The Need for Pseudoscience

Persol, you dunce, I said technology would be the same, not saying, they would have had all our technologies, but by saying, but they would discover the same universal scientific principles.
What do you think technology is? It sure as hell isn't 'the same univeral scientific principles'. Look a the many varied ways to determine the seasons and latitude/longitude used in the past. THESE are technologies, and are different for people on the same planet... let alone aliens on another planet which may not even have sight. Understanding what the seasons are is science, not technology. Even then, the basic science isn't guarenteed to be the same as there can exist different mathematical ways of handling the same problem... as once again was shown with the seasons, and even number theory itself.

As for the evidence I've produced, you have not tested it, I've seen you all visibly strugle against it, and resort to ad hominem and other fallacy.

Actually no. We took the list of sample names that were provided, and demonstrated why the site could not be trusted.

Of course, that was bound to happen, as the evidence is so overwhelming.

LMAO. The best 'evidence' currently around is radar... and the site and messages you posted don't even contain proof of radar contacts (which do exist). They only contain people claiming to have such proof and claiming to be there.

It's the latest in physics, which you don't know, because your knowledge is only limited to what's been taught in school.

LMFAO. Now THAT is hilarious. Call up MIT and NASA. Crazymikey has the latest in physics... and amazingly he physics only contains claims. It's a revolution I tell ya.

Did he have anything interesting to offer, or was he still going on about rocks? I'm betting on rocks.
all you pseudo scinece people need to learn a bit of science first
current scientific (not pseudo) thinking is that FTL is possible, but it is impossible to change whther your going faster or slower then it
We need Pseudoscience to talk about:

We have created the software (i.e., quantum entanglement, quantum superposition, etc.)

We are researching our prototype design of a RF activated laser system device that is a Quantum Computer.

We claim that our "Quantum Electro-Gravitics" is a groundbreaking technology which is a Vortex Implosion Based Propulsion Systems and Advanced Aeronautical/Space Energy Concepts.

And we want your money to take you to other star systems using our Quantum-Gravity-Vortex Space ship that we are going to build in our garage secretly so that the government can not take it away.
kmguru said:
We need Pseudoscience to talk about:

We have created the software (i.e., quantum entanglement, quantum superposition, etc.)

We are researching our prototype design of a RF activated laser system device that is a Quantum Computer.

We claim that our "Quantum Electro-Gravitics" is a groundbreaking technology which is a Vortex Implosion Based Propulsion Systems and Advanced Aeronautical/Space Energy Concepts.

And we want your money to take you to other star systems using our Quantum-Gravity-Vortex Space ship that we are going to build in our garage secretly so that the government can not take it away.


Are we talkinmg about Scifi or Futuristic Science here.I would say that we have another forum for that topic,But all the posts in this forums virtually point to what : Aliens are coming!! aliens are green they are wearing silver suits designed by GUCCI,they wear Dior Collection,Erm me i am paranoid about Aliens possibility...I mean the question is even if you find that Aliens are real( which i am sure you wouldnt)...;) anyways... whatever ...guys please continue to define...;)


My posting was to parody a posting I saw in another forum. Here the author claims to have invented all the technology listed. It is one thing to speculate to nth degree, it is another to claim to have developed or need money to develop something that may not be possible in todays infrastructure and science (such as Star Trek Food Replicator). So we have fun....
Oh,i see.I am sorry for my ignorance.Anyways as i said,for such speculations we can have a Future Science Forum isnt it? But pseudoscience Forum has started to represent extremely paranoid Members who are or want to be Fox Mulder's avatars.

If you take notice,during our days ( ah! I am beginning to talk like an Oldie already :D) all the threads were Logical and had new Topics,now today all the threads are mere repetition of what has been already said or talked about...
