The morals of sexuality

Guys COOL IT, is only SEX!!

God, ..some of you guys are really screwed and itchy about sex.

Those of you that have always enjoyed sharing sex experiences with partners that you are or have loved. Defend it and speak out laud about it, it’s an honest moral obligation.

Those that by way of child-experiences, growing up, character difficulties or simple bad luck. Have not experiences sex and share it’s satisfaction with partners. Speak out laud and get it out of your chest.

Rape is a total crime and can not be underlined with an excuse of power. If all women would have a hanging message saying “Fuck me”. There would be no rapes.

So if it was about show of power, we would be having a lot of fulfilled women and lots of self-assure powerful people, won’t we? Most probably to the contrary.

Sexuality has two mayor needs, the physical and the emotional. The physical can be compared to the need of eating or any other need of the body whereby, the lack of it, can create serious disorders. It is the physical need that triggers masturbation. The emotional need is equally important but not as necessary, it places a lot of weight in what we call “the heart” since it places in it a lot of hope, expectations and dreams. Is this part of sex that is responsible for lasting relationships and for harmony in most relations. During sex, participants are very attentive, even in the subconscious on how sincere, willing and tolerant the partner is. This intimacy experience, together with experiences build with the partner in different scenarios builds a three dimension picture of emotions.

So, …..if you’re itchy about, please indicate why and if not, if you are a defender of sex, please plaint it.
Originally posted by The Marquis

If we look at this in evolutionary terms, why would rape become an adaptation in the first place though? A species reproduces by sex. In some adaptations this leads to an "Alpha Male" being the only one allowed to reproduce, which according to evolutionary theory might have come about to propagate the genes of the most "suitable" male. Would this same species then evolve again in order to allow the lower males to reproduce as well, via rape?

You are thinking too much in group selectionist terms. Organisms reproductively compete against members of their own species, not against members of other species. Rape would not be an adaptive behavior "for the species", but it would be an adaptive behavior for individuals (or, perhaps less misleadingly, individual lineages). The principles behind this are straightforwardly Darwinian: in certain environments, males with the inherited disposition to rape will have more offspring than males who do not, and so the "rape module" will spread through the population. Remember, natural selection does not have the good of the organism or the good of the species in mind; it will often pick out designs that are good for replication even if from the organism's POV they are ridiculously maladaptive.

So yes, in a way evolution does circle back on itself, because natural selection is more like an arms race than a bike race - there is no finish line towards which it strives; it simply pushes systems against each other in competition.

Re: rape and power:

I was not really paying much attention to the why's of this, but more to the fact that it is.

That's how it seems to me, as well. It is, of course, true that a male asserts power over a female simply by forcing her to have sex, but most of the heated rhetoric thrown around the debate has to do with the causes, reasons, and motives underlying this event.
Re: Guys COOL IT, is only SEX!!

Originally posted by Microzoft
God, ..some of you guys are really screwed and itchy about sex.

I don't think any of us are screwed (in what sense?) and itchy. Why I was just at an orgy last night. ;)

To restate what Absurd just said in slightly simpler terms: a lower-ranked male in a group has a greater interest in spreading his own genes than in the alpha male spreading his genes. While many matings will be between the alpha male and the various females, there will always be some "cheating" on the part of lower-ranked males. This benefits the genes of the lower-ranked males, even if it may be to the ultimate detriment of the genes in the entire group.


<i>I still fail to understand what it means to believe that rape is "only" about power the way you think some feminists do.</i>

I provide a quote from Susan Brownmiller's book <i>Against our Will</i>. Brownmiller was among the radical feminists who originated the idea that rape is only about power. She writes:

"Man's discovery that his genitalia could serve as a weapon to generate fear must rank as one of the most important discoveries of prehistoric times, along with the use of fire and the first crude stone axe. From prehistoric times to the present, I believe, rape has played a critical function ... it is nothing more or less than a conscious process of intimidation by which <i>all</i> men keep <i>all</i> women in a state of fear."

In other words, rape has nothing to do with inadequate men wanting sex and being willing to get it by force. Rather, it is an orchestrated effort by the entire male population to control and subjugate women.

For reference, this line of thought is sometimes referred to as "second-wave feminism" or "radical feminism". It is what I loosely termed "militant feminism" in previous posts.

I do not think it is constructive to paint all men as oppressors of all women. I don't think it helps us get to the bottom of the question of why rape occurs, or ultimately to try to reduce the incidence of rape. It ignores basic facts which you yourself have referred to as "trivial". But what is trivial to you is far from obvious to radical feminists.
Originally posted by pumpkinsaren'torange
the thing is, most people are too repressed and up-tight about a very naturally occuring thing: SEX.

If you're referring to threads like this, Pumpkins, the point is that some people like to analyse the human psyche and some don't. This does not mean they're not capable of having a good fuck, nor does it mean they are uptight about sex. If you wish to stick your head in the sand, then go back to Free Thoughts and contribute to the latest three word story or figure out which LOTR character your are.