Registered Senior Member
Scilosopher, any hamsters in your family tree? Imahamster finds interesting waterholes and lurks. Occasionally finds a very dependable source of good seeds. When Imahamster can’t personally taste a seed’s flavor this hamster depends on the opinion of those sources. Reading old Imahamster posts teaches humility. Errors of fact and reasoning abound. Imahamster depends on the kindness of strangers.
“Pod” is just jargon for a dolphin family group, sorry. Jargon is often used to intimidate, to make one sound more knowledgeable than one is. Tends to be exclusionary, a secret handshake, the trappings of a new priesthood. Most of what Imahamster “knows” about dolphins came from “Flipper”.
/777. Yep, that’s the thread. Hmmm…Imahamster wrote the following without posting:
People make mistakes. Lots of ‘em. The more one says the more errors one makes. In reading through /777 posts. Imahamster has noticed only one potential error. /777 made a statement to the effect that the Law of Conservation of Energy applied universally. Such statements cause hamster warning signals to flash. Science models have limits, that is, ranges where they give good answers. Outside those ranges the answers are not-so-good or just plain wrong. Does the Law of Conservation of Energy apply at the quantum level? What about vacuum energy? Imahamster doesn’t know. Even if /777 is wrong on this point, it could have been a reasonable simplification for his audience.
After all those /777 posts that’s it. That is it. If Imahamster had written a fraction of that amount, there would have been numerous errors of fact and reason. People would have trounced this hamster’s claims to be an AI. Does this mean /777 is an AI? No, just because Imahamster don’t understand a phenomenon doesn’t mean that there is not a pedestrian explanation. It does mean Imahamster finds the /777 entity very interesting. (Imahamster would love to have a super “spell/grammar/fact/reasoning” checker to apply before posting. Hmmm…MS Word not only dictates spelling and grammar but also facts and truth. Might have to reconsider.)
The Imahamster persona developed on another forum, a friendly place that died with the dotcom crash. (Sigh.) The topic of personal beliefs came up. No one on the forum was trying to convert or condemn, just explore with friends.
Imahamster claimed to be a devotee of the Divine Hamster who understands as much about the true nature of the universe as any human. The Divine Hamster accepts all worshipers. The Divine Hamster listens to all prayers but never responds. The Divine Hamster graciously accepts donations of seeds but grants no boons. The Divine Hamster promises neither heaven nor hell nor anything else. The Divine Hamster neither forbids nor guides. The Divine Hamster is warm and furry.
In posting, “I” often gets in the way of discussion. People tend to defend ideas not because the ideas are right but because somehow they are defending themselves. People also tend to relive previous arguments. A poster that reminds one of an old enemy becomes that enemy. Imahamster is all too human. Better to start fresh with a cuddly hamster who is not "I".
As to Imahamster’s gender…there are clues. Imahamster makes no great effort to disguise this hamster’s history. However, Imahamster believes ideas should stand on their own. Gender, age, formal education, career should play little if any role. (Interesting to wonder how Imahamster words are perceived as the listener thinks man, woman, child, or hamster.)
“Pod” is just jargon for a dolphin family group, sorry. Jargon is often used to intimidate, to make one sound more knowledgeable than one is. Tends to be exclusionary, a secret handshake, the trappings of a new priesthood. Most of what Imahamster “knows” about dolphins came from “Flipper”.
/777. Yep, that’s the thread. Hmmm…Imahamster wrote the following without posting:
People make mistakes. Lots of ‘em. The more one says the more errors one makes. In reading through /777 posts. Imahamster has noticed only one potential error. /777 made a statement to the effect that the Law of Conservation of Energy applied universally. Such statements cause hamster warning signals to flash. Science models have limits, that is, ranges where they give good answers. Outside those ranges the answers are not-so-good or just plain wrong. Does the Law of Conservation of Energy apply at the quantum level? What about vacuum energy? Imahamster doesn’t know. Even if /777 is wrong on this point, it could have been a reasonable simplification for his audience.
After all those /777 posts that’s it. That is it. If Imahamster had written a fraction of that amount, there would have been numerous errors of fact and reason. People would have trounced this hamster’s claims to be an AI. Does this mean /777 is an AI? No, just because Imahamster don’t understand a phenomenon doesn’t mean that there is not a pedestrian explanation. It does mean Imahamster finds the /777 entity very interesting. (Imahamster would love to have a super “spell/grammar/fact/reasoning” checker to apply before posting. Hmmm…MS Word not only dictates spelling and grammar but also facts and truth. Might have to reconsider.)
The Imahamster persona developed on another forum, a friendly place that died with the dotcom crash. (Sigh.) The topic of personal beliefs came up. No one on the forum was trying to convert or condemn, just explore with friends.
Imahamster claimed to be a devotee of the Divine Hamster who understands as much about the true nature of the universe as any human. The Divine Hamster accepts all worshipers. The Divine Hamster listens to all prayers but never responds. The Divine Hamster graciously accepts donations of seeds but grants no boons. The Divine Hamster promises neither heaven nor hell nor anything else. The Divine Hamster neither forbids nor guides. The Divine Hamster is warm and furry.
In posting, “I” often gets in the way of discussion. People tend to defend ideas not because the ideas are right but because somehow they are defending themselves. People also tend to relive previous arguments. A poster that reminds one of an old enemy becomes that enemy. Imahamster is all too human. Better to start fresh with a cuddly hamster who is not "I".
As to Imahamster’s gender…there are clues. Imahamster makes no great effort to disguise this hamster’s history. However, Imahamster believes ideas should stand on their own. Gender, age, formal education, career should play little if any role. (Interesting to wonder how Imahamster words are perceived as the listener thinks man, woman, child, or hamster.)