The odds of Jesus will come again

Well that's a stupid question because you are implying that there really was a "Jesus of Nazareth" (who actually rose from the dead, turned water to wine, etc). It's a question like: "How long is the Flying Spaghetti Monster?"
You have to believe.
And I believe one day my god will appear. The strength of my belief depends on me. And yes my belief has been shaken a time or two in the past. But I have always believed.
You have to believe.
And I believe one day my god will appear. The strength of my belief depends on me. And yes my belief has been shaken a time or two in the past. But I have always believed.
as opposed to :

You have to believe.
And I believe one day we will be able to authoritatively define consciousness in reductionist terms. The strength of my belief depends on me. And yes my belief has been shaken a time or two in the past. But I have always believed.
