The One World Government

Do you believe in the coming of a One World Government? Yes or No?

  • Yes. I believe that the One World Gov. will be real

    Votes: 20 64.5%
  • No. I don't believe in the coming of a One World Government

    Votes: 11 35.5%

  • Total voters


Registered Senior Member
"And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindred’s, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him." --Revelations 13:7-8

There has never been a time in history in which a one world government could be form. Not during the time of Christ, which was the era of the Roman Empire (which did not control all of the known world), nor the year 1000 A.D. to the advent of the early 1900s. We are, without even knowing it, in the middle of the formation of a one world government that will set the stage for the tribulation period and the ushering in of the antichrist as world leader.

Unfortunately, there is a force at work throughout the world that aims to unite people, nations, communities and other groups into larger units. Centralization, you might call it. It's still theory and conjecture, but, in my opinion, here's how the grand plan will begin to unfold: The insiders who meet under the auspices of the Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Affairs, the Bilderberg Group, etc., intend to use the United Nations and the European Community as the models for other regional groups of nations. Already the Islamic nations of the world have formed a coalition. Latin American nations have grouped together through an "integration association". The nations of Southeast Asia have there own association. West African states have their own economic community. And, of course, the U.S. Canada and Mexico formed the North America Free Trade Area in 1989, which resulted in a treaty ratified by the U.S. Congress in October, 1993 (NAFTA).

But these international groupings are merely an interim step toward total world unification. And in the 1990s, the world seems to be on a fast track toward global government. Its never been so clear before.

But where is the New World Order leading us? Well, according to Former President Bush, who announced it to the world (for the first time) during his presidency, this new order will mean global peace and safety. But the Bible declares, that in the last days when governments are devising plans to bring about world peace, it will only prove to be temporary and the destructive final countdown will begin.

Do you believe in the coming of a One World Government? Yes or No?

Do you believe in the coming of a One World Government? Yes or No?

Very interesting...

In essence I do believe the One World Governement to be the answer to many of our problems, especially concerning conflict and war. But the scary bit is of course, as always, control. It will be the ultimate form of control. While you may think it a democracy, it has the potential to be a deceptive form of dictatorship with devastating implications. I think this is what the Bible is referring to, the control of freedoms, liberties and such.

But wait, theres more!!!

The bible also mentions the mark of the beast. The mark needed for commerce and identification in this supposed AntiChrist Apocalypse world of the near future where refusing to accept the mark on your hand or forehead (in the form of a 666 barcode) will result in execution. Everybody will have to conform to the 'system' and a One World Church will be established with the AntiChrist as its head. Sounds just too scary too be true. I mean, would humanity be so blind as to lead itself into a future where the freedoms past generations died for are thrown out and people are treated like cattle?

Lets hope not.
I promise you, that if anyone arose that even had a remote resemblence to the diabolic despot which we call the "Anti-christ," hundreds of zealots would leap up to assassinate him.

Chances are, this demonic conspiracy would have to be much more subtle to ever come to fruition.
I would conjecture that Satan's methods would be mendacious and furtive. He'll sneak up on us cleverly and in an unsuspected form.
This supposed champion of the fallen, this impious conqueror . . . it doesn't seem likely that he'd even be a person at all. It would just be too obvious.
Wouldn't an organization, or belief, or even a product of consumerism and mass-media expedite satan's cause, whereas a mere mortal would be easy prey for slings and arrows of impassioned fanatics?

I mean, maybe the AOL is the anti-christ . . . :eek:
I think that eventually humans will unite in a one world government.
I really think it is inevitible, unless we exterminate ourselves first.
It may take centuries though.
Dear god no, Of course not. We can barely agree within our own government, and we the americans have yet to believe in the ideal that any OTHER form of government could possibly be allowed ever anywhere or that any other govt could be anything but flawedb esides our own, i suppose this one govt. of yours would be a democracy wouldnt it
Originally posted by Redoubtable
I promise you, that if anyone arose that even had a remote resemblence to the diabolic despot which we call the "Anti-christ," hundreds of zealots would leap up to assassinate him.

Chances are, this demonic conspiracy would have to be much more subtle to ever come to fruition.
I would conjecture that Satan's methods would be mendacious and furtive. He'll sneak up on us cleverly and in an unsuspected form.
This supposed champion of the fallen, this impious conqueror . . . it doesn't seem likely that he'd even be a person at all. It would just be too obvious.
Wouldn't an organization, or belief, or even a product of consumerism and mass-media expedite satan's cause, whereas a mere mortal would be easy prey for slings and arrows of impassioned fanatics?

I mean, maybe the AOL is the anti-christ . . . :eek:

I whole heartedly agree with you, but other than that you have to realize that as a whole, There are only a select handful that are not part of the working drone class that think outside of the box enough to have their own personalities, we as a whole , as a race are stupid if we hear in the news " today we found proof god exists" we will not even listen to the rest of the story and walk around toting that the news said he does, we dont have the attention span as a whole for these kinds of things. I say no there will never be a world order, that is unless we force our government on the world, because american govt is "perfect" and there is no other possible way we could live EVER because we are idealy the best forever period we are perfect *insert sarcasm*
Centralization will not occur. Information is power and the Internet has demonstrated the massive effectiveness of rapid dissemination. And the Internet has no center.

It seems inevitable that the world will achieve a single economic system and a political system, but I suspect the concept of democracy will need to change from majority rule to consensus rule. With so many diverse interests in the world there stands a good chance that many minorities will be sidelined if simple majority rule is imposed. With increased availability of up to date information and a worldwide network that enables rapid decision making then the additional time needed for consensus should not be a major issue.

With the rapid increase of high quality and high bandwidth communications, plus the perfection of quality video conferencing then the need for a geographic center where people must meet will likely dissipate. I do not see the need for central control but more like a collaborative effort within a diverse worldwide network of representations.

What also seems likely is the continued introduction of computer based control in the system. Stock exchanges are already electronic, and exchanges like NASDAQ which have no human middle men allow the introduction of computer based traders. Human traders will be unable to compete at the speeds of AI trading (already in considerable use) which will mean that the human element will need to withdraw. But other aspects of governmental control will also become too complex for humans to administer in reasonable time. Computers will be left to arrange the optimum distribution of goods and services in a cooperative worldwide network.

Perhaps what “Revelation” is predicting is not some being but more likely it will be the Machine.

"And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindred’s, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him." --Revelations 13:7-8
A network based computer system controlling all aspects of world government administration, will fully comprehend all kindred’s, tongues and nations. And worship? Well if the machine stopped at that point then we’d be in a real mess.
Yes. but there will still be individual governments under the control of mega corporations. Hmm come to think of it ,that is already happening.:confused:
Re: Do you believe in the coming of a One World Government? Yes or No?

Originally posted by nanoboy
Do you believe in the coming of a One World Government? Yes or No?
It's already here, and starting to take form. People expect a "World President" to be proclaimed, when in reality it's being done economically.
The antichrist will be a superman world-administrator

The antichrist will be a superman world-administrator

Try to make a small reading-effort here and compare Nietzsche's superman to the Bible's Anti-Christ to the Political-Science World-Dictator and i guess Nietzsche's superman, will be the Bible-Antichrist and the world-dictator.

The Masters of the Earth

958 (1884)

I write for a species of man that does not yet exist: for the "masters of the earth."

Religions, as consolations and relaxations, dangerous: man believes he has a right to take his ease.

In Plato's Theages it is written: "Each one of us would like to be master over all men, if possible, and best of all God." This attitude must exist again.

960 (1885-1886)

From now on there will be more favorable preconditions for more comprehensive forms of dominion, whose like has never yet existed. And even this is not the most important thing; the possibility has been established for the production of international racial unions whose task will be to rear a master race, the future "masters of the earth";--a new, tremendous aristocracy, based on the severest self-legislation, in which the will of philosophical men of power and artist-tyrants will be made to endure for millennia--a higher kind of man who, thanks to their superiority in will, knowledge, riches, and influence, employ democratic Europe as their most pliant and supple instrument for getting hold of the destinies of the earth, so as to work as artists upon "man" himself. Enough: the time is coming when politics will have a different meaning.

1003 (Jan.-Fall 1888)

To him who has turned out well, who does my heart good, carved from wood that is hard, gentle, and fragrant--in whom even the nose takes pleasure--this book is dedicated.

He enjoys the taste of what is wholesome for him;

his pleasure in anything ceases when the bounds of the wholesome are crossed;

he divines the remedies for partial injuries; he has illnesses as great stimulants of his life;

he knows how to exploit ill chances;

he grows stronger through the accidents that threaten to destroy him;

he instinctively gathers from all that he sees, hears, experiences, what advances his main concern--he follows a principle of selection--he allows much to fall through;

he reacts with the slowness bred by a long caution and a deliberate pride--he tests a stimulus for its origin and its intentions, he does not submit;

he is always in his own company, whether he deals with books, men, or landscapes;

he honors by choosing, by admitting, by trusting.

The one world gov't will never come to be, we are all so damn nationalist that we will never unite under one gov't, even worse, a person. Countries will then argue why the leader is not of their nation. No it would be a disaster, this kinds of gov't has fallen before and will do it again. now about the "anti christ", I don't really believe in it. Besides the fact that not everyone is christian, Jesus was not the only enlightened person in this earth's history. Is there like an "anti buddha" as well? :bugeye:
Corporations and big money can control who is elected to leadership positions in every nation . We have already seen that happening. By controlling who is in position of political power in the various nations these mega corporations will eventually control the military and political scenario of the world. There will be no one world government, just a world dominated and manipulated by an elite segment of the population.
The Caste of Lords

Nietzsche talked about a Class of Lords, of supermen ruling the world. I think that this caste of antichrists will be the antichrist to the christians and the superman to the Nietzscheans and the world-dictator to non-believers (seculars) :)


Attention K-Mart shoppers. We already have it. It aparently has been so stealthy, and sneaky you have not noticed. It is called U.S.A.

Bologna you say? The only so-called independent governments are ones the U.S. finds acceptable. If the U.S. does not like what it sees, it takes over the government and changes it to one more suitable.

All under the guise of goodness, peace, democracy and goodwill toward others.

I just wish they (congress etc.) had the guts to completely take over the world, and let everyone have a vote for the president etc.

Viva United States of America!

If they did completely take over and let the people who are already being controlled (directly or otherwise) by them vote on the U.S. government, I wonder who would get more votes? Democrats? Republicans? Maybe even good ol' Ross?

Do NOT think this is a anti-U.S., anti-Bush post, o.k.? It was not meant that way.
But Renegades won't let the One World Order come

The good thing is that here were always renegades like Chief Sitting bull, Tom Paine, Dr. Martin Luther King, Malcom X. They were renegades of their time and age. So many renegades, and renegades have power now to stop Bush Hawks from materialising their Fourth Reich

But Renegades won't let the One World Order come

Renegades of Funk

No matter how hard you try, you can’t stop us now
No matter how hard you try, you can’t stop us now

Since the prehistoric ages and the days of ancient greece
Right down through the middle ages
Planet earth kept going through changes
And then no renaissance came, and times continued to change
Nothing stayed the same, but there were always renegades
Like chief sitting bull, tom paine
Dr. martin luther king, malcom x
They were renegades of their time and age
So many renegades

We’re the renegades of funk
We’re the renegades of funk
We’re the renegades of funk
We’re the renegades of funk

From a different solar system many many galaxies away
We are the force of another creation
A new musical revelation
And we’re on this musical mission to help the others listen
And groove from land to land singin’ electronic chants like
Zulu nation
Destroy our nations
Destroy our nations
Destroy our nations
Destroy our nations
Destroy our nations
Destroy our nations

Now renegades are the people with their own philosophies
They change the course of history
Everyday people like you and me
We’re the renegades we’re the people
With our own philosophies
We change the course of history
Everyday people like you and me
We’re the renegades of funk
We’re the renegades of funk
We’re the renegades of funk
We’re the renegades of funk

Poppin’, sockin’, rockin’ puttin’ a side of hip-hop
Because where we’re goin’ there ain’t no stoppin’
Poppin’, sockin’, puttin’ a side of hip-hop
Because where we’re goin’ there ain’t no stoppin’
Poppin’, sockin’, rockin’ puttin’ a side of hip-hop
’cause we’re poppin’, sockin’, rockin’ puttin’ a side of hip-hop
Poppin’, sockin’, rockin’ puttin’ a side of hip-hop

We’re the renegades of funk
We’re the renegades of funk
We’re the renegades of funk
We’re the renegades of funk

We’re teachers of the funk
And not of empty popping
We’re blessed with the force and the sight of electronics
With the bass, and the treble the horns and our vocals
’cause everytime I pop into the beat we get fresh

There was a time when our music
Was something called the bay street beat
People would gather from all around
To get down to the big sound
You had to be a renegade in those days
To take a man to the dance floor

Hello all, all i know is that according to events, things look more and more like we are sure gonna have a one world gov. very soon. specially with the war-hawks pushing for more global-domination wars
