The NEXUS magazine LIE !?!?

FieryIce said:
Human with 5 digits .....hummmm
Interesting how the computer keyboard is set up perfectly for 6 digits, imagine that!
Excellent example of WTF.
What do you mean "WTF"? Isn't it obvious? Aliens came to Earth and designed the Qwerty layout!
The operative word there is “came”. Mr. Rodent, don’t you mean herded or thrown as in prisoners.
FieryIce said:
Human with 5 digits .....hummmm
Interesting how the computer keyboard is set up perfectly for 6 digits, imagine that!

It was designed for ten, four fully articulated and two opposing digits. IE, TWO HUMAN HANDS YOU FREAKING LUNATIC.
Right, sure Phloger. ;)
The simplest explanation fits, no articulation, no opposing digits, just simply 12 digits fit the keyboard perfectly, like the keyboard right in front of you and everyone else typing at their computers.
Tsk, tsk, tsk, plogger. The lies of all the media pales by comparison to forums like this one. Mushrooms anyone? Plenty here in this forum of bull shit lies, deceptions, slander and on and on, just like the bible tells of.

FieryIce said:
Interesting how the computer keyboard is set up perfectly for 6 digits, imagine that!
I don't know what kind of weird keyboard you have, but this one, on a Compaq Evo N800c, is set up perfectly for eighty eight digits. Weird, huh?
You know, talk of alien conspiracies, and keyboard layouts, means that that RAND corporation probably are in league with the reverse vampires and the saucer people, ....
It would mean the technology of imput devices were set up to satisify someone elses physical peculiarities.

I'm only sourcing one website, however you can hunt round the internet for many more explaining the history of the QWERTY keyboard.

Simply it was designed to stop keys jamming from fast typists on typewriters, although apparently a mechanical design change could of been made to stop the jamming.

It has nothing to do with the numbers of fingers or other extruding things (tentacles?) a person has. Fiery/Norval, If you believe the keyboard to have been laid out for alien entities, then it really does add to doubt casting on any of your "Other" theories.
Stryder, just admit it, all this information is well outside your competency, even simply looking into a magazine such as Nexus. Just admit your incompetent and resign your moderatorship, or lack there of.
FieryIce said:
Stryder, just admit it, all this information is well outside your competency, even simply looking into a magazine such as Nexus. Just admit your incompetent and resign your moderatorship, or lack there of.

Show me have a keyboard for 5-digits (5 for each hand) would look like.
Fiery/Norv, are you saying that the QWERTY keyboard was designed FOR, or BY aliens?

Have you ever travelled abroad, and seen an AZERTY keyboard? Not all keyboard layouts are the same. Ever used an alternative input device, such as a Dvorak, or Quinkey?

I think you two whackos don't know enough about Earth to make claims of an extra-terrestrial nature. Either of you two have a passport? Speak another language? Ever travelled/lived abroad? Because you both sound very narrow minded, insular, and US centric.
What about DVORAK keyboards? Definately aliens there! And Trackballs! Anyone who uses a trackball is an alien!
Guess after digit removal surgery resorting to trackballs would be logical.
The whole point being all the lies and deceptions humans are inundated with, WHY?

What do these thrown down loosers think they will accomplish by keeping up this charade?

It tis but a mear annoyance now that we have the means to identify and even classify them. Bull shit liars, jealous, greedy, envious, and still nobody wants "them"for a neighbor.

That magizine is but one of the wys of information aquisition and control.
