The most important question ever!

For those of you, which is apparently all of you, who do not know your comic hero history:

Swamp Thing.

He once invaded Gotham (they arrested his girlfriend on trumped up charges) and turned the entire city into a mangrove swamp. When Batman tried to stop him, he beat Batman within an inch of his life.
Yeah I had one too, it used to change color in water. Pretty awesome.

You know who is the absolute coolest though?: THE CROW
Hell Yeah!

Bane also whipped Batman. They all get their arses kicked now and then, otherwise it would be boring.
Most of the above posts are off-topic and, in light of the current
atmosphere, I expect them to be promptly edited and/or deleted. :bugeye:

First, let's get all the facts out.

  • Hangs around in a big creepy house with a young kid in tights.
  • To busy being rich and fighting crime to get women.
  • Is in a town full of idiots that would not link a billion dollar Batman plane with a billionaire.
  • Is a tool that comes whenever his light goes off. What if he's taking a dump or something?
  • Is way bitter about his parents.
  • Likes creeping up on people.
  • Rarely has a date but get's it on with Batgirl.
  • His friend (the commish) can't tell that Batgirl is his own daughter through half a mask.
  • Is not as strong as Supes.
  • All the gadgets in the world could save his ass form being crushed to death by Superman.
  • His headquaters is littered with guano.
  • Can beat up regular people.
  • Is smart.
  • If he wanted to know something about you he would in about 30 seconds.
  • His computer runs Windows ME and always crashes at crucial moments.
  • Agile.
  • 1 bullet, 1 good shot, dead.
  • All his villians are unoriginal moronic bastards. (Christ! If the riddler didn't want to get caught he should stop leaving clues... dumbass.)
My Assessment:
  • He's good on John Q. Lawbreaker and has a lot of homoerotica lingering about him. Probably molests children in his creepy cave.

  • Super-strong.
  • Super-fast.
  • Can impersonate any voice.
  • Can see microscopic.
  • Is in love with the dumbest girl in the comics.
  • Not only beats up regular people but the occassioanl robot and super villian mastermind.
  • Uses the reflection on Luther's head to fix his hair.
  • Can save the world day after day but does not have the cohones to ask Lois out.
  • Encounters interplanetery villians and kicks their ass.
  • Would be a horrible real estate agent... "Now this fortress comes complete with ice furniture, no heating and frostbite, asking price is $500,000,000.
  • Kryptonite makes him go bye-bye.
  • Bad dresser.
My Assessment:
  • He can kick ass here or there, he can kick ass anywhere, he can kick ass, he is superman. Kicks major ass all over the place, basically.

Pit these two against one another and you get:
  • Batman puree with just a hint of Robin.

    You've got your strongest man alive that can corner Batman and crush him. If he tries to run away, he can fly and see through walls. No contest. Batman can run and hide but not forever, eventually, Superman would win.
The Facts, Lt. Friday......


- Before he died he was an assasin for the CIA

- He has without a doubt the meanest bad guy: SATAN!

- He has without a doubt the funniest bad guy, the Clown (Violator)

- Chains come out of hime, spikes come out of hime, his cape is gothic, and his costume is alive.

- Without his mask on he is, well, crispy.

- He lives in alley ways with homeless people

- He was black and married before he died, I deffinetely think he got it on.


- No dualistic plot line, he is in conflict with himself and the world around him constantly. Not just kill bad guy, hes dead.

- Dark an gothic

- Realistic with his feelings, not just constantly worrying about his alter ego being found out.

- Did I mention he was a bad ass from hell?

The assesment

He would make mince meat of both, then pour gasoline over Robin and set him on fire.
The real question is why superman wears his underwear outside of his pants? Why does batman wears his underwear on his head?
my father used to do that when i was little. (wear underwear on his head) . when he cooked, he called it his chefs hat. makes sense though. when he was 8, he ran through the house singing the batman theme, jumped on his bed, and out the two story window onto a pile of rocks.
....i suppose it doesn't take alot to give batman stitches.
Superman would. He has the superiour power.

Moral answer: there will be no winner.

the point is

all of you are missing the point completely:
Who would win a fight between Batman and Superman?
Why would they fight in the first place? The're both good guys!

Or you would like to see them fighting? like two superhero's from WWF? Just a sportive fight then? but then they couldn't go to the limmit and go mean on eachother, real fight then,...boring.

wouldn't you all like to be a superhero and kick eachothers ass?:p
Re: the point is

Originally posted by Fukushi

wouldn't you all like to be a superhero and kick eachothers ass?:p

I am a Superhero!

Although, low self esteem issues, keep me from bragging. It's all been downhill since the whole Superman fiasco.:eek: :D
Who the hell thinks that superman is cool even a little bit? Just some half-god half-person who defies the rules of physics.
Batman at least has some story behind him...
lets make up a situation where Batman and Superman were to have a fight. Batman slept with lowis lain (?) then Superman finds out about it and then they fight. Batman would use his comedy speech balloon things to his advantage i think.
'kkrraack' 'kablamo' 'biff'
Batman, definetly.
The greatest villain of all time,

Darth Vader

Would own any superhero (or yoda, for that matter).

So far I think his best fight was on Bespin, that's the Darth I'm talking about, not Anakin Skywalker.

The assesment:

  • Has no remorse for killing anyone, so wouldn't really have a problem with taking on Batman or Superman
  • Has the power of the force to back him up, arguably a better power than superman
  • Is really frickin good with a lightsaber
  • His face is enough to make anyone facing him crap their pants (oops I crapped my pants heheh)

After bringing superman to his knees on Cloud City he would slice off his arm and then push him out into Bespin.

After easily taking down batman he would choke the daylights out of him, enough so that his eyeballs popped out. Then he would feed him to a Krayt Dragon (mmm yummy).

After a prolonged battle with yoda he would take his little green ass and toss him down an exhaust shaft but accidenltly blow up the ship he was on (you'd figure that they'd design the things so that they wouldn't go straight down), thus killing ALL the superheroes worth mentioning.