The New World Order...

Ok then, pray for me. What am I imagining? What are you so offended by? I'm totally lost. You are all telling me to calm down and check my temper, and I'm sitting here calm as a whistle and I'm not angry???? I'm just expressive. :) And I'm honest. I'm sorry that the length of my post bothered you, but I was simply trying to explain that, and I'll be brief:
1 I know what you're talking about
2 No, that's not what I'm talking about
3 I've been called worse

Ok, so just forget it.

I think that things will be in such a state of disarray (to put it mildly), that the NWO will be out of necessity. It will seem to be the only rational choice. Not much dissention, no, except for us. We can't buy in. We just can't do it. We'll seem to be freakish to those who don't know the Word. He will be a false saviour. That's exactly what it says in a nutshell. I mean don't forget who we're dealing with here. The embodiment of Satan. Did you know that the Bible says that Satan was the most beautiful angel in heaven? And if I'm not mistaken, that he ruled a kingdom here on earth before his fall. I'm going to get some scripture that tells of Satan's beauty, power, and ability to tempt and deceive. Flash doesn't believe me. But think about it, he wouldn't be tempting if he wasn't attractive. The majority of people are not attracted to evil. I bet that Satan drew the first picture of a devil with horns. That's a really good point that you brought up about prophecy and it's varied sources.'s the same principle...he has to stick to the facts as he knows them (and he knows lots of them) in order to be credible at all. I mean, since God made everything, spiritual principles are spiritual principles, and they work regardless, and the wrath of God and the reasons for it are written and known to Satan and men, and Satan knows already that he is defeated. He just doesn't know when exactly. That's how he operates...he gets you really close to the truth, and then pulls the old switcheroo and replaces Jesus with himself (himself being the flesh many times). I pondered this subject myself long and hard when I was studying other world religions including the new age. The outcomes are the same in behaviour. The spiritual principles are almost exactly the same, and at least achieve the same desired outcome. Everyone knows that it's good to share, and love, and be kind, and to serve, and to not glorify your own ego or material things. But why and how are always where Satan comes in. That's why it's a deception. See, he plays both sides of the fence. Kind of like good cop, bad cop in a way. He's spent all this time tempting us into sin; to be jealous, to be greedy, to be angry, to be judgemental, and then when the crap's about to hit the fan, he steps in to save the world with the most obvious answer that we would have known all along if he hadn't ever tempted us in the first share, to love, to be giving and peaceful, and non-judgemental, and to accept everyone for who they are. Well, duh. That's exactly what it teaches in the Bible. But the Bible also exposes Satan for who he really is. Everyone wants to ignore that part, and it's a BIG part.

Headed for the crapper? I look around and I agree. The new set of eyeballs I got when I was saved didn't help any. I had to overcome being cynical. Now it's just saddening. That's the thing...I see what's going on and I know why and I want to help save everybody. I can't help it. That probably sounds arrogant, but I'm not trying to be, I really mean it. I wish you all could see what I see coming. This is the question you all have to answer...Who will save us? Jesus or the aliens? Jesus or the antichrist? Jesus or the master teacher? Jesus or the Goddess? Jesus or Budda? Jesus or Mohammed? The whole point that the Bible is trying to make is that there's only two of them out there duking it out for us. I just thought of it as the final word. That's why it was even written. It's THE Word. So we know the difference. So we won't be deceived.


Please explain. Is that the wicca trinity? Same roles/functions or different? So there's God, just a different way to get to him. That's what I'm saying. It's not that I think you're religion is weird or doesn't make sense; they are all basically the same except for the attribution of it. Explain it to me.

God loves you and so do I!
So this thread of mine went to hell( figuratively speaking Lori ;)).. but thats okay.


Let me tell ya that even though i rarely agree with what Lori believe in and what she says, it doesn't mean that i don't respect her. She's damn smart if you ask me, and she has gone out of her way trying to find meaning to her life and she has a hard time getting getting the point across to the people on this BBS. I have many times wondered about the way she says things, but now i know that it is her way of dealing with people on this BBS ( which is great)

As mentioned. there have been some very heated debates here, but Truestory if you can't debate on a thread without going personal, then you better start looking somewhere else.

You are acting like an F***** idiot here.

Get well ok?

"It's always easier to ask questions than to give the answers. The Questions are almost always innocent, but the answer's are most often not".

Haakon T Haug ( aka H-kon)
You know, H-kon, that's all very well and good for you. The truth of the matter is, though, we all have our different ways of dealing with people. This has nothing to do with using curse words, it has to do with remarks directed at an individual in an attempt to demean and belittle them.

For example, although I didn't particularly care for Lori's behavior towards some others on this board (I certainly would not have tolerated some of her remarks if they were directed at me) everything seemed cool between me and Lori until recently (I think this was because she felt that we shared the same basic beliefs). Then, one day recently, Lori "mistook" me as the author of someone else's post and addressed me in a personally derogatory manner (because she mistakenly believed that I posted something that she disagreed with). I informed her that I would truly appreciate it if she would not address me in that way whether or not she thought that I was a poster who she agreed with or not. (It's called setting boundaries for oneself in a relationship). Lori did not respond but one of the reasons I brought this to Lori's attention, H-kon, was because... I agree with you. We, as adults with differing opinions, should be able to disagree and debate without getting personal. However, Lori does not seem capable of respecting anyone else's personal boundaries. She now uses that same derogatory remark when she gets vengeful and mean-spirited towards me.

So, if it makes you uncomfortable when the conversation turns to "personal", I suggest that you talk to Lori about it.

Now, I have observed Lori on many ocassions, defending her personal "intentions," no matter how quick to anger, obnoxious, rude or derogatory her behavior is. The excuse is that she is human, with feelings. Well, guess what? So are the rest of us on this board and so is the rest of mankind.

I have also observed that Lori is very quick to read negativity into some other people's intentions and to "express" her concocted disapproval in a very obnoxious, rude, derogatory and personal manner towards individuals who she believes do not see things her way.

H-kon, if you want to accept being treated that way yourself, then that's fine for you. If you choose to "respect" such behavior then, good for you too.

Although I believe that Lori knows that I respect and love her as a human being (as one of God's children), I don't respect her recent behavior towards me. I am certainly not going to allow myself to be treated like "shit" by anyone, no matter how "good" they say their intentions are. Lori has been treated that way herself at home and doesn't like it, so, she should be able to understand that there are some others who don't like it either. As far as I'm concerned, Lori can bring her personal emotional "shit" to this board all she wants. She should understand though, that not everyone is going to put up with it when it is directed at them.

Now, H-kon, you might think that I am being harsh but I can assure you that I have the best of intentions in my heart. That's just my way of dealing with people.

[This message has been edited by truestory (edited October 14, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by truestory (edited October 15, 1999).]

You've been called worse? Than what? If you are insinuating that I called you a name, once again, you are mistaken. I'm not into that. From what I can see, you do more than enough name-calling for the entire board.

I did address what I consider to be your offensive behavior, though. If you really want to know the type of behavior I'm referring to (in addition to name-calling), it is explained in my post to H-kon.

By the way, if you want to abuse anybody, it seems that your friends Flash and H-kon are up for it. I'll pass, thanks.

OK, so you just forget it.

I'm just gonna try this one more time. Please focus. I'm not saying that YOU called me a name. I'm saying that I've been called worse than the names that I come up with for others. I'm not trying to defend my behavior. I know I can be defensive and rude, but I think that YOU are the one taking it all a little too personally. And may I remind you that you are judging me. So explain that. Whether you want to believe it or not, I'm trying my best. It would be nice to have fellow Christians who encourage and support and fight the good fight without looking down their noses and shaking their fingers, and going tsk, tsk. I KNOW I HAVE A TRASH MOUTH. Do you understand? But that was TOTALLY NOT WHAT I WAS REFERRING TO IN THE ORIGINAL POST THAT YOU RESPONDED TO. You know the scripture that you posted regarding the spirit of the antichrist? ALL I'M SAYING IS THAT I SEE IT, AND I'VE FELT IT. If you don't believe me, then lets do a little experiment, shall we? You go out on the general space and astonomy topic boards, and start preaching the word. Do it in a very Jesus-like Christian way. Then get back with me after you've gotten some response.

God loves you and so do I!
I realize you are new...let me tell you something. You are MISREADING Lori BIG
TIME!! If you could look beyond this
cloud of bs you have and see the heart of'd see this for yourself.
I do not know why the heck you seem to think
that just because I call her a friend and
defend her that I am in love with her...
ummmmmmmm know I am a female...
don't you???????????? Well now..isn't
your face red???? LOL
Lori shoots straight...she tells it like it
is...further let me tell you this... in all
my life I had many people witness to me and
I was so turned off by people with attitudes
such as yours! See you call her rude blah blah blah...but I was able to see that she
was being honest...even though I might had
disagreed with somethings...she's real..unlike a lot of "christians". She
got through to me because of that very reason!! Infact...I have never considered
her rude...just honest. Funny how I and
a lot of others can see that but you can't.

The judgement I do make is how I will let myself be treated by others so, back-off! (I could say, back-off, bitch! but I won't because I wouldn't want to be treated that way myself. Does that make me more or less of a Christian than you? I think not... Just different).


Look back. It was a joke. Get a sense of humor, woman! BTW, antoher difference... I don't see anything wrong with two people loving each other... As a matter of fact, we are encouraged to love God and our neighbors as ourselves. As you know, love does not always equate to something sexual so why are you and Lori so fixated about what I meant by the "love" thing?

[This message has been edited by truestory (edited October 15, 1999).]
Look..I misunderstood..I read into something
that you didn't mean to be taken in the manner which I did. My fault..I am sorry
for that.
Why are you being like this toward Lori?
What she said wasn't bad... Lori is a great
person TS. Look past all these hang ups you
have and you will see that.
We aren't fixated on this love thing...just
took it like you meant something else.
I do agree with you...there is nothing wrong
with loving others.
I'll lighten up if you will...ok??????
Hey, Flash... Thanks for the olive branch which I accept with open arms and heart... Bygones.

As for what is going on between me and Lori, with the Grace of God, I am sure we will work it out... My apologies to you if it affects you in the meantime...
Yea, by the grace of God maybe you'll stop calling me abusive, offensive, angry, and obnoxious for no reason whatsoever.

God loves you and so do I!

The only things I "called" YOU were a "human being" and "one of God's children." The words which you referred to above are those which I used to describe the current BEHAVIOR which you are choosing to exhibit when relating with others, including me, which I will not tolerate.

I can post many examples of the type of behavior I am referring to if you'd like but, I hope that won't be necessary.
Good.. I am why won't you offer Lori the same?????? Geez, I mean..hell TS,
Lori has said a lot of things to a lot of
people..but it has ALWAYS been straight
forward.. Lori is anything but abusive..or
anything else you may call her. Look, I know
her very well...and I can honestly say that
she means NO HARM TO ANYONE! If you took
it that shouldn't. On the other
hand perhaps you should explore why the heck
this bugs you so bloody bad... I mean think
about it TS! Think really hard.
Flash, chill if you will. :)

But seriously... Don't worry about it. There is spiritual guidance at work. Everything will be O.K.

I do understand what you are saying, but you should not judge her still. Sometimes she does get a little "excited" to say the least, but that doesn't mean you should tell her what to do. Read her posts, answer them in the same fashion. This is a BBS, and there are going to be some rough threads around. The only work around is to get used to it.

One thing though, Lori has a tendency to get her Caps Lock stuck on her keyboard, but that doesn't mean she's hostile.

I do respect Lori ( me being a non-believer in religion)for what she is, and for that she tries to get her point across to everyone. I do not care for Christianity to put it mildly, but i still don't start going ballistic on her when something gets personal. I read her topics, and replies when i feel i have something to contribute. Besides, going personal is the same as showing weakness, and unsecurity about the debate at hand. ( Boris mauled me a couple of times :))

Read the posts, read the replies, and do your thing. Later on, you'll enjoy Lori as much as I and problaby several others do.

Oh my releationship with Lori is:

She is Christian
I am a non-believer in religion ( but "believe" in God in my own way)

Guess how the threads go after a while LOL :D
I'm not any particular religion either. I believe that the Bible is always true, but I don't attend church. I say that I'm a Christian, for lack of a better word.
Vanya - Well I don't believe in the bible at all. It would problaby be an okay movie, but it's very few things in there that i believe in..

It's only an old book in my opinion.