The Most Hated Family In America

I saw this last night. Seemed pretty bizarre, but then again they are small in numbers. Every society has freaks......
Again: They ought to be shot.

Why they haven't been, is testament to American cowardice.
It seems perfectly in line with fundamental Baptist teachings.

They're simply being vocal.

I have wondered before, and I wonder again, what would happen if an African American went down to an ultra Orthodox Synagogue and attempted to join. Would they be welcomed? Is it legal to not welcome them? Can they be discriminated against? I don't know, maybe they'd be welcomed? But, if not, then I'd say that sort of teaching is the same as this sort of shit.

monotheistic-inspired Bigotry.

This God book says God murdered all the people with a flood for not behaving as It would like. It also killed a couple of towns worth of people for, among other things, performing "gay" acts. Read such trash and you can expect people to think like this. Anyway, I know Baptists, these people are extreme in that they have attached their protest to the War dead, but in general Baptists do think America's problems are because American are not following the teachings of Christ - including being accepting of people that are homosexual (as well as OMG dare I say - maybe even ... Muslim!!!)

All Hell to Pay!
Michael II
It seems perfectly in line with fundamental Baptist teachings.

They're simply being vocal.

I have wondered before, and I wonder again, what would happen if an African American went down to an ultra Orthodox Synagogue and attempted to join. Would they be welcomed? Is it legal to not welcome them? Can they be discriminated against? I don't know, maybe they'd be welcomed? But, if not, then I'd say that sort of teaching is the same as this sort of shit.

monotheistic-inspired Bigotry.

This God book says God murdered all the people with a flood for not behaving as It would like. It also killed a couple of towns worth of people for, among other things, performing "gay" acts. Read such trash and you can expect people to think like this. Anyway, I know Baptists, these people are extreme in that they have attached their protest to the War dead, but in general Baptists do think America's problems are because American are not following the teachings of Christ - including being accepting of people that are homosexual (as well as OMG dare I say - maybe even ... Muslim!!!)

All Hell to Pay!
Michael II
The Phelps cult is everything Christian Protestants are. Like you say here; They're just vocal about it. They've been around a long time. It wasn't until they expanded their funeral protests and protests at the homes of the deceased that they got national attention. No bikers defending the greiving families & friends of gays!! But now that soldiers are targeted we can all hope someone takes action against them. Where's Janet Reno when you need her?
There are Ethiopian Jews, Michael. There has been for thousands of years.
And they were seriously discriminated against in Israel. Not so much now that someone from their group was blown apart by a suicide bomber.

Anyway, that;'s not my point. My point is: Lets say someone wanted to convert from whatever into ultra Orthodox Judaism and that someone was also Black ski9nned. Would they be welcomed or not? I'm also referring to here in America - not Israel nor Africa - but here in the USA where it is against the Law to discriminate based on ethnic background or stereotypic appearance.

Land of Freedom - Gotta Love it!

You don't find it an interesting supposition to make?


Sammy Davis Jr. converted to Judaism and no Jew, as far as I know, had any problem with it. The Jews aren't known to take converts, but they seem to embrace converts that stick to Judaism seriously. So long as you support Judaism, you seem to be okay with them.
And they were seriously discriminated against in Israel. Not so much now that someone from their group was blown apart by a suicide bomber.


On that note, there were many Indian Jews who returned from Israel because they felt discriminated against over there, something they had little experience with in India.

Which is why they are trying to get the last of them into Israel now?
Several years ago I saw a BBC special on the last of the Falasha leaving Ethiopia for Israel, where the zionists marginalize them into the lowest paid work and housing. They are vilified in conservative Jerusalem and cluster in Haifa. The govt. might have put on quite the show airlifting more handwringing whiny Jews but apartheid Israel is as racist as it is genocidal.

Sammy Davis Jr. converted to Judaism and no Jew, as far as I know, had any problem with it. The Jews aren't known to take converts, but they seem to embrace converts that stick to Judaism seriously. So long as you support Judaism, you seem to be okay with them.

On that note, there were many Indian Jews who returned from Israel because they felt discriminated against over there, something they had little experience with in India.

Well that's not all that unexpected for liberal Judaism - I know Chinese Jews here in AU.

I was thinking more along the lines of ultra-Orthodox. You know, the people who think there is a Jewish "race" and a Jewish person can only be a Jew if they were born from a Jewish mother. The blood line and all that. Even if the father is Jewish they are still not considered Jewish.

Anyway, Orthodoxy is fine, so long as it either is not in the USA or if it is in the USA it is not racist. So, if that is true, ultra-Orthodox Judaism may not be legal in the USA?

Anyone know?

PS: really, I hope you guys know that when I post on here my questions are simply supposition because I'm interesting in what you guys think - I'm seriously not a millitant Atheist! :)
monotheistic-inspired Bigotry.

This God book says God murdered all the people with a flood for not behaving as It would like. It also killed a couple of towns worth of people for, among other things, performing "gay" acts. Read such trash and you can expect people to think like this. Anyway, I know Baptists, these people are extreme in that they have attached their protest to the War dead, but in general Baptists do think America's problems are because American are not following the teachings of Christ - including being accepting of people that are homosexual (as well as OMG dare I say - maybe even ... Muslim!!!)

All Hell to Pay!
Michael II

What is hysterical to Lutherans out there is that if you really read the books that you get qa better understanding of the events described.

God flooded the valley to purge the taint of the Fallen who had taken human wives as well as the lawless. Afterwards when God saw what had been done God promised to not do that again.

God destroyed Soddom and Gammorrah for it perpetual acts of unholiness from human sacrifices, murders, and idolatary to the raping of men and women. He was even willing to spare the twin cities if 10 riteous men could be found, but they were not there. I can see how that is twisted to hating homosexuals, but i think the key part of that is the Rape part. Even among the most forgiving of humans Rape is one of those crimes that has people willing to do serious harm to avenge.