The need for the debasement of religion

Is moderation and secularisation essential for the future of our civilization?

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stage 1 of fulfilling this need

In that society, God is pretty much indisposable. Only a post-industrial society can really let go of God.
In that society, God is pretty much indisposable. Only a post-industrial society can really let go of God.

So abatement of perceived suffering, or remoteness from threat, are required for a godless ideology? This would seem to contradict your answer to as to who came first, atheist or theist.
So abatement of perceived suffering, or remoteness from threat, are required for a godless ideology? This would seem to contradict your answer to as to who came first, atheist or theist.

I dont see how. Idk if I answered that already, but my answer now is that the theist came first, then the atheist. Everyone before and everyone else today [cats, birds] and children are all non-theists [pragmatic atheism, not ideological atheism].
Yes, because it is only in a post-industrial society that people become like robots.

Only a post-industrial society can MAKE robots. Only they can understand fulfillingly what the world really is. For me, its not about dehumanising humans as much as apotheosising humans. We can harness the power of the atoms, control the genes of other species and even mess up the climate of our entire planet - compared to our ancestors about 50 generations ago, we have become the 'god species'.

For me, its really the same as not longer thinking there is a sun god as is not thinking that there is a personal god.
Only a post-industrial society can MAKE robots. Only they can understand fulfillingly what the world really is. For me, its not about dehumanising humans as much as apotheosising humans. We can harness the power of the atoms, control the genes of other species and even mess up the climate of our entire planet - compared to our ancestors about 50 generations ago, we have become the 'god species'.
yeah we sure know how to suffer in ways our previous ancestors could only dream of ......

IOW the whole "suffering" problem has actually intensified as opposed to becoming redundant.
Only a post-industrial society can MAKE robots. Only they can understand fulfillingly what the world really is.

Oh. Robots - and only robots - can fulfillingly understand what the world really is.
Yes. Makes total sense.
@LG and wynn - what makes you think we are actually worse off then our ancestors 1000 or even 200 years ago? We have achieved a lot since then and improved and enriched human life - I dont see what the problem is, such that the modern revolution itself causes it.
@LG and wynn - what makes you think we are actually worse off then our ancestors 1000 or even 200 years ago? We have achieved a lot since then and improved and enriched human life - I dont see what the problem is, such that the modern revolution itself causes it.

You don't see what the problem is -

or are you actually sure that there aren't any problems?
Faith has nothing to do with religion. Can we rename the religious forum to a discussion board of virtues, and how to overcome. We can sight religious texts, or historical text. Faith has nothing to do with religion, nor does science. Anyone ever wonder why Science is the fourth greatest virtue in the name of God?
In that society, God is pretty much indisposable. Only a post-industrial society can really let go of God.

We need to live in a free communal market society. Shelter in America is already provided, all we need is general up keep, food, hygene, and entertainment. We don't need corporations. :m:
However, religion is the only costly endevear that cant pay for itself anymore - oil gives energy, power glues together societies and cultures, money gets goods, greed runs economies, women give sex^, territorialism gives some safety, nationalism gives pride - Religion does nothing that is greater than its harms.

Oil gives pollution which might destroy all life as we know it.

I thought human decency glued society together, not power. I'd argue religion creates more community than power...

Work gets goods, money is just an exchange.

Greed creates risk based economies , not economies as a whole.

Women give more than sex. By the way 'not intending' sexism doesn't mean it isn't sexist, it just means you have no idea what sexism is.

Territorialism has probably bred more wars than religion. Many wars in the name of religion were over territory.

Nationalism breeds pride... as if pride was a good thing? :bugeye:

Jeez.... you couldn't make worse tenants if that was your intended goal.
However, religion is the only costly endevear that cant pay for itself anymore

Anyone who goes to church or revivals would point that out as flawed to say the least. Religion is compassionate and without its open doors and food lines and medical assistance and overseas ministries, not forgetting contributions to the war budget as much as dislike that fact, many people would die from one lack or another. Unfortunately, religion creates wars and wars drive an economy forward. Without religion this thread would be meaningless although I question if it qualifies as a discussion that compares religions, thus may be better placed in the religion category.

Secularization of the world would likely result in either massive revolts, or what is considered to be the "anti-Christ" as a spirit grasping mankind by the jugular. It would destroy everything America was founded upon and likely would result in a civil war to uphold our freedom of speech and to worship as we choose. It would effectively self-fulfill the prophecies of the Revelation and, in doing so, nullify its own purpose of attempting to destroy the very religion that prophecied secularization would happen.

Every child molester, baby killer, murderer or otherwise depraved person would vote yes to this. Secularization would destroy any reason for morality, or, at best, redefine morality to suit whatever so-called scientific trend could be pushed upon society.

Even entertaining a thread suggesting doing away with religion and the right to believe how one wants is a disgrace to science by demanding the installation of a regime that God doesn't exist, when in fact He just might. It would become a witch hunt in reverse. I'd hate to imagine the negative impact it would have on the arts. Most every song, poem or painting out there can find the essence of what the artist believes. If you told me I couldn't paint what I was inspired to render, I'd simply stop painting. If I couldn't research the possibility that God may be out there somewhere along with my other unorthodox projects, I'd stop researching anything. I'd smash my Stratocaster, my amp, studio and lay me down to die.
The USA is already a secular nation, it was founded that way, so I'm not sure what you think the danger is. Secularization doesn't mean the abolition of religion, it just means that religion and government are separate, for the preservation of both.

Is your morality based on the fear of God? Because I don't need a God to tell me not to murder, rape, and steal. And I'm also an atheist and an artist, and a musician.