? There is an implementation in Chechnya whereby young boys and men are being taken out of their homes and either killed or held in custody because they are of fighting age. What the Russians have done in Chechnya is genocide. The forced removal of people from their homes, the seperation of the sexes, the slaughter of innocent people. All this amounts to genocide and it is implemented by the Russians against the Chechnyans. The 'Chechnyan gangsters' are the ones who are trying to fight back, to bring the war to Russia as it is brought home to them. The human rights violations are terrible on both sides, but the cost the Chechnyans are having to pay is much much higher. Their capital was literally totally destroyed. That includes homes, apartment buildings, schools, universities, businesses, etc. The Russians are blocking human rights observers from entering Chechnya because they know that the crimes they are committing is so atrocious. I'd advise you to read these articles if you want a fair idea of the war in Chechnya, because from your comments, it would appear as though you don't have much of an idea. This is just a brief overview of the crisis in Chechnya at the moment: (interesting site about the human rights abuses and violations committed by the Russians in Chechnya. You should browse through the links on the page)

So what are the Chechnyan people supposed to do? Sit back and watch as their male population is slaughtered, their homes, schools and businesses destroyed? The rebels are fighting back in any way they can. I don't advocate their means of retaliation, but I also do not blame them.

In this case Russia really needs to evaluate the situation. We know that the Human Species is by no means endangered. And we know that Russian Security and Safety would be secured if every Chechynan were to disappear off the Face of the Earth. Russia is being destabilized by the necessity of conscripting soldiers and paying to arm a Military that could otherwise be dispensed with. They need this Army in order to persistently deal in half measures with the Chechynans.
How very Christian of you. I'm sure Hitler would have loved to have you on board. You dare call yourself a Christian and a Marian Catholic no less and you come up with something like this? Hypocrite.

What WILL happen, because it needs to happen, is that Governments will create designer diseases that are ethnically specific. Hostile Populations will simply get sick. We will send in the World Health Organization and appear to do all the Humane things so that our History Books will have nothing to appear guilty about. And the Problems will be Solved.
Satan would be proud of your ideals and philosophy.
Bells said:
Ok, lets look at Russia. The Chechnyans are fighting for their independence. Is that so wrong?

Was it wrong for the South Carolina Militias to fire on Fort Sumpter and thus kill innocent Federal Troops who were only doing their duty? The United States fought a Great Civil War to uphold that it is Better for Humanity to be Unified then Divided. Yes, some Southerners still have rebellion in their hearts. It only goes to show that maybe Genocide is the Final Solution for some things.

When you propose the right of every man to kill every other man in order to take what that other man has, you speak for the end of Civilization. This is the case in Chechnya. They prospered under the Order imposed by the Soviet Union, but since the destabilization resultant from the breakup of the Soviet Union, each Chechnyan has turned into a thief who wishes to grab by violence what he couldn't build with his own hands.

America must certainly disintegrate too. With so many people preaching independence through violence, how long will it be before each State and even County and Township rise up and murder their State Guards and Police and declare their Independence. Islamic Terrorism is only a momentary destraction. America's real threat is from within -- there must be thousands of Timothy McVies who want to use every other American for target practice. All to be more Free and Independent. Rush Limbaugh will finally be happy when all of America is in Flames.