The most retarded forum leaders I ever saw

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People come here to discuss science and to expose those that lied about false claims of scientific achievement and they get a cold shoulder and bannishment for their efforts.

If they lied about false claims...doesn't that mean they were telling the truth?

Anyway, I think our loony filter is broken.
nobody is forcing you to read or come to this site numbnuts.

what's up, 3 days wasn't enough?

First off those 3 days bannishment were a clear abuse of leadership powers here at this forum. My point is that it is highly illegal to lure people into these forums just to amuse oneself banning them and putting them to redicule. Why is this place not a closed forum where the jews can enjoy their fallacies without opposition? I mean, really. The whole point of a discussion forum is to examine issues and confront them no matter how painful the truth may be. Why is it that some people think the truth will just simply go away if you lock it in the basement? Where do the jews running this site come off thinking they know best what the readers should or should not read? Do the moderators here think their members and the public are infants? People want to know the truth, can you understand that? People have been lied to so profisely they are bursting at the seams to discover why and who did this and lied to them. Why do you stay here if you cannot stomach the criticisms directed against your tribal affiliates? Why don't YOU go open a closed-membership forum and do your tribal coffee-clutching all day long without the need to can truthtellers that cramp your style?
i dont see why he was banned,


I was banned because the leadership decided to play denmother-to-the-members-and-public by deciding what THEY think the readers should or should not read. My truth is very damning for those bigshot jews pretending to be god's gift to intellectualism and the guiding light to the world's scientific communities and public. The cluster-hoaxes I expose are raking in big bucks for those impostors. Trillions of illicit cash. I believe they will and have murdered massively to keep those hoaxes alive in the public psyche.

That's 5 posts of yours that haven't been cesspooled, out of all the posts you've made.

Perhaps sciforums is not the forum for you. We'll see.

Last chance!

Perhaps sciforums is not the place for YOU. Ever think of that? Maybe you need a nice cozy closed-membership forum where you can coffee-clutch with your tribal affiliates all day without having to ban a thousand people a year, ya? Do you see what I mean, Hombre?
Well, maybe sciforums isn't the place for James R.

What kind of leadership do we want if we can't have a Jewish one. Maybe or local polltroll can make a poll on it.

I'd say let's have a Satanist leadership.
My point is that it is highly illegal to lure people into these forums just to amuse oneself banning them and putting them to redicule. Why is this place not a closed forum where the jews can enjoy their fallacies without opposition? I mean, really. The whole point of a discussion forum is to examine issues and confront them no matter how painful the truth may be.
Translation into English:
I joined a public forum, spouted total nonsense with no supporting evidence and got shredded and stuffed for it. When I retaliated with abuse I was banned.

Wow! That really IS unfair. L'chaim.
You should write Jews, not jews, cactusneedles.

Only leopold could write without capital letters here.

But, I guess you meant to insult Jew people, right? Because, I see you have good punctuation and you've put capital letters on other words in your sentences.
This means that you know that names of the nations should always be written with capital letter.

Will you explain, why you made exception with Jews?
yeah Cactuneedles, you are only permitted (encouraged) to insult Christians areound here. what the f*** is wrong with you?
Well, maybe sciforums isn't the place for James R.

What kind of leadership do we want if we can't have a Jewish one. Maybe or local polltroll can make a poll on it.

I'd say let's have a Satanist leadership.

I accept.

Bring forth the sacrificial virgins.

IAC, Happeh, and Cactus. Oh, and Nick.
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