The nature of man.


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The older I get the more I realize the world is full of anger, despair, pain, misery, jealousy, hate, and death. I know these aspects of life have existed since the beginning of time but I can only truly know what does or doesn't exist through experiencing it. I just can't grasp why mankind hasn't realized that we are destroying ourselves. Survival of the fittest and most destructive doesn't have to apply. It is just illogical. Can anyone tell me why man is so self-destructive? Why people hate? Why greed controls and ruins lives? We are the most advanced and self-destructive creatures on Earth. Why are we not adapting to make the next generation better? Insanity. I want answers.
Kamakazic said:
Can anyone tell me why man is so self-destructive? Why people hate? Why greed controls and ruins lives?
Because, whether we want to admit it or not, our very existence controls and ruins us. Because life is painful and harsh. We are trapped. The very fact of our existence, on this planet, under these skies, breathing, eating, sleeping, getting older, dying, is a constant reminder that each of us is losing a battle against something that we have no control over: death. We are afraid. We can't fight it. We can't flee from it. We get confused and try to strike back, illogically and emotionally. As to why we are illogical and emotional, well, that is just another element of this existence that we have very little if any control over. We are afraid that we have no answers, and we are right. We don't. So we get angry, self-destructive, hopeless. What the hell, we are all gonna die.
I want answers.
So do I. :(
i sees it like this. it is the stories we have TOLD to us, frm when little etc, AND
theses stories/myth become interior-ized in us/we believe we are the originators of them

the reason we ARE told these stories/myths by te tradition we fihd ourselves in is for deliberate social control

a power-base elite wants to KEEp that power base. wants to keepits money, and its cushy life style. so in order to do rhis it needs hierarchy

how hewy do this is through MYTH---written down myth. Druscilla French wrote a really great dissertation revealing the tactics of all this titled The Power of Choice (i believe you can download it online)---she shows how throug the ages the patriarchy have maintained the indoctrination via literary rtechniques in mythology, religious text, fiarytales, all forms of literature, Frued, Jung, Joseph Campbell----she takes no prisoners!

so if you are serious in really investigating about our dire situation on planet Earth, it is MYTH you need to look at

oh---and btw, as much as her essay is brilliant, i feel she is not as savvy when lookingat Eastern forms of same indoctrination. fortey too create this fer of Nature. for example, Buddhism with its desire to lave the 'wheel of death and birth', Hinduism with its dreams of everlsting bliss, etc

in our secular world we have its central social-conrolling mental illness myth. This alsoISV I T A L to look t. howefve much it may disturb you. i WILL disturb you caus as said it is THE central myth of the paradigm we are in

(have to go. will continue in this really honest, and, interesting thread later)
WHY ismyth of mental ilness so vital to look at?

cause its oppression, and belief in it continues maintaining the materialistic philosophy which is our paradigm.
this means that ANY dissent from the paradiigm can be caled 'mental disease' by tose who help maintain the paradigm/worldview

so, say you Kamakazic when to the doc and told him you were very dstressed by thw worldsituation etc. do you feel he/she would feel empathy and give you tim for along honest discusion about it. moslt likely he'd recommend you take some pills/atidepressants, or whatnot. for this is how tis mindwet works. it creates a myth of 'normalcy'/'correct chemical balance' and any deviation frpm tis myth is considered mental illness. bu bum...sorted!

in the previous paradigm of religion/christianity, dissent was called 'heresy' and/r 'demon possession', for which you could get exiled or murdered by the Church/State

so do you see how the same oppression is maintained thru so-called changing paradigms??

coming back to our time. of bleedin COURSE there is enormous distress about what is happening in the world and To our planet. but the maintainers of their power structure want to medicate these emotions away

wherewas i say. ENCOURAGE them. FEEL what pain you are feeling about whats going on, and explore and ACT, and share wit others so as to encourage them to do same

and to DIE tryin'!
I hear you duendy. I don't like it, though, because I want there to be help for what I am suffering from, and I am suffering. However, I will concede to you that none of the medicines I have tried yet for depression have done much if anything to help me. In fact, I quit taking all of them last november just to give myself a new reference point to start fresh from. I will try a new drug (for me) next month though. The results of that may determine a lot for me. I don't know.

Deep down, though, I think I am just so tired of this existence that nothing is going to help much. Lifestyle change, new meds, new diet, new girlfriend, kids, whatever, I don't think I am going to be able to get too excited about life again. I just don't have the flame anymore. Burned out several years ago. Maybe I'm just saying this now because I am tired. I don't know. Tomorrow's a new day. We'll see. :)
Cottontop3000 said:
I hear you duendy. I don't like it, though, because I want there to be help for what I am suffering from, and I am suffering. However, I will concede to you that none of the medicines I have tried yet for depression have done much if anything to help me. In fact, I quit taking all of them last november just to give myself a new reference point to start fresh from. I will try a new drug (for me) next month though. The results of that may determine a lot for me. I don't know.

Deep down, though, I think I am just so tired of this existence that nothing is going to help much. Lifestyle change, new meds, new diet, new girlfriend, kids, whatever, I don't think I am going to be able to get too excited about life again. I just don't have the flame anymore. Burned out several years ago. Maybe I'm just saying this now because I am tired. I don't know. Tomorrow's a new day. We'll see. :)
reading that i got this shiver all over.
Your honesty knocks me out. i have eclectic taste in music--VERY--but the music that really is like a root music for me is te BLUES. cause its so honest. it says what i means honest. and thats what i fel about you. it is SOOO fukin important and real. more so tan anythin i reckon

i could now --regarding what you imply about despair--try and 'save you'. i hope you donttake what i may say next (don know meself yet) as me being patronizing. i know the despair you talk about too, as i am sure Kaz does etc. i am just exploring about it

i think of the situation for many many many many ,any people now is the crushing of spirit! fukin brutal it dont bear tinking about. and you know what is even morrre insidious. many cant even VOICE there pain. there is no...means of expressing their pain. this is cause of te set-up/ the system iself

so cuttin to the chase, what do i feel is a wayto resolving this dispiritedness?

exploring about the prison house all around which is built by oppressive myths. see ing it, facing it. efen if it means a group of te zombies cursin you tellin u yer fukin mad and need 'help' u arry on kinda thing

and as well as, psychedelic inspiration!

and that psychedelic inspiration's set and setting is gonna be complete abandon to ecstatic expression


cause we are told not to by the oppressors. they want us to be mind-controlled. they dont want us exressing emotions. its a danger to theirhold on our minds. so i wanna explore what THEy are fearful of. cause i have got hint

and CENTRA to this exploration is deep love and respct for Nature

as HUUUGEprt of our despair i reckon is the subjugation of Nature and our interelation with it

i'll leave it there fo now
Meanwhile said:
Ah, but Duendy... the 'oppressors' as you call them are they not also human? Are they not also of human nature?

me))))of course the 'oppressors' are human. and good you mention tis to get it right. when i say'oppressors' is kind ofislike creating a 'them' isn;t it. a scapegoat? we have to be careful of this, causescapegoating is always a bum deal. it is a clique who create an 'enemy' who they imafgine getting rid of will make them 'pure'/keep them 'pure'. right?
but we know that we have the powers that be, AND the many who vote for them. and that the latter are duped cause the game isn't MEANT to change. you with me??
now'scapegoat' whats the roots of this thang? THE most plausibale explantion i'v read to date is amngst others from Dan Russell in his book Shamanism and the Drug
Propaganda. to try and summarize. there is the 'pharmakon'= psychedelic sacrament and 'pharmakos' = sacrifice
Now if you understand that comjunal expression of emotions wit aid of a psychedelic sacrament is primeval. and that when tis becomes prohibited, in its place is substituted a 'scapegoat/sacrifice' which then is supposed to act as the resolver of community tensions. but it neve can. because these frustrated emotins are deep withing every individual hence the need o have free access to ecstasy via sacrament and/or dancing, chantin--any means to let OUT energies, rigidities. but we rather have been led to believe we need sacrificial VICTIMS. thew whole literalist tale of 'Jesus Christ' is this. he becomes NOT the pharmakon but the pharmakos
so it seein this. YES we ARE oppressed. alright the may be human but theones right at the top who can create propgnda for war, and destroy ature, 'etc' are DE-humanized. have lost teir soul/feeling in their greed for more power and control

The system is just as normal, or abnormal what difference does it make, as the oppressors are human as human nature is a system as the system is human nature. Bah.
is it 'normal' to pollute Nature for millions of years. whic is what the oppressors are doing in their wars now. using depleted uranium tipped weapons. is it natrual to destroy NATURE? what do u say?
duendy said:
and as well as, psychedelic inspiration!

and that psychedelic inspiration's set and setting is gonna be complete abandon to ecstatic expression
Duendy, can you clarify and expand on the above? I'm not quite getting what you are saying. Thanks.
Cottontop3000 said:
Duendy, can you clarify and expand on the above? I'm not quite getting what you are saying. Thanks.
Okay, but realize i am in the midst of exploring about all this myself...

in my researches which have been inspired by psychedelic experiences, pain, despair, te searching to know, find an answer to all the troubles for me nd as i see it for many people in the world including other species, Natre itself...'ect', tis inspired me to try look t the roots of it all, s well as i can

a book which inspired tis also was Allegro's The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, a most amaaazin and very controversial book--to this day. John Allegro inspired me to see mythology differently than i had done so before reading it. ie., i came to see mthology was a collection of literary devices, such as transliteration, metaphor, allusion, wordplay, pun--using old dead languages for putting tother words and themes fpr ther sories etc etc

A;so through him and other influential people like Gordan Wasson (he was first white dude to discover about Indigenous use of psilocybin mushrooms in 1950s) etc i came to realize the centrality of psychedelic sacraments in mythology...going way back into primeval times

Now, Allegro shows how Dionysianism also used a psychedelic sacrament. herbs including psychdelic fungi in wine (as did early Christians!)

Now sometime back i read a very eye opening article about how Classic Dionysianism has been reformed by Orphism (i will try get you URL of this essay as it is crucil for a more in-depth explanation of what you are asking (its very complex what you ask )

to summarize: before the reforms the way the bacchantes (folllowers of Donysos) took the sacrament as a CELEBRATION of Nature. tis is really really important to note, as you'll see

A celebration of Nature and body and of corse the dynamic PROCESSof Nature. including life and death and regeneration

the reformers of this were the Orphics. aparenelty a more philosophical branch that happeed within theopen umbrella of Dionysianism. The latter had a more open interpretation of teir ecstasies....but the Orphics began to write things down creating dogma (bear wqith me on tis Cotton. i cant just give u a superficial answer)---the essencewof their dogma was the pycholgical splitting of Nature from 'spirit'. they tamed the wilder 'orgia' of te more anceint Dionysian rituals eventually diluing th scrament and then not using it at all. andtheir rituals were NOT celebratory but 'katharsis'--ie., they interpeted it that man had 'fallen' thru eating meat etc and tus was impure and tus needed to get 'pure' via their 'purification rituals'

part 2 follows
ie., what tey did was to create a shism for theselves and for other they have indoctrinated thru te ages between conepts of 'pure' vs 'impure'!
their saying was 'soma sema' translated as 'the body, a tomb'. so they in other words creatd te dogm that we were prt 'Titanic'/of the earth and bad, and part 'Dionysos' which they saq as a 'divine spark'/our supoosed real selves which was trapped in the body and Nature, and thru teir rituals could be rleased ad go back home to the 'pure spiritual source'. they also dogmatized about reincarnation. which meant that tis purification MAy have to take lifetimes.

Ophism was the first mystery/mystical sool in the West, and isobviously influenced by Indian metaphysical philosophy, particulary the Upanishads

(if there s any thing u dont understand. ask. cause doing so also helps me....and btw in the break i looked for te article andits fukin disappeared!!)

Orphism was a huge influence on Christianity. and you can see it. we have the idea of sex as sin, and the need tobecome tese good little sheep for Jesus. a dude who never had no sex. well thats theliteralist story anyhow

so we hae to understand that major transition from a celebraoty fom os spiritual ecstatic experience to the guilt-ridden oneof self-renunciation and feelings of being unclean etc etc. what do you think?

so how has all that translated into tese materialistic times where 'spirit' is not even considered and 'God' is dead etc?

well they modify the oppression dont tey. NPW any ...ANY emotions not considerdfor the good of production and furtherence of frantic progress are deemed meaningless and if unacceptable, mentally ill.

all meaning has been replaced by THEIRmeaning, which is busy busyness, ad consumerism, and believing their hype about what asuccesful life is.....meanwhil deep meaning, which is what we need is severely cntrolled. ecstasy is not encouraged. tis is why i am encouraging it

but, to explore te courage to really let go. we really need to see through the mental illness myth. cause this insidious myth inhibits us at every turn. even wit ourselves. we dont wat to seem weird.....and ecstatic abandon is what it says. a total letting go of all suppressed emotion

will leave it there for now

feedback and ideas?
ooops sorry spidergoat. thought youd said the opposite. i misread. sorry to assume you'd say that.......
Because people are Cowards and are scared to fight against evils like Buddha1. They think ignoring such problems will solve them.
Humanologist said:
Because people are Cowards and are scared to fight against evils like Buddha1. They think ignoring such problems will solve them.

ANOMOLOUS, I thought you were still banned. Go away.
Duendy, you've made me think (and squint a little :) ). I am tired though, not given to deep thought at the moment. Are you saying to get high, get screwed by a wonderful woman (or man) under the stars in a field? :m: