FallingSkyward said:
It does? Have you read the bible?
People actually believe in all of the crap that happens in the same book, and most of it could very well be crap. No proof, and it was all written hundreds and hudreds of years ago.
I actually read the bible to think deeper into things, like an outlet I can use when I'm frustrated. It answers a few important questions, but you shouldn't take the stories literally, because perhaps they weren't meant to be literal.
Perhaps someone put those in there to set an example, or to fuel a new religon to start.
Also, I always thought the bible was not to be taken so seriously, actually.
For example, I have a buddy who's a religous Christian, and 'Harry Potter' actually offends him. He says witches/wizards use 'black magic', which endorses Satan.
I just rolled my eyes with a "whatever" look on my face.
For the record, I haven't heard of a single Catholic person that thinks Harry Potter is offensive.
Which is my point - People (note: Christians) take the bible TOO seriously.
They don't actually see the real picture. It doesn't matter how Jesus was killed,
or how Noah put animals on his Ark - that's not the point.
People use Jesus's death to inspire faith, and that's the wrong thing to do. People want to use carnage and suffering to inspire good things, but that's all wrong too.
We need to not to these things so seriously and drive ourselves/yourselves mad with thirst for more people to be the same as us/you.
Not everyone is going to believe in God, and not everyone is going to care about what happened to him. Get over it. Trying to say their the evil seed of Satan is horrible and disrespectful. Even my own mother doesn't do it, as religious as she is.