The Need for Pseudoscience


Valued Senior Member
What is the Need for pseudoscience?

  • For spicing up your life?
or is it more than that?Do feel you are Fox Mulder when you talk about Paranormal phenomenon? All you believers out there,you could let Bush shake hands with an Alien and sign a truce with them,but then what? what good does it do? All you sceptics, you could bash everything,but what good does it do? Believers are and will just be that.

Isnt there a need for indifference on this issue? i mean come on people we have better things to take a look at than these ...isnt it?

Sometimes there are things that people in a scientific position wouldn't even think about, because their tutoring hasn't allowed them the ability to use their brain for imaginative purposes. (For instance a discussion on parallel universe and dark matter)

However there are some things that are completely ludicrous like looking for shapes of things in martian rocks, or thinking aliens have kidnapped Elvis and have him in stasis for the next "coming".

Admittedly most of those written aren't even written by people that believe what they are saying, they are just playing to an audience and seeing just how many gullible fools rise to their occasion.

Occasionally there is some content that is real and will seem as far fetched as that of those intending a rise, and they find themselves suffering the bombardment of the hardline skeptics that are trying to keep the "jokers" at bay.

It is possible that everyone could take a "I haven't seen it or had it happen therefore it doesn't exist to my knowledge" attitude, but this is a bad way of thinking in general (since it's non-scientific not to try and find material that even confirms or contradicts a statement).

Thats why I suggest that if someone that wants to act like a hardline skeptic asks for information "Confirming" something stated, they too should look for information to prove contradiction (and from a different source other than that of the written statement they are being skeptical over).

As for this section being wasteful, well if you were a writer you might find incredible resources for fiction stareing you in the face, although you'd then potentially have to cover your angles over legal issues that could arise. Afterall those jokers and their stories probably have their stories turned into paying literature by someone else, "so was that joke really worth the loss of earnings?"
Stryderunknown said:
Thats why I suggest that if someone that wants to act like a hardline skeptic asks for information "Confirming" something stated, they too should look for information to prove contradiction (and from a different source other than that of the written statement they are being skeptical over).
Please find information that contradicts the fact that invisible pink flying elephants are actually the things that steal your socks out of the dryer.

People have been making half ass claims since we've had language. The best motto for handling it is:
"If you don't explain it I can't understand it.
If you can't explain it, YOU don't understand it."
I could video myself stealing said socks, therefore the claim to the pink elephant has potentially become false as it was me. On the otherhand it could be that blackhole I misplaced :D
But you'd only be showing that they didn't steal THOSE socks.

Likewise, showing that one person actually saw a weather balloon, doesn't mean all UFOs are weather balloons. There are going to be a number of unidentified/misidentified objects. That doesn't mean they are caused by aliens.
Well what if it was proven that a Mexican created a balloon that floated over the US border, If he went to go and claim it, wouldn't he be classed as an alien?

(I get your point, I'm just putting some spin into the conversation to make a little more interesting. )

you are right that it can be difficult to give evidence that proves confliction about the pink elephant, but it's only in such oscure cases.

It's just in such cases as "The moon landing was a hoax", the arguement that should be used is to get an observatory to point at the moon for a night and find some footsteps, tracks, plaques or flags to prove someone was their and shut the conspiracy theorists up once and for all.
But UFOs containing ETs are such an obscure case. How do you possibly show that they are wrong without identifying EVERY SINGLE SIGHTING as something more mundane. Likewise I could say the remaining UFOs are actually funny shaped flying elephants, but that doesn't constitute proof.
zion said:
What is the Need for pseudoscience?

  • For spicing up your life?
Pseudo science gives meaning to the lives of some people who aren't clever or disciplined enough to become real scientists. They falsely claim to be less blinkered than scientists, because they aren't indoctrinated with scientific dogma, this makes them feel special and enlightened. Occasionally they get to feel even more special when they claim aliens from another planet flew massive distances to abduct them, shove probes up their arses, show them the future, and tuck them back up in bed.

Basically, it gives self esteem to a bunch of under achievers.
It is my opion that certain psudosciences are the foundations of yet undiscovered branches of sciences. These science are, however, too complex for current methods of understanding
The need for pseudoscience?

Equivalent to the need for mosquitoes and hemmorhoids.
If the origin of the universe isnt pseudo-scientific mumbo jumbo then what is?
They (whoever) are telling me that the universe boiled out of nothing and expanded from a pin-point to billions of light years accross. That's magic folks.
It's gotten to the point that any scientist sufficiently equiped with the right verbage can convince us that we can pass a camel through the eye of a needle.

And we are so used to any exotic theory that we just go along. Enough of straight science! :D
(Q) said:
The need for pseudoscience?
Equivalent to the need for mosquitoes and hemmorhoids.

Is that why one hangs around in this section? Must love those mosquitoes and hemmorhoids to remind you that you are alive? :D :D
Until science confirms...always stick to pseudoscience....:D


Still, the seawater-sculpted shapes on the rocks photographed by Opportunity promise to furnish the material for a new chapter in Burke's classic book, "The Day the Universe Changed." Because now that it has been shown there are two planets where water once flowed, there no longer is a reason to doubt hundreds -- or even thousands -- more might exist right within our own Milky Way galaxy.

Farther out in the universe -- which, thanks to images from the Hubble Space Telescope, contains perhaps several hundred billion galaxies -- there could be a huge number of planets holding water even now. It is intriguing to imagine water lapping against unimaginably distant shorelines upon which water-based, DNA-structured beings build their vacation homes and dock their sailboats.


If the origin of the universe isnt pseudo-scientific mumbo jumbo then what is?
They (whoever) are telling me that the universe boiled out of nothing and expanded from a pin-point to billions of light years accross. That's magic folks.

So, because you don't comprehend science, you consider it mumbo-jumbo?

Perhaps that's the real reason pseudoscience is so accepted by the masses, its the only thing they understand.

Greco, Hector Berlioz, et al. appear to be prime examples.
Perhaps that's the real reason pseudoscience is so accepted by the masses, its the only thing they understand.

I think the real reason that pseudoscience is understandable by the masses is that pseudoscience does not carry with it tomes of cryptic calculations understood by a select few of physicists.

Pseudoscience appeals to the emotional side of man and provides him with hope. Yes hope that ET is watching over us and will prevent our destruction, hope that we are not alone in this vast universe, hope that if ET exists, we can succeed also in the exploration of space.

You can say pseudoscience is a replacement for religion.
Greco said:
I think the real reason that pseudoscience is understandable by the masses is that pseudoscience does not carry with it tomes of cryptic calculations understood by a select few of physicists.

Easy answer. Pay attention at school, and learn some maths and physics so it isn't such a mystery.

Pseudoscience appeals to the emotional side of man and provides him with hope. Yes hope that ET is watching over us and will prevent our destruction, hope that we are not alone in this vast universe, hope that if ET exists, we can succeed also in the exploration of space.

You can say pseudoscience is a replacement for religion.

Sounds like pseudoscientists are lazy and distrustful. Too lazy to understand the fundamentals of science, so they don't trust their own scientists. But lazy enough to trust the scientists from an alien race if they do all the work for us, give us all their technological advances, and save our consumerist arses from doing anything to help ourselves.
I understand and recognize both science, and what you distastefully call pseduo science. You can never be sure about anything in life. If you think you are? Tell me, how can something exist before even existing. A true scientist knows that the truth is often stranger than fiction. Anything is possible, don't rule out anything. For all you know, what you percieve to be reality, may not even be real. I respect your right to believe in whatever you want, but then please respect my right, to believe in what I want. I hope you realise what you reject as pseudo science, maybe actual science. Then again, it may not be, and the only way of finding out, is seperating the lies from the truth, and to do that, you must find the lies. It has always been like this, history is witness to this. What has been dismissed as psuedo science and witchcraft, is now recognized as science.

How can you for say for sure, ETI is not visiting us, FTL is not possible, anti gravity, higher dimensions, cold fusion, mind control, is not possible? Take me for example. I do not believe in God, or time travel, but I am open to the possibility of their existence. Why? because this universe transcends me. What exists beyond me, could be anything.
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The need for pseudoscience ...

To help myself with Shakespeare, There have always been more things between heaven and earth than are dreamt of in our philosophy ...
Things that people didn't rationally understand, they explained in a "pseudoscientifical" manner; storches bring babies, vampires suck blood, meeting a black cat brings bad luck (yeah, esp. if you are a tasty mouse! :D )... Fears and wishes were/are projected into such phenomena.
The main fear being that we cannot understand and rationally explain everything that we see (or think to see).

What is striking that people seem to be quite willing to believe in UFO's. According to Mulder: People rather believe in paranormal phenomena than suspect that their own governement is playing tricks on them and using them for nasty experiments. To doubt the government they voted for and elected would be to doubt their own choice -- and that is bad.
A "Better believe that there are alien obductions than doubt yourself." sort of conclusion.

I don't disbelieve in alien life and so called "paranormal phenomena". It just surprises me how so much of the evidence that is produced about it looks like something from Earth. Why are aliens told to have heads? And limbs? And why do they fly around in ships? So earthly!
I bet that there are aliens, even here, we just don't see them, because they are something we have never seen before; and since we can't recognize them, they are invisible to us. ;)