The nature of man.

Cottontop3000 said:
Duendy, you've made me think (and squint a little :) ). I am tired though, not given to deep thought at the moment. Are you saying to get high, get screwed by a wonderful woman (or man) under the stars in a field? :m:
hahahaha..i know, i am trying to fill u in with years of what i've been exploring meself......and answer to second question is Y E S hehe, and also feeling sexual feel of stars and field too...the whole erotic 'field', as it were......
Celeeeebraaatin life d'youll.....
You know, shrooms are one of the drugs I've never tried. Maybe I missed the boat going the pot/coke route? I definitely like the sex under the stars aspect of your guidance. Now, if only I could find a good local counselor. Hehe. The getting high part, I think about almost everyday, though I haven't done anything in months. Would be a wonderful way to go out, though, wouldn't it? Don't worry, I'm not ready to go out just yet. :)

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Cottontop3000 said:
You know, shrooms are one of the drugs I've never tried. Maybe I missed the boat going the pot/coke route? I definitely like the sex under the stars aspect of your guidance. Now, if only I could find a good local counselor. Hehe. The getting high part, I think about almost everyday, though I haven't done anything in months. Would be a wonderful way to go out, though, wouldn't it? Don't worry, I'm not ready to go out just yet. :)
pot's fine, as longas not abused too much--tho same goes fo nything doesn't it------coke? well its a refined drug isn't it. and it is really yer urban-like drug. for mad socializing type of stuff. also you can get a big hole in yu nose too. i woould rathe recommend cocoa LEAF if yu has to

you know, he ote day i happened upon tis blog about Albert Hofmann's 100th birthday. He gave also gave lectures at his Symposium. in reading the reponses to i from others, this person said how she had been really intrigued where he had said how we must explore observing Nature with LSD, and how she had never heard this emphasized before
reading tis gave me a kundalinii-trill all over, cause it is what i go on abou. and LSDwas THE very litte first psychedelic i had when 15 which DIDturn m completely on to Nature. so , if you feel me---reading that was like really meaningful to me, in so many ways

He, also like, me--and others of course--is VERY aware of te urgency for people to understand the wonder of Nature in deepening ways. for really we all have been more and more become divorced from Nature....esstranged is a good word

at that early age of 15, and wit hindsight, i realize how much i had been estranged from it. dulled to it. and psychedelics opened that door agin.
You sound like you are happy duendy, for the most part. I hope you are, but with my experience with drugs, they only make things worse for me. I love watching the stars at night, watching the birds fly about in the mornings, watching my dogs play in the back yard, seeing the leaves change colors in autumn, but they don't change my overall feeling that there is no point to my life. I just hang on, hoping that something major will change this. Maybe someday.
Cottontop3000 said:
You sound like you are happy duendy, for the most part. I hope you are, but with my experience with drugs, they only make things worse for me. I love watching the stars at night, watching the birds fly about in the mornings, watching my dogs play in the back yard, seeing the leaves change colors in autumn, but they don't change my overall feeling that there is no point to my life. I just hang on, hoping that something major will change this. Maybe someday.
I am curious ---and you don't have to answer about this if you feel not to. You say you've been in the armed forces? and i remember you saying the other day about how your fitness lvels have gone down. is tis anything to do with unknown illnesses post-yourservice?

about Nature, and how you DO observe it yet still feel te blues wont let u go.

can you ---are you aware where tis sadness is coming from?

you ask if i am happy?

i am open to te labyrinth of potential spiralling emotions...heh

ie., sometimes i can feel SO despairing its turns into fukin comedy. and is it ay wonder in this world???????
BUt i also am aware of tis ongoing passion to try find out why which where we have gotten INTO this mess. that i see as a mess. some will swear blind everythings jest hunky dory
i dont WANT to get rid of tese depairings, nor of other emotions. for a think that it is really important T feel. that that is what we are being denied. for when somat wrong you gotu feel its wrong aint you?
Actually, the only illness I have is the depression, which started my freshman year at west point (the u.s. military academy). I was first treated for it my junior year (3rd year) there. I don't think I have any of the things associated with the depleted uranium shells, or anything like that. No Desert Storm Syndrome or anything. Nothing physical, except headaches. I think the depression comes from just seeing how harsh life can be. I'm just sick of our American society. The things society as a whole seems to value. I don't want any part of it (except the internet, I guess). It just seems like everyone is toiling along and ignoring all the important things. I don't know.
i FEEL you!
it's like a sense of aloneless--a feeling that all the milling about frantic people, all over are on some fukin trip that you canot dig at ALL. in fact it seems like utter madness

this rminds me of Kamakazic's feelings where she or he 'wants answers' to:
'Can anyone tell me why man is so self-destructive?

Why people hate?

Why greed controls and ruins lives?

Why are we not adapting to make te next generation better?

ok, lets ry and explore these questions...
why is man so self-destructive?

would a person be if they were also having access to springs of real joy i wonder? is it guilt that keeps a person from allowing themselves to let go? is it cause they have been drilled that they and teirlives aremeaningless and that they are mere glorified machines/computers. and that when they is dead that is it. soooo grab what ya can. and live on in your 'success'--ie., what money and possession u pass on to your family?
so is the self-destructiv part a real clue that all that is't enuf? that we are missing someting deeper thans being let on? many people are on so-called 'meds'. you said it yourself Cottontop. you sai 'i have an illness'---ie., they tell you that if you are desperatly unhappy you have 'clinical depression'. tis is outright lie--a myth. and i will challenge it till the cows come home. cause it is an evil lie. it is completely insidious. even more so than te social-controlling tactics of th Churchian times. and thats saying someting. i m not saying people dont FEEl despir. i am saying that the culture which then claims it is a disease and they have pills to 'cure' it without addresing the actual OPPRESSION OF the culture is truly insidious.
when they take all meaning away we want to die. they have taken away the freedom to our land, what we can ingest, ecstasy. made us guilty via their myth. now it is 'success' isn' it? would u say this is the main guilter? whethe one's a 'winner' or a 'loser'
we must get clues from the youth. cause teir actions speak VERY lud cause thewy is all fresh to te game. may feel very unhappy and self harm and so on. you'd ask them. would they know?...they may say verythings fukin boring, and they'd be right. ie., meaning's gone/ its al shoppin !..its al grim faced suits runnin round doing us up. no control over our lies whatsoever. except witin their remit. theire boundary. which is very very narrow the less money you have
Yeah, it's so sad that kids have to lose their innocence and joy and curiosity. I was so happy as a kid, for the most part. Everything was exciting and new. I always wanted to go play in the woods or make an ant farm or play in the dirt or climb a tree. Holidays were looked forward to. Now, it seems like I've explored all I want to. There is nothing left to be curious or excited about. It's time to move on, but to what?

Edit: Sorry duendy, I'm not really "into it" today. I should be giving you more, but I'm just not up to it. I'm like that at times. Please understand.
Cottontop3000 said:
Yeah, it's so sad that kids have to lose their innocence and joy and curiosity. I was so happy as a kid, for the most part. Everything was exciting and new. I always wanted to go play in the woods or make an ant farm or play in the dirt or climb a tree. Holidays were looked forward to. Now, it seems like I've explored all I want to. There is nothing left to be curious or excited about. It's time to move on, but to what?

me))tell me. when was te last time you had a TRip, and what was it like?
i know exactly what you mean. how tings become happened to me.
when a tiny kid i was really into ature--in a rather 'magica' waytoo---maybe most kids are. i remember when about 5-6 on my own intitiative deciding to make a fairy garden. loved fairy books about woods ad magical shit happnin...loved being in Nature. but i sense tis got dulled for me. mum was a club kind ofperson--bright lights big city, and she was biget influence on me---plue school. school woulddull ANY fuker--ight?
i stated gettin hard faced. throwing litter,not giving a shit about our garden--ie., after my grampa died, i'd helped him as a kid, but when he ded when i was 11, i just let garden go. i loved ANything about big cities. raffic u neame it. so u can see i was getitin more and more dulled to Nature right. as i said LSD totally turned all tat out! totally
wasn't all to 'lived hapily ever after' have been thru many hells too. cause whatever---the oppressive shit dont go knowere. the machine is ll round. deSIGNED TO dulla ya. make NO fukin mistake. it donna want you gettin into Nature...HAH! oh no

Edit: Sorry duendy, I'm not really "into it" today. I should be giving you more, but I'm just not up to it. I'm like that at times. Please understand.
i am not expecting friend, seriously...just let me ramble on, tho with passion o' course heh

second question of Kamakazi is

why do people hate?

theres a Freench film releasded few yews back called La Haine...meaning 'te hate' all bout youth growing up in French ghetts. great film
i see it a lot with youths where i live. many will spit and look bad at people. specially outsiders. you hear of terrible violence people do to each other, and animals. cant bear reading the latter

we see right the smiling shil dont we. all open and full of the joys of spring and then same child can become the snarling teenager and then viscious repressed cold men adult and 'worse'----why?
again. ACTUA oppression all round. our society denies THA, oh yeah. they always blame individual. they 'need help' meaningpychological help etc. but never explore roots
and i am feeling the roots is oppression suppression and repression.....deniedn meaning, freedom, including freedom for ecxstasy-without-guilt BREEDS hate
If a man can choose life or death he can choose to make his environment and world a better place. Word of mouth is going to be the eye opener. Change occurs through action. I will definitely step up my game as far as spreading the word of self-destruction. Join me. God Bless.
ok there was this science experiment. They attach this wire to one section of a mouse's brain, and the wire is connected to a switch if the mouse touch the switch he will get instant pleasure and after that he get extremely tired. Guess what? well in the end the mouse killed himself by pressing the switch many times to get high!
This proves that animals get bored easily, we are high level animals, but still animals so we get bored. It is our nature to be greedy evil and mean, and when we reality being good and virtous is boring we'll start to be evil! yeah evil rule!