The newest religion

People who claim that scientists are not willing to give up their beliefs have little (probably no) knowledge of the history of modern physics.

Classical physics reigned supreme for over 200 years, when relativity & quantum theory appeared between 1905 & 1920. Classical physics was and still is extremely consistent with our intuitive notions about the world of our senses.

Yet those so called close minded mainstream physicists accepted both relativity and quantum theory in spite of their strange counter-intuitive concepts. They fought briefly with Einstein over quantized energy, but readily gave in when he presented cogent arguments.

Do you folks have any idea of how revolutionary modern physics was when first introduced?

BTW: Einstein, Bohr, and other great minds presented their ideas without knocking the existing theories. They presented their views supported by mathematics, cogent arguments, and observational evidence. The hallmark of the crackpot (like Fort) is the amount of verbiage expended putting down opposing ideas.