The New Atheism

Its just unintelligent human nature to respond to one extreme (in this case fanatic religiousity bereft of philosophy) with an equal and opposite extreme (fanatical atheism bereft of philosophy).

Philosophy is for those who wish to analyze their fantasies.
Who is that person who has direct perception of the machinations of macro evolution?

People with knowledge of evolutionary biology who observe the fossil record. I hate to state the obvious but the millions of species (many of them remarkably linearly similar ie. tree of life), did not spontaneously appear, and with the mechanisms of evolution, specism is inevitable. How else do you explain the snapshot of species we see today? How did they get there otherwise? This is when you seem awfully short of offering alternative theories after dismissing scientific consensus.

If you think the only evidence is that which a human being was standing there to see it, then you are dismissing probably most of science. And as usual you dismiss it without a snidge of personal research.
The same person who had direct perception of god.

In theism at least you have the claim that there are persons on the platform of direct perception (Of course you can claim that such claims are not accurate, which is an argument that boils down to a challenge of authority, just like the example of the high school drop out challenging the claims of the physicist is a challenge to authority - in other words such a challenge is not very convincing unless one can establish one's credentials).

In regards to such claims of abiogenesis etc there is no such person. there is not even an agreed definition on when, how or what happened. In other words what to speak of lacking a credible authority, it also lacks a definition that illustrates process.
You wouldn't trust the direct perception of a scientist's observations of the machinations of evolution, because they might measure a lizard's leg with a ruler, and who knows if an inch is always an inch. God could have expanded or shrunk the universe anywhere.

You know as well as I do that a scientist's lifetime is short compared to geologic time. Is your knowledge limited to only those things an individual could learn (and trust by percieving) in one lifetime?

No - I don't have a problem with the measuring of a lizard's leg.
Nor do I have a problem with them measuring the length of a primates leg.

What I have a problem with is with the gap in credible perception of how the lizard's leg turned into a primate's leg.
People with knowledge of evolutionary biology who observe the fossil record. I hate to state the obvious but the millions of species (many of them remarkably linearly similar ie. tree of life), did not spontaneously appear, and with the mechanisms of evolution, specism is inevitable. How else do you explain the snapshot of species we see today? How did they get there otherwise? This is when you seem awfully short of offering alternative theories after dismissing scientific consensus.

If you think the only evidence is that which a human being was standing there to see it, then you are dismissing probably most of science. And as usual you dismiss it without a snidge of personal research.
between the lips and the tea cup ....
What I have a problem with is with the gap in credible perception of how the lizard's leg turned into a primate's leg.

That just doesn't happen. At least not overnight, so you're right, there is a gap :D

then you have faith

Nope. I understand how science works and have some small knowledge of the nature of electrons and evolution from which I have learned from respectable scientific sources. For the vast amounts I don't know, I respect those who have that knowledge.

between the lips and the tea cup ....


then you have faith

Nope. I understand how science works and have some small knowledge of the nature of electrons and evolution from which I have learned from respectable scientific sources. For the vast amounts I don't know, I respect those who have that knowledge.
still sounds like faith, ie accepting something as knowledge when it is beyond one's capacity to determine the exact truth of it, a perception that more exalted personalities advocate their stance comes from

between the lips and the tea cup ....


a saying
"Between the lips and the tea cup anything can happen"

still sounds like faith, ie accepting something as knowledge when it is beyond one's capacity to determine the exact truth of it, a perception that more exalted personalities advocate their stance comes from

Well with an understanding of scientific consensus you wouldn't on hearing their statements think that all of science was trying to fool you. They would at least have damn good reasons for their theories and observations and interpretations of facts like gravity and evolution.

a saying
"Between the lips and the tea cup anything can happen"

So this means that *BANG* today we found evidence that supports creationism and all our theories of evolution and evolution itself was false?
still sounds like faith, ie accepting something as knowledge when it is beyond one's capacity to determine the exact truth of it, a perception that more exalted personalities advocate their stance comes from

Well with an understanding of scientific consensus you would on hearing their statements think that all of science was trying to fool you.

They would at least have damn good reasons for their theories and observations and interpretations of facts like gravity and evolution.
gravity is observable and measurable - the same cannot be said of evolution. Some disciplines of science are more credible than others, simple due to the highly speculative foundation of their theories (I remember one seminar i attended where the speaker was saying there is very little evidence for his theory but that should not be a cause for concern because there was absolutely no evidence for the previous theory the scientific community was working with :confused: )

Like for instance the presentations of metal alloy technology is more credible than anthropology, and it s misleading for you to borrow from the "prestige" of science in order for a uniform presentation of the degrees of credibility for all scientific disciplines

a saying
"Between the lips and the tea cup anything can happen"

So this means that *BANG* today we found evidence that supports creationism and all our theories of evolution and evolution itself was false?
if a person is laying claim to direct perception of god/god's potencies at least it would be a logical claim

gravity is observable and measurable - the same cannot be said of evolution. Some disciplines of science are more credible than others, simple due to the highly speculative foundation of their theories (I remember one seminar i attended where the speaker was saying there is very little evidence for his theory but that should not be a cause for concern because there was absolutely no evidence for the previous theory the scientific community was working with :confused: )

Much of evolutionary biology is observable and well understood... but of course to see it's long term effects can't be done, but luckily we have the fossil record. Although I suspect that we would've arrived at our current theory of evolution without the fossil record - we do afterall have a world full of millions of species many of which show a clear lineage and relation. And if you followed OUR lineage way back in time, you would get to the point of the common ancestor that every living thing decends from. One has to wonder why it wasn't until the 19th century someone hit on this. Didn't any biologists kick themselves after Darwin?

if a person is laying claim to direct perception of god/god's potencies at least it would be a logical claim

Why? There is no observable view point with god. Evolution is entirely based on measured things.

Much of evolutionary biology is observable and well understood...
yes, there's just the small question of macro evolution ....
but of course to see it's long term effects can't be done,
so in other words much of it is not observable
but luckily we have the fossil record.
its not clear why you don't see anything dissimilar between tentative claims from a body of evidence and an observable fact
Although I suspect that we would've arrived at our current theory of evolution without the fossil record - we do afterall have a world full of millions of species many of which show a clear lineage and relation.
I can already guess that you like to guess
And if you followed OUR lineage way back in time,
should I adopt the way we followed our lineage 100 years ago, 50 years ago, 20 years ago or should I us ethe present paradigm (or should I somehow leave the question open and unanswered to accommodate the inevitable change in paradigm that will occur in the next 50 years?)
you would get to the point of the common ancestor that every living thing decends from.
Now you just have to find that one common ancestor - also observing how one species actually changes into another would also be helpful to your cause
One has to wonder why it wasn't until the 19th century someone hit on this. Didn't any biologists kick themselves after Darwin?
As humans we just love to speculate

Why? There is no observable view point with god. Evolution is entirely based on measured things.[/QUOTE]