The Now

I think the conflicts in our lives do make us stronger, but they also cause us to grow old.

You mean, hairs turning grey! :D Any conflict causes a lot of cortisol production and stress. Prolonged stress is bad for health. I think "Zen" teaches to stay calm...which is difficult to do if you do not have a safety net.

That brings us to the medicare, health insurance for all, welfare issues that can be a point of discussion in the NOW and Future topic.
Here is Now looking at the future: (two good links)

"It happened quickly; few saw it coming. Over the past 20 years, the PC, the Internet, and the protean enterprises that arose around them propelled an economic transformation as sweeping as any since the Industrial Revolution. Together these changes were responsible for the lion's share of industrial and service-sector growth. They allayed the fear that U.S. competitiveness was in steep decline. They sparked a wave of corporate restructuring, spurred improvements in productivity, and ushered in what even traditionalists like Fed chairman Alan Greenspan acknowledged as a new economy. And by collapsing distance and traversing national borders, they helped turn Marshall McLuhan's notion of the world becoming a global village from theory into practice.",2997,s%3D1754%26a%3D10158,00.asp

"Imagine a Web, circa 2030, that will offer a panoply of virtual environments incorporating all of our senses, and in which there will be no clear distinction between real and simulated people. Consider the day when miniaturized displays on our eyeglasses will provide speech-to-speech translation so we can understand a foreign language in real time—kind of like subtitles on the world. Then, think of a time when noninvasive nanobots will work with the neurotransmitters in our brains to vastly extend our mental capabilities.",2997,s%3D1754%26a%3D10163,00.asp
<i>"I can't help but think that some set of moral/ethical/political frameworks will become a part of the debate to a much greater degree than they are now, if for no other reason than there is just so much weird shit going on!"</i>


Thank you for those two links. The two articles were very interesting. I think <b>we</b>, as a global village, need to decide what is important.
I can't wait to see what the future holds, and personally I hope it has all those things and more.
But as far as the present, we have some big obstacles to get through before we can make it that far.
The U.S., which has always been known for being the land of the free is slowly but surely removing any freedom that gets in the way of their making money.
World relations this is a current list of wars and other little nasty things going on:
I think the world need a lot of work to get out of the sad state of affairs it's in.
I'm sorry I did not mean to imply that that was the ONLY reason, With that I was mostly referring to the DMCA RIAA thing.
I think a lot of it is more of a PR thing. Making it seem that they are the greatest government out there. Making sure that the only things getting reported media wise, are what they want known to the public.