The most important question ever!


§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
Is Superman coolest because he could just wipe the floor with Batman?

Or is Batman coolest because he does all that super-stuff while being "merely" human?
Tough Question...

I think that superman's powers rock, but batman's techno-gadgets also rock. Maybe they could make a show called "Super Batman" or sumpin' :D
Batman is cooler cause hes a normal frail human, hes darker more "goth", hes got the coolest criminals, the coolest gadgets and the original Batman movie was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

However Spider-Man Beats them both easily. And I also think spawn is kick ass.
Blade beats all, hands down. Talk about dark and gothic, that's Blade.

But Batman is cooler than Superman. Besides, he's cuter. But Blade is cuter than Batman, so Blade.
Spidey would beat Blade, and he'd be cracking jokes the whole time he did it....... Spider-Man is awesome.

But then again I think Spawn would take out both of them, hes from hell how bad ass can you get?
Yeah right, Tyler.

Spidey would NOT beat Blade! Blade is not only as nible as Spidey, he's stronger. Besides, he's got a cooler costume. Spidey dosen't.

Blade...I dunno about Blade vs. Spawn.
No way is Blade stronger than Spidey. In the comics Spidey kicked a tank and wrecked it! He's strong like a spider. Big jumps, big strength, all that stuff.
but Blade doesn't have the webs, but maybe you're right. Spawn would win against them though, the chains, spikes, crazy cape and stuff, no way anyone could beat. Besides he cares the least about killing people.

And I think Yoda could beat everyones but I suppose, but that's just cause of the lightsaber.
It always troubled Yoda, the fact that people said to him 'you're only so great because you have a LIGHTSABER. Ooooh, look at the two foot tall swordmaster..."

But this was not indeed the case. Yoda had trained hard for over eight hundred years, through thick and through thin. He is the example of a modern day role-model.

Do or do not, there is no try! Tell me if any of the superheroes ever said anything so philosophical!
"With great power comes great resposibility, this is my curse, I am Spider-Man" - A little Spidey Philosophy from the new movie.

And Blade: "Your world is just a sugar coated topic, there is are world beneath it, the real world, and in the real world you better learn to pull the trigger."
I think those "heroes" are cooler because they're only wear tight stocking and underpant after it, and then they're just walking around at cool weather or night. That's make them cooler. :D.

I think ERIC THEODORE CARTMAN much more cooler than all of them. He can farts a fire after got an anal probe. :D :D

Ufff... what a childish thread :rolleyes:
Batman is coolest because his original TV show was so feaking demented. That show had a lower budget than Star Trek original. It had that cool transition between scenes. It printed the sound effects on the screen. Robin has sexy legs. "Holy <insert odd noun here> Batman!" Everything has the prefix Bat-.

In a fight Batman would lose to just about any other superhero. But he had the most twisted TV show so he's coolest.
I loved that Adam West Batman series when I was little. Very cool. My favourite line from their movie: "Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb..."
Originally posted by Tyler
I think you're all forgetting the two greatest..........Flash and Shazaam!

Flash is definitley tho coolest! You don't need strength if you have speed! You could behead people just by swinging his arm! And no one could catch him! I wish I was the Flash.

P.S. Can you tell I'm a cross country runner? :D
They never show it, but Yoda lifts weights a lot. He has HUGE pectoral muscles, and abs of steel.