The New World Order...


Registered Senior Member
Just wondering what thoughts you all have on that

Will it be tyrranic if it happens? Or will it be very peaceful.

Hope this will be a good discussion. I'll jump in when someone posts his or her thought about it.
Peaceful, and then tryranic. Hence the term, false peace.

God loves you and so do I!
I don't think there will be any tryranny. We've seen how people react to madmen. The only way I see this new world order happening is by unanimous decision with little dissent. The system; my best guess would be a democratic form of communism.

Wait, what about that alien ruler thing...aliens want to enslave us in their own social system for our own good. Hmm, well, I might have to agree with them on that if their rule wouldn't be too invasive. Seeing as this planet is headed for the crapper, unless we can fix things maybe we should let someone with experience handle us.
JMitch - I have actually thought the same way, seeing that we can't handle it ourselves, why not have others either doing it for us, or help us do it :)

Good point.
The Antichrist will demand worship, make you take the mark and denounce Christ. Those that don't will be killed, or will die from lack of sustainance (sp?). It will be all "fluffy" new age BS until that time, him saying that he doesn't want anyone to worship him, until he gets control, then he'll change his mind.

God loves you and so do I!
Concerning The Beginning of Calamities, Jesus said:

"See that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, saying, 'I am the Messiah,' and they will deceive many. You will hear of wars and reports of wars; see that you are not alarmed, for these things must happen, but it will not yet be the end. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be famines and earthquakes from place to place. All these are the beginning of the labor pains. Then they will hand you over to persecution, and they will kill you. You will be hated by all nations because of my name. And then many will be led into sin; they will betray and hate one another. Many false prophets will arise and deceive many; and because of the increase of evildoing, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who perseveres to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the world as a witness to all nations, and then the end will come."

The Lesson of the Fig Tree:

"Learn a lesson from the fig tree. When its branch becomes tender and sprouts leaves, you know that summer is near. In the same way, when you see all these things, know that he is near, at the gates. Amen, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have taken place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away."

[This message has been edited by truestory (edited October 12, 1999).]
But what has the Anti-Christ got to with the New world order? Is this just the religious opinion, or the general opinion when it comes to the NWO?
Well, the Bible has prophecized the NWO since it was written. That was way way before all of this new age and alien enlightenment. I feel the persecution coming on already. I don't mean to sound like a drama queen, but have you guys noticed how badly a lot of people hate my guts because of my beliefs? It's a very vehement anger. Belittling, saying that I'm stupid, and to shut up!! It's the spirit of the Antichrist that is on the rise. A culmonation in the emodiment of the Antichrist of the end times. I'm telling you guys, it's been prophecized for centuries now, just read the flippin' book already!

God loves you and so do I!

For the most part, I don't think people "hate" you. Some people disagree with your beliefs and others agree that there is definitely room for improvement in the way you conduct yourself.

This is just an observation, not a criticism... Many times I have observed that the choice of your words and the manner of your presentation have had a tendency to rile some people up and/or turn some people off. That happens to all of us sometimes. However, I have seen that your behavior has a tendency to elicit those negative responses more often than not. I am not suggesting that you change your behavior, unless you would like to see an improvement in the way people respond to your posts.

[This message has been edited by truestory (edited October 13, 1999).]
Hey Lori, welcome to the club
thats exactly how we feel when the christians start bashing on us for being wiccan so i know exactly how you feel.....just think of the inquisition......Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And as far as the Father Son and Holy Spirit in Wicca we follow the God and Goddess with the Goddess seen as Mother Maiden and Crone just thought maybe you'd find that interesting.

Eric Cooper
Hmm.One question Lori

Why would a prophecy written in a bible be more accurate than one made by lets say.. Nostradamus? Still Christians rarely believe in anything but the bible, even though 2 sources might come to the same conclusion.. Several sources claim that the NWO will take place very soon, but which one is the most accurate Lori?

Farieshaman: I am not too familiar with the Wiccan tradition ( if i can call it that.. blame my ignorance :eek:, maybe it's time to create a thread based on the differences, or the commoness of those to religions?)

I don't understand what you mean. I think it may be a generational gap between us. You are abhorred by the fact that I use cuss words, and am not all "peace and love and God bless you my child". I don't talk that way on purpose because that makes people who aren't Christians sick to their stomachs. I am a real person, and I'm not perfect, and why should I invent some artificial personna to try to convince people of that when it would be a lie? You don't understand me. I'm a very nice person, and my heart is in the right place. I just don't talk like I'm spoon fed religion from some church. I'm not into appearances, I'm into beliefs. The debates out here get heated. Sometimes I get frustrated, sometimes I'm trying to be funny. I suggest that you lighten up a bit, and quit trying to "reform" me. That's why people hate Christians, because they do to them what you are doing to me. You are being condescending, and judgemental, saying to yourself that "if she doesn't speak the way that I do, she must be wrong; I'll pray for her, blah, blah, blah". I'm not saying that I'm right for speaking the way I do sometimes, or even feeling the way I do sometimes, but at least I'm not some fake who tries to deny their own humanity. I'm a nice person, and I'm painfully honest, and I'm trying to help people by spreading God's word. If you think about it, that's a lot more important than the fact that I let an F-bomb blow every once in a while. The people who have been posting out here for a long time know that I am sincere, and do not have malintent. You sound like my grandma. She's a real holier than thou Christian as well. I believe in glorifying God, and I realize that not everything I do does, but my intent is in the right place. I don't think you realize how much of a negative perception Christians get from non-believers, just because they are so "goody-goody" no one feels like they can relate to them. When you were younger, everyone was goody-goody. Or at least a lot more people had a lot more respect and a lot more decency than people do now. I'm just trying to relate to people, and be a real person. I think that you would find that I actually get a much better response from non-believers than I do believers. That is exactly what I am after.

God loves you and so do I!

Yadda, yadda, yadda... Seems like I touched another one of your nerves even though I indicated that I was not trying to get you to change. I am not judging you and I said specifically that I was not suggesting that you change your behavior. YOU were the one who had a problem with the way people were reacting to you.

Here is what you said which prompted my response to which you took such a lengthy exception:

"I don't mean to sound like a drama queen, but have you guys noticed how badly a lot of people hate my guts because of my beliefs? It's a very vehement anger. Belittling, saying that I'm stupid, and to shut up!!"

It's not your beliefs... In case you haven't noticed, a number of people of various ages have taken exception to your rude behavior. (And, just so you know, you and I are not removed by a generation in age).

By the way, if you don't mean to come across as a "drama queen", why are you acting like one?

Hmmm... I wonder what Lori behaves like in front of her clients who help pay the bills?

[This message has been edited by truestory (edited October 14, 1999).]
I for one get frustrated at some of the
things that Lori says...BUT, I don't hate
Thing is Ts...I bet if you took a poll here..
you'd fine a hell of a lot of people who
like Lori. not be throwing stones when you
have been guilty of the drama queen thing
yourself... I've read some of your posts too.
Look, I am not trying to start something...
but Lori is a friend..and I am not gonna sit
here and watch someone cut her down! You
can say you are not all the many different
ways you want...but truth are.
Grow up!

[This message has been edited by Flash (edited October 14, 1999).]
Boo-hoo... That was so nice, Flash... Ain't love grand, Lori?

Hey, guess what? I'm a nice person too. :)
Wow, you are really a bitch TS. For your info, HONEY, I wasn't talking about the reaction that you're talking about. Whether you want to believe it or not, I get a MUCH worse reaction to communicating the Word than I do for cussing someone out. I meant exactly what I said. I post something nice and sweet and Christian-like, or post some scripture pertaining to prophecy, and believe me it doesn't matter how nicely I say it (hey Boris help me out here would you?), people freak! THERE IS a spirit of antichist in the world and in the hearts of men nowadays, and I'm telling you that I've tasted it first hand. How many times (anybody out there who's been posting here as long as I have) have I been told to find another board where the religious freaks are, or to shut up because no one wants to hear your religious garbage, or you just believe in God because you're stupid, and on and on and on? Too many times to count. The only reason that there is a separate topic for religious debate out here is because I made all of the scientists and astronomers want to puke with my talk of Jesus and the Bible. So guess what? I'm responsible for even getting a religious debate topic out here on this site, and it's the most active topic! Thanks, Jesus! I was trying to explain to you that you TOTALLY misunderstood what I was referring to, but I guess that you're too arrogant to see that. So again, let me reiterate, IT IS MY BELIEFS MUCH OF THE TIME, and when it's not I recognize it, but as I said IT IS MY BELIEFS MUCH OF THE TIME. And yes you are judging me, hypocrit. See why people can't stand Christians????????????? BTW, what's with the "love" thing? What are you getting at exactly, my sig? Flash and I have been e-mail buddies for going on two years. Do you have a problem with that? Because if you're insinutating what I think you are, you need to pray harder. You're just another "holier than thou" bs artist out here trying to counsel everyone. Hey maybe if you suceed, we'll all be as nice as you someday. Listen, HONEY, this is spiritual warfare we're dealing with here, and I'M A WARRIOR. War isn't always pretty, and like I said, I'm not justifying my mouth, I'm just saying I'm human. I'm aware of the mouth thing. Also, if you'll notice, I did NOT say that I had a problem with the way people react to me. If you were paying attention you would have realized that I said that it is foretold in the Bible how people will react to me, and not because of my mouth, but because of the Word, and I expect that. It's just weird to witness it. So why are you so mean to me anyway? You've been ripping on me since you got here, and I thought you were a Christian. You should be at least a little appreciative that I'm out here trying to spread the word, instead of picking my ass apart every time I post something. What is your problem?

God loves you and so do I!

[This message has been edited by Lori (edited October 14, 1999).]
You might want to put your temper in check there, Lori... Not for me, 'cause I could care less how you choose to behave... But, for your own sake, because it seems to be blurring your vision... You seem to be imagining things... If I tell you about your misperceptions and inform you that some things you perceive about me are not so, in your current state, you will most likely GO OFF and BLAST BACK... "YES THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!!!"

I don't see the point... Not that I am holier than thou, I simply chose a long time ago not to participate in the ugliness of such scenes if I can help myself... Right now, I can help myself... So, if you don't mind, I'll just say a prayer for you.

[This message has been edited by truestory (edited October 14, 1999).]