The only truth about any religion


Actual Cynic
Registered Senior Member
If you are a christian, it was because you were born to christian parents, probably in a christian country. If you are a muslim, it is because you were born to muslim parents. And so on. That is all your religion is. No divine insights, no messages from god telling you to follow his religion. It's all down to blind faith based on what your parents believed.
If you are a christian, it was because you were born to christian parents, probably in a christian country. If you are a muslim, it is because you were born to muslim parents. And so on. That is all your religion is. No divine insights, no messages from god telling you to follow his religion. It's all down to blind faith based on what your parents believed.
well I was born to christian parents who only ever went to church for funerals and weddings and I was an atheist until my interest in philosophy drew me to the vedas, maybe a year or two after I had finished by university education

needless to say your use of the words "only" and "truth" in the thread title are misleading
If you are a christian, it was because you were born to christian parents, probably in a christian country. If you are a muslim, it is because you were born to muslim parents. And so on. That is all your religion is. No divine insights, no messages from god telling you to follow his religion. It's all down to blind faith based on what your parents believed.
For the small minded yes...they believe such and such because of their childhood cultural associations, which may be different if they happened by chance to have been born elsewhere.

Location, location, location!
If you are a christian, it was because you were born to christian parents, probably in a christian country. If you are a muslim, it is because you were born to muslim parents. And so on. That is all your religion is. No divine insights, no messages from god telling you to follow his religion. It's all down to blind faith based on what your parents believed.

I became a Christian when i was around 19 years old. I Read the Bible and Believed. :)

You make statments as though they are facts, But you do not know the truth.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
There are other reasons than that which make people become religious. The most common is due to severe emotional trauma, (after car accidents etc).
I would agree with others that have posted in saying that the fact of birth isn't always the case with religious identification. The exceptions mentioned are completely valid (as are other exceptions I'm sure), however, I don't think anyone can deny that accident of birth (or fact of birth if you like) isn't the largest single determiner for religious identification.
What is interesting to me is why don't parents or schools everywhere let

their own know about other religions so that they have a better

understanding of the diversity we have in our world?
I think its far larger a reason that a traumatic incident. I think traumatic incidents push people back to a faith they had let lapse.
Usually, the one born into a relion are pretty cool with it. The converted and religious 'explorers' go overboard and may (may) start off with emotional problems.
And so is everything else that involves more than two people.

Not ALL religions are about power, i dont think the RCC is about power at all.
I was born into a Christian family but find myself not really leaning towards the idea of Christianity. I find there are a lot of misleading stories and lies that need to be uncovered.
If you are a christian, it was because you were born to christian parents, probably in a christian country. If you are a muslim, it is because you were born to muslim parents. And so on. That is all your religion is. No divine insights, no messages from god telling you to follow his religion. It's all down to blind faith based on what your parents believed.

That's not entirely true, there are many conversions. However, it is the reason why religions promote procreation so vigorously.

What is interesting to me is why don't parents or schools everywhere let

their own know about other religions so that they have a better

understanding of the diversity we have in our world?

Some schools teach this, comparative religion.
I was born into a Christian family but find myself not really leaning towards the idea of Christianity. I find there are a lot of misleading stories and lies that need to be uncovered.

You have that right, but you must afford that same right to religious people. If you are in search of honesty then good luck finding it.

That's not entirely true, there are many conversions. However, it is the reason why religions promote procreation so vigorously.

Some schools teach this, comparative religion.

The only preaching and converting i see being done by Atheist's.:shrug:

And Spidergoat, good luck telling people not to have SEX. Afterall, thats how babies are made.
You have that right, but you must afford that same right to religious people. If you are in search of honesty then good luck finding it.

I should probably just learn the language of the bible as it was written, or multiple languages it seems. That is the only way to truth.
The only preaching and converting i see being done by Atheist's.:shrug:
I guess you never watch TV.

And Spidergoat, good luck telling people not to have SEX. Afterall, thats how babies are made.
You can have sex without making a baby. The most religious family on my block has about 10 kids.
The only preaching and converting i see being done by Atheist's.:shrug:

M*W: And exactly what are we preaching and trying to convert you to? Atheism is not something anyone can convert anyone else to. Atheism comes as a self-realization. It comes from within those who become enlightened to the fallacies of religion. There's nothing to preach and there's nothing to convert anyone to. And for the last time, atheism is not a religion. That's what we want to get away from.
I should probably just learn the language of the bible as it was written, or multiple languages it seems. That is the only way to truth.
M*W: Even if you learned Hebrew and Greek and even Latin or Olde English, you would still find the contradictions, inconsistencies and blatant lies that you can find today in the bible. Don't waste your time on it. There was a time I wanted to study Hebrew, but I didn't get very far. Same thing for Farsi. The big question I have about the original languages of the written word of the bible is that Jesus spoke Aramaic, but the NT was written in Greek. Right there, there is much cause for human error. The bible is a collections of dramas, comedies, tragedies and poetry, etc.. Read it in that light, but also be aware that there are a gazillion references to star myths in both the OT and the NT. This is what I call astro-theology. All religion is myth.
Maybe maybe not, Kaneda. My parents weren't religious - in fact, my old man was devoutly anti-religious.