The New World Order in the Context of the New Age

Everything Is Working Towards Its Intended Purpose

Conspiracy theorists tend to assume that the secret societies of the world are all negative out to reduce the population, subdue, and control them. In my heart, I do not believe that all of them are that way with a malicious intent. The phrase “secret society” implies some kind of hidden organization composed of people engaging in conversation and meetings discussing things and issues not viewable by those not a part of their club or group. My concern with the conspiracy theorists is whether or not they have covered all the secret societies currently in the present world and whether or not they are even able to do so. Names of secret societies are just like labels whose purpose is to give meaning, identification, and distinction among other things so an individual would not get confused between one thing and another thing. In my opinion, I do not believe that the conspiracy theorists have or are able to cover all the secret societies out there and I do not believe that the public or mass population can learn every single one of them.

Now let’s take a moment here and conceive a hypothetical situation. Isn’t it within the realm of possibility that there are good millionaires and billionaires out there who want to see a positive change in the world? Why do conspiracy theorists assume that every single person that is a member of those supposed groups want to control and exterminate the population? Is the average person simply just inherently negative and a have negative view of life and the world around them?

I remember reading an article about Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Oprah Winfrey, and others getting together in a meeting to try to cap the population at 8.3 billion ( I find it difficult to see Oprah Winfrey sitting behind closed doors discussing on how to wipe out or reduce the population. Either she is truly a nice and compassionate person or she is a master of deception making the public “think” that she is all loving and humanitarian. I don’t need to get into Bill Gates or Warren Buffet because it is obvious what the conspiracy theorists opinion is based on their documentaries. Dr. Doreen Virtue noted Oprah Winfrey as a starperson in her book Earth Angels. I have seen Oprah Winfrey on television before and I find it very difficult to see her as one of those masterminds with evil intent. Medium Browne has also noted a secret society so secret that you cannot find any information about it anywhere and this group has good and positive intent. She notes that this group may more powerful than all the supposed groups the public knows or may find out about. This is what personally drove me to come up with the “New World Order” being associated with the forces of good as well as the probability of a positive future and not evil like the assumptions of conspiracy theorists on that other thread. It is as if the forces of good want the Dark Ones to think or believe that they are building their version of a New World Order (tyrannical) but the ultimate goal is truly a positive version of a New World Order (non-tyrannical Enlightenment Age).

Therefore, it is in my opinion that the Zeitgeist Movement is also a positive movement. Many supposed elitist like Ted Turner talking about how population reduction is necessary due to carbon dioxide exhales and global warming or we are all doomed truly are a symbolic representation of evil and the dark forces (remember, plants take in carbon dioxide and when a person performs cardiopulmonary resuscitation, they are breathing out carbon dioxide unto the other person). The Zeitgeist Movement fully understands that there are many alternative ways of preserving the Earth. Channeled messages from also reveal that there are plenty of resources to sustain all 6.8 billion people on the planet and in reality, there are actually more resources tens of thousands times over at the minimum. How come we keep hearing about the scarcity of resources such as oil, water, and food? First of all, we do not really need oil. I do not see or understand why all cars can’t be electric. In terms of water, ever heard of desalination? Can’t you also boil ocean water, rain water, or even contaminated water and try to collect the steam? Isn’t the steam itself pure water? The scarcity of food is a hilarious one for me because can’t you grow your own food? Isn’t it scientifically possible to create an atmosphere where fruits and vegetables can grow despite horrible weather conditions of extreme heat or cold? Why did the White House get rid of the solar panels? Even from a non-conspiratorial perspective, it only makes sense in the business sense to try to destroy an alternative to electricity or oil because the company needs to generate profit in order to stay alive and be in business. I wonder what would happen if people were watching television and started to see the president speaking around solar panels. What kind of ideas would the public be able generate? Then maybe in their eyes, they may see a bright future and not the doom illustration portrayed by both the conspiracy theorists and some of the elitists. I believe the notion of limited resources or resources running out are just an excuse to further the agenda of the supposed evil forces. It is simply just an excuse to justify and bring in a tyrannical government.

I do wonder how the Zeitgeist Movement is being funded. Perhaps it is being funded by some unknown secret society of Light. I remember once reading about a millionaire who wrote a book on alternative sources that are exactly identical to what Peter Joseph talks about. Sorry, I do not remember his name because that was like a long time ago. Perhaps there are good secret anonymous donors who understand the importance of a one united world with no wars and the rise of a standard of living for all people on the earth.

On a more spiritual note, I do not believe that every single person working in the governments of the highest levels have bad intentions. I do believe there are good people in government who want to see a prosperous future. Whether or not you see the Zeitgeist Movement as being part of the Evil Ones or the Light Ones in the broader picture really does not matter because a one-system united collective collaborative approach is a necessary stepping stone in our evolving human consciousness anyway for all things are One and the Same. As we gained higher levels of knowledge and consciousness, we become more Creator-like and I believe we can literally create not just in our own thought processes of sending out emotions such as love and inspiration but that the creation can take on physical manifestations as well. We can literally create water, life, objects that can take on a life of its own, food, and infinite resources for everyone and everything. We become extraterrestrials. Some of the highly evolved extraterrestrials are like symbolic representations of what we will or can become. They are our future-selves. The processes of Creation are never-ending, are only ever-expanding, and there are no limits to what we can do or will do or become.

Now your physics professor or teacher may not say this but I am going to go ahead and take a huge leap into saying that matter and energy are the same thing. An atom is the smallest component of an element but it is also energy that can attach itself to other atoms to form molecules. To think is also energy. To think is also to create. To create is energy. When you send out thoughts of love to another person, that in of itself an act of creation. The other person receives it and can feel it. When you send out thoughts generally, that too is also an act of creation. You are not only creating your own reality but you are also contributing to the creation of the broader general existence among other co-creators. Therefore, to think is synonymous to creation. We can also say that matter equals thought too. Therefore, matter, thought, energy, and creation are all the same thing. Once you understand that all things are the same and are one and are interconnected, you will see that words and labels only help us in our perception and understanding of things in the third dimension of corporeal existence. This does not mean that words, names, and labels should not exist but they have to exist in order to give meaning and explanation. Humans have to generalize and discriminate and humans have to attribute labels and judgment upon other peoples/things.

Finally, I find some expert’s concept of infinity too narrow-minded. To me, the Universe can only get bigger and expand. I do not see a contraction of all things. Once a thought is created or manifested, it cannot be undone. Those “thoughts” that have been created can take on a life of its own to create an ever-expanding existence of “thoughts.” Each “thought” is a thing and takes up space. With a never-ending existence or creation of “thought”, this can only translate to an expansion of the Universe. Even if the theory of how all things in the end will go back to the One, it is still that One in the state of expansion because the amount of space taken is still the same when it was a part and separate from the One. So this One essentially is a bigger One than the One countless back billions and billions of years ago. It is a new level of Consciousness, Being, and Existence.
There are secret societies, but no one is in control. Reality is such that it cannot be controlled for any significant length of time. The ones we need to be concerned about aren't secret.

Now your physics professor or teacher may not say this but I am going to go ahead and take a huge leap into saying that matter and energy are the same thing...
But that's exactly what they would say, I guess you haven't been paying attention.
Do you want more examples of people that threw tons of money at it and failed?
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You're right, maybe I shouldn't use the word "always" but it seems like most of the time though. :)