The Only Universal Religious Position

How do learn and from where you learn morality ? Allien we don't know anything about allien.
If the state dictate you morality and you don't obey it you are immoral at such point the state have the monopoly on mortality. We on the earth have a free choice, we choose to have war or not, so don't blame any body. Religion is also a free choice.

Obviously, you do not understand belief. People do not choose what to believe.

Obviously, you do not get the point.

Your point (correct me if I'm wrong) is that one doesn't chose to believe in God. One either believes or doesn't believe. It's not something that one consciously choose.

That's ridiculous of course since you would have never "chosen" something you weren't already exposed to. If you were a primitive man where nothing was understood then you might make up gods for every unknown (weather god, god of the sea, fertility god, etc).

In today's world you "believe" in God because you've been exposed to God culturally.
Well if you want co compare 1700 years of Catholicism vs atheism in the USSR 70 years, you are right. Give the atheist power, one thing I would be sure they will close the churches , In the USSR if you made assembly to worship with friends in your house the demolished the houses and incarcerate the homeowner, that was a fact, not so in the present. Another thing I would not be surprised if they would not burn the bible.

This illustrates a general problem with powerful institutions that fear groups that hold different values. All such institutions are primarily interested in protecting their powerful positions and are not interested in the welfare of individuals. This applies to religious organisations (e.g. Jehovah Witnesses accused of poor child protection policies) and non-religious ones (e.g. the Soviet Union campaign against Jewish poets, writers, painters and sculptors).
Imagine that some time in the future we manage to communicate, meaningfully, with aliens from other worlds.
Would they be religious, like humans?
Some might be religious.
Of the ones that are religious, would they be Christians ?
If so, would they be Catholic or Protestant?
If Protestant, would they be Baptist or Anglican?
If Anglican, would they be USA Anglican or UK Anglican?
Probably not.

Your religion largely depends on where you live, what your parents believe and who you've met.
You may have been brought up in a particular faith or been converted.
It's not likely that you chose your faith after studying the pros and cons of all the living religions.

It's unlikely that the aliens will know anything about Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, Sadafaldeo or Monty Python.
For more, see

However, the aliens might easily be non-religious, because anything else requires specific indoctrination.

Of all the religious positions, only non-religious is Universal.
To get logical awnser to above, first we may need to undersrand real and universal definition of true religion. We can not base specific definition as per specific culture for it. I tried to define it in my other topic. Faith is not limited to any specific religion or a specific being. Keeping faith in your parents, teacher, friends etc is also a faith. A skeptic can keep faith in science, a believer in god etc. Imp point is keeping faith and following good, healthful and harmonizing practices.
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Go to any betting agency and ask what odds they would give you when we contact aliens they would be any of the following

Would they be religious, like humans?
Some might be religious.
Of the ones that are religious, would they be Christians ?
If so, would they be Catholic or Protestant?
If Protestant, would they be Baptist or Anglican?
If Anglican, would they be USA Anglican or UK Anglican?

That MIGHT give you some idea of the likelihood

I assume you mean that aliens are unlikely to exist. It's true we haven't discovered any yet, but the number of discovered potential life-supporting planets is increasing at an exponential rate. The universe is probably teaming with life and therefore teaming with believers of various kinds, all of which must be different from any on earth, but all having some sense of the Truth.
The universe is probably teaming with life and therefore teaming with believers of various kinds, all of which must be different from any on earth, but all having some sense of the Truth.

For some reason I can't read the original post probably because on my Iggy list

But that's OK

No I certainly do believe that the Universe teams with life. And I'm guessing many will have some sort of belief in some sort of god

For atheist like myself it won't make a scrap of difference how many gods are on my Iggy "Don't bother this god" list

And this mystical Truth of which you post. Which Truth would that be?
