The New World Order in the Context of the New Age


Registered Senior Member
I think this “New World Order,” “World Government,” or whatever you want to call it is bound to happen anyways. The Dark Ones want a New World Order so they can control, manipulate, and enslave us. The Light Ones want a “New Paradigm” so that they can raise the levels of consciousness on the planet. Keep in mind that words are just words; they are used to describe things, issues, and aspects. Different respective groups have different labels and names of calling it. Instead of calling it the “New World Order,” they just call it creating a “New Paradigm.” Unification of humanity is a contributing factor in constructing this paradigm and world existence.

Some critics may suggest that the New Age Movement is part of the conspiracy in conjunction with establishing a world government. I only agree with this to a certain degree. One of the prime reasons as to why the positive extraterrestrials have yet to reveal themselves and intervene on planet Earth’s behalf is actually very simple and straightforward. Look at how humanity treats each other. Extraterrestrials cannot understand cultural differences, races, and other methods of segregation implemented by the human race. We are not measured or graded by differences in country, geographic region, and any other differential that separates one human being from another human being. We are measured as One Collective Unit as a Human Species. Some extraterrestrials feel that we are not worthy of planet Earth because of what we have done to it such as pollution and plundering the Earth. Whether or not you are a part of those groups or individuals responsible for such detrimental causes is irrelevant because we are seen as a collective group of a specific species. Now some of you may think that this has to do with ego and pride but these beings are far more advanced than we are both intellectually and technologically. In order for Earth to become recognized and accepted to the wider Galactic Community (also known as the Galactic Federation), humanity must evolve beyond its current mode of existence. When Earth has moved beyond its current third dimension, it can then see fifth dimension entities because the species are in fifth dimensional existence.

The sovereignty of individual countries must disappear, borders between countries must dissipate, warfare among nations must be eradicated, resources must be distributed equally to everyone, and unification of love, kindness, and goodness is a necessary means to evolutionary growth. In sync with the spirit realm, as the individual entity evolves into higher planes of existence, they technically do not lose their individuality but they operate and become more of an overlapping and merging existence with other beings.

Most certainly, the New Age Movement may be used by the Dark Ones to create a tyrannical hellish Earth but I believe this is part of the divine plan and everything will work out to its intended desire. Similar to all other things, one may use it for manifesting a positive or negative reality. The lines between good and evil are blurry and have no definite definitions. Whether or not we have a one world government is irrelevant to the individual mind’s intentions. Evil can still be manifested and utilized in a one system or fragmented system. Immunizations, genetically modified foods, hybrid meat, monosodium glutamate, mind control, television programming, propaganda, and various other mechanisms of control can still be applied in any system whether it be socialism, communism, fascism, corporatism, anarchosyndicalism, capitalism, etc. History has always shown us that tyrants and their respective governments always appear to act on the best interest of the average individuals but the chronological course of events have shown a difference. Research has shown that people who lie better and professionally usually end up being highly successful. Adolf Hitler could not have done everything all by himself without the support of numerous individuals including the dumb-down population. In other words, pathological liars and psychopathic control freaks will always be present regardless of what the time period and what the system is. As German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel once said, “History…is, indeed, little more than the register of the crimes, follies, and misfortunes of mankind. But what experience and history teach is this—that peoples and governments have never learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it.”

Obviously, anyone who is familiar with the New Age Movement understands that it is supposed to move beyond the current major religions for it sees the oneness of all things. One must understand that how we came to be about in the current mode of existence with regard to the various religions is because of the segregated differences of race, language, and culture. Virtually all the major religions have overlap and corruption is bound to occur due to various reasons (like wanting to establish control, a particular race being superior to another race, etc.). Between Christianity, Islam, Taoism, and Hinduism, all have a monotheistic God that is superior to all other gods. Keep in mind that some people may misinterpret an angel for a god. When I studied art history and saw the sculptures of Nike for instance, Nike is considered to be a goddess but wait a minute, Nike has wings. Is Nike a goddess or an angel?

In conclusion, I believe a new order of worldly existence will come to pass as the will of both the Light and the Dark desires this outcome. Therefore, the question should not be whether or not a world government is going to be established but rather we should examine the level of tyranny that is going to be imposed upon the people of Earth. One may argue we already have a world government; it is called the United Nations. The insane idiosyncratic paradoxical notion about all of this is that both the Light and the Dark are doing the same thing and they may not even realize it which is a New World Order. :)
Just an observation. It's always the western religions that divide the world up into opposing parties. The fact is no one is all good or all evil. These are just labels or models we make to simplify a complex world.

Given an ever growing energy source, one world government is probably the inevitable outcome. However, the world is currently going through the opposite process, decentralization, balkanization, increasing emphasis on the local. One world government will be more than a century away, if at all.
Suspicions confirmed. After reading the OPs first post on this site and noting that he claimed to be a billionaire (something which most everyone else overlooked because they didn't bother to read his lengthy garbage in detail as I did) and several subsequent things he's said, I've had serious doubts about him.

Now he clearly states that he believes that extraterrestrials have actually formed an opinion of us. My, my.

Quite a shame, actually, to discover that he's plainly - how to put it politely? - unbalanced? Or maybe mentally-challenged?

No matter, though, he's finally lost all entertainment value for me and I won't be bothering to read any more of his ramblings/ravings. The fun has gone out of it. :shrug:
I think this “New World Order,” “World Government,” or whatever you want to call it is bound to happen anyways. The Dark Ones want a New World Order so they can control, manipulate, and enslave us. The Light Ones want a “New Paradigm” so that they can raise the levels of consciousness on the planet. Keep in mind that words are just words; they are used to describe things, issues, and aspects. Different respective groups have different labels and names of calling it. Instead of calling it the “New World Order,” they just call it creating a “New Paradigm.” Unification of humanity is a contributing factor in constructing this paradigm and world existence.

Some critics may suggest that the New Age Movement is part of the conspiracy in conjunction with establishing a world government. I only agree with this to a certain degree. One of the prime reasons as to why the positive extraterrestrials have yet to reveal themselves and intervene on planet Earth’s behalf is actually very simple and straightforward. Look at how humanity treats each other. Extraterrestrials cannot understand cultural differences, races, and other methods of segregation implemented by the human race. We are not measured or graded by differences in country, geographic region, and any other differential that separates one human being from another human being. We are measured as One Collective Unit as a Human Species. Some extraterrestrials feel that we are not worthy of planet Earth because of what we have done to it such as pollution and plundering the Earth. Whether or not you are a part of those groups or individuals responsible for such detrimental causes is irrelevant because we are seen as a collective group of a specific species. Now some of you may think that this has to do with ego and pride but these beings are far more advanced than we are both intellectually and technologically. In order for Earth to become recognized and accepted to the wider Galactic Community (also known as the Galactic Federation), humanity must evolve beyond its current mode of existence. When Earth has moved beyond its current third dimension, it can then see fifth dimension entities because the species are in fifth dimensional existence.

The sovereignty of individual countries must disappear, borders between countries must dissipate, warfare among nations must be eradicated, resources must be distributed equally to everyone, and unification of love, kindness, and goodness is a necessary means to evolutionary growth. In sync with the spirit realm, as the individual entity evolves into higher planes of existence, they technically do not lose their individuality but they operate and become more of an overlapping and merging existence with other beings.

Most certainly, the New Age Movement may be used by the Dark Ones to create a tyrannical hellish Earth but I believe this is part of the divine plan and everything will work out to its intended desire. Similar to all other things, one may use it for manifesting a positive or negative reality. The lines between good and evil are blurry and have no definite definitions. Whether or not we have a one world government is irrelevant to the individual mind’s intentions. Evil can still be manifested and utilized in a one system or fragmented system. Immunizations, genetically modified foods, hybrid meat, monosodium glutamate, mind control, television programming, propaganda, and various other mechanisms of control can still be applied in any system whether it be socialism, communism, fascism, corporatism, anarchosyndicalism, capitalism, etc. History has always shown us that tyrants and their respective governments always appear to act on the best interest of the average individuals but the chronological course of events have shown a difference. Research has shown that people who lie better and professionally usually end up being highly successful. Adolf Hitler could not have done everything all by himself without the support of numerous individuals including the dumb-down population. In other words, pathological liars and psychopathic control freaks will always be present regardless of what the time period and what the system is. As German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel once said, “History…is, indeed, little more than the register of the crimes, follies, and misfortunes of mankind. But what experience and history teach is this—that peoples and governments have never learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it.”

Obviously, anyone who is familiar with the New Age Movement understands that it is supposed to move beyond the current major religions for it sees the oneness of all things. One must understand that how we came to be about in the current mode of existence with regard to the various religions is because of the segregated differences of race, language, and culture. Virtually all the major religions have overlap and corruption is bound to occur due to various reasons (like wanting to establish control, a particular race being superior to another race, etc.). Between Christianity, Islam, Taoism, and Hinduism, all have a monotheistic God that is superior to all other gods. Keep in mind that some people may misinterpret an angel for a god. When I studied art history and saw the sculptures of Nike for instance, Nike is considered to be a goddess but wait a minute, Nike has wings. Is Nike a goddess or an angel?

In conclusion, I believe a new order of worldly existence will come to pass as the will of both the Light and the Dark desires this outcome. Therefore, the question should not be whether or not a world government is going to be established but rather we should examine the level of tyranny that is going to be imposed upon the people of Earth. One may argue we already have a world government; it is called the United Nations. The insane idiosyncratic paradoxical notion about all of this is that both the Light and the Dark are doing the same thing and they may not even realize it which is a New World Order. :)

are you an abductee?
Just an observation. It's always the western religions that divide the world up into opposing parties.
hinduism has a long history of violent opposition to other religions particularly islam but also sikhs and jains. Probably the only "religion" that hasn't divided the world up into opposing parties is buddhism.
Suspicions confirmed. After reading the OPs first post on this site and noting that he claimed to be a billionaire (something which most everyone else overlooked because they didn't bother to read his lengthy garbage in detail as I did) and several subsequent things he's said, I've had serious doubts about him.

This is not true. I never said those things. You are trying to stir up trouble. I can only speculate what your reading speed is.
hinduism has a long history of violent opposition to other religions particularly islam but also sikhs and jains. Probably the only "religion" that hasn't divided the world up into opposing parties is buddhism.

That's why I don't really pay attention to the details of a religion - my focus is always on the True Supreme Being founded in all the major religions.
This is not true. I never said those things. You are trying to stir up trouble. I can only speculate what your reading speed is.

In your post "A theory to the destructive nature of the current world order", you included the sentence:"I am already a billionaire."
In your post "A theory to the destructive nature of the current world order", you included the sentence:"I am already a billionaire."

"This is simply not true. I am already a billionaire. If there was an opportunity for me to become a trillionaire, would I go for it? Of course, I would! The conspiracy theory of a bunch of control freaks wanting to control the world is not as far-fetched as it sounds. This only works in direct parallel with logicality. When an individual has all the money, it only makes sense that they want, can, and are able to control the world by automatic default. Thus, it is not a conspiracy theory."

You are missing the point. I hope you are not deliberately trying to take things out of context. I was using that as an example meaning if I was a billionaire and there was an opportunity for me to become a trillionaire, would I go for it?

And the answer is yes, of course I would.
"This is simply not true. I am already a billionaire. If there was an opportunity for me to become a trillionaire, would I go for it? Of course, I would! The conspiracy theory of a bunch of control freaks wanting to control the world is not as far-fetched as it sounds. This only works in direct parallel with logicality. When an individual has all the money, it only makes sense that they want, can, and are able to control the world by automatic default. Thus, it is not a conspiracy theory."

You are missing the point. I hope you are not deliberately trying to take things out of context. I was using that as an example meaning if I was a billionaire and there was an opportunity for me to become a trillionaire, would I go for it?

And the answer is yes, of course I would.

Here's the before and after context (caps mine):
Many people (both expert and non-expert) tend to argue that for super rich individuals they already have all the money so they would not want any additional money. This is simply not true. I AM ALREADY A BILLIONAIRE. If there was an opportunity for me to become a trillionaire, would I go for it? Of course, I would!

Your posts are so confused, it's hard to tell what you're saying but readers would have to be telepaths to understand that was hypothetical.
Here's the before and after context (caps mine):
Many people (both expert and non-expert) tend to argue that for super rich individuals they already have all the money so they would not want any additional money. This is simply not true. I AM ALREADY A BILLIONAIRE. If there was an opportunity for me to become a trillionaire, would I go for it? Of course, I would!

Your posts are so confused, it's hard to tell what you're saying but readers would have to be telepaths to understand that was hypothetical.

Sure. But just like when some people talk to an audience or in a forum, they say "you" not as in "you specifically" but you as in "all of you out there".

For example, a speaker talks about millionaire secrets to an audience and he says "when you want to invest money in an account...." he is speaking to the audience not anyone specifically.

Context is everything.
So when I am describing what ETs think, I am describing what I think what ETs are thinking not that that is what ETs are explicitly and literally saying. :)
I am already a billionaire.

I'd say that you are telling us a lie because you cannot prove that you are so you can say anything that makes your ego bigger than it already seems to be. The problem is that you can't stop yourself from telling the truth about something or the way you want it to be.